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What are the Different Types of Hybridization?

Hybridisation is a concept that involves the inter-mixing of the orbitals from the same shell to generate a new hybrid orbital that an atom can utilise to build bonds.

Chemistry is the branch of science where we understand the different concepts with theories and logic. Hybridization is an example of a topic that we learn by studying the interactions of different atoms. The article below will go through Hybridisation in-depth, including its types, laws, concept, and examples.


Hybridisation is the process of combining atomic orbitals of different shapes with nearly the same energy to form the same numbers of hybrid orbitals with the same configuration, orientation, and energy with the least amount of repulsion.

Why is there a need to study Hybridization?

Hybridization is a concept that involves the inter-mixing of the orbitals from the same shell to generate a new hybrid orbital that an atom can utilise to build bonds.

To better comprehend it, consider a carbon atom has an atomic no. Six. This indicates that a carbon atom has six protons and six electrons. Due to the same number of electrons and protons, the atom is neutral.


So, according to the above information, that carbon atom’s electron configuration (EC) could be denoted as 1s22s22p1x2p1y. One atom orbital of the carbon must need to be half-filled to form a covalent bond. Hence, the carbon atoms shall only make two covalent bonds with the half-filled orbitals 2p1x2p1y. As per our previous classes, we know that carbon forms the four covalent bonds, so another theory of Hybridisation gives solutions to this concept.

What is Hybridization?

Hybridisation is specified as the mixing of atomic orbitals pertaining to the same atom but with slightly varying energies, so that redistribution occurs among them, which lead to the production of new orbitals with identical energies and shapes. Hence, the hybrid orbitals formed due to the above actions.


To put it another way, when a can of navy blue is combined with a can of white paint, it produces a new shade of sky blue that is neither completely blue nor completely white, but somewhere in the middle; similarly, 2 cans of white and blue paint produce two cans of sky blue paint.


What are the different types of Hybridization?

sp or Diagonal Hybridisation


Sp hybridisation, usually known as diagonal Hybridisation, occurs when two s & one p orbitals belonging to the same primary shell of an atom combine to generate two new identical hybrid orbitals. The molecule generated as a result of this Hybridization has a linear shape with an angle of 180 degrees.

The resulting hybrid orbitals contain 50 percent s and 50 percent p character.


In the bond formation of compound BeH2,


  • At ground state, Be=1s22s22p0
  • At excited state, Be=1s22s12p1x2p0y2p1z

sp2 or Trigonal Hybridisation

This sort of Hybridisation is known as sp2 and occurs when one s and two p orbitals from the same main shell of an atom combine to generate 3 new equivalent hybrid orbitals. It is also known as Hybridization of Trigonal Hybridization. After its Hybridization, the molecule takes on the shape of a triangle planner with a 120-degree angle. The hybrid orbitals make approx. 33.33% s character & 66.66% p character.


In the bond formation of compound BH3,


  • At ground state, B=1s22s22p1x2p0y2p0z
  • At excited state, B=1s22s12p1x2p1y2p0z

sp3 or Tetrahedral Hybridisation

When one p orbital goes in the process of mixing energy to form a new orbital, such kind of Hybridization is called sp hybridization. The molecules possessing sp hybridization used to have a linear shape with an angle of 180°. The molecule formed as a result of this Hybridization is tetrahedral, with an angle of 109o28′. About 25% of the hybrid orbitals generated have s character and 75% have p character.

Important points of Hybridization

  • Orbitals with similar energies (same shell) and belonging to the same atom can hybridise.
  • The amount of hybrid orbitals formed equals the number of mixed orbitals.
  • Both half-filled and fully-filled orbitals are involved in the hybridisation process.
  • Hybridization occurs solely during the bonding process.
  • The type of Hybridization determines the molecule’s shape.
  • In terms of energy and shape, hybrid orbitals are equivalent.
  • Only sigma bonds are formed via hybrid orbitals.


In the above article, we have understood the definition, meaning, and types of Hybridization. Hybridisation is the process of combining atomic orbitals of different shapes with nearly the same energy to form the same numbers of hybrid orbitals with the same configuration, orientation, and energy with the least amount of repulsion.The hybridization is classified into several categories such as sp,sp2,sp3, sp3d,sp3d2,and sp3d3. We also understand the formation of various structures and their angle degree as per the atomic number of an atom.


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