
In this lecture we are going to learn about study of sucrose, sucrose formula, sucrose hindi meaning

C12H22O11 is a crystalline disaccharide made up of fructose and glucose. It is found in many plants, but mostly comes from sugar cane and sugar beets. It is used as a sweetener, preservative, and in the making of plastics and soaps. Sucrose is found in sugarcane, sugar beets, sugar maple sap, dates, honey, and other foods. It is made commercially in large amounts, mostly from sugarcane and sugar beets. It is mostly used as food. Sugar is also shown. Sucrose is found in almost all plants, but only in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) and sugar beets (Sucrose sativum) can it be used for money (Beta vulgaris).

Hindi meaning of Sucrose :

sucrose = दानेदार चीनी

Sucrose formulae:

Sugar is a disaccharide, or two sugars, because it is made up of one molecule of glucose and one molecule of fructose, which are both linked together. When glucose and fructose are combined, one molecule of water (H2O) is lost in the process. As a result, sucrose is represented by the formula C12H22O11, which follows the general formula Cn[H2O]n − 1).

Biosynthesis of sucrose

When plants use light energy, water, and carbon dioxide (CO2), they make sucrose, which is the end product of photosynthesis. This process, which turns light into chemical energy and makes carbon dioxide, leads to the biosynthesis of energy-rich organic compounds. Photosynthesis also releases molecular oxygen into the air.

Carbon dioxide is stored in the chloroplast stroma of plants through the Calvin cycle or the dark reactions of photosynthesis to make triose phosphates, which are important for plant growth.

They can stay in the chloroplast and turn into starch the next night, or they can be transported to the cytosol by a specific transporter, through an antiport with phosphate ions, so that they can be used the next night.

It’s called aldolase, and it helps to make fructose 1,6-bisphosphate in the cytosol, which is where the enzyme is found. Aldolase is also called fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase, and it helps to make fructose 1,6-bisphosphate in the cytosol.

If you break down fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, it can be turned into other hexoses, like fructose 6-phosphate, which can be turned into glucose 6-phosphate in a reversible isomerization reaction that takes place thanks to phosphoglucose isomerase.

Aldolase and phosphoglucose isomerase are two enzymes that play a role in glycolysis, the reverse reactions, and gluconeogenesis, too.

Glucose 6-phosphate is turned into glucose 1-phosphate in a reversible process that is carried out by phosphoglucomutase , an enzyme that also helps make and break down glycogen. UTP can be bound to the anomeric carbon of glucose 1-phosphate to make UDP-glucose, which can then be activated. This is done by UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase   UDP-glucose is a nucleotide sugar that plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism. For example, it is used to make glycogen, galactose, and sucrose in plants, and it is also used to make sucrose in photosynthetic organisms.

Glucose and fructose 6-phosphate are the building blocks for sucrose, which is made in two steps and then stored as sucrose. sucrose 6-phosphate synthase is involved in the first step. It helps to make sucrose 6-phosphate by transferring the sugar moiety of UDP-glucose to the fructose 6-phosphate to make sucrose 6-phosphate.

Sucrose 6-phosphate is dephosphorylated to sucrose by sucrose-phosphate phosphatase, which makes the process irreversible 

When sucrose 6-phosphate synthase is broken down, the equilibrium of the reaction moves toward sucrose-making.

Regulation of biosynthesis

In chloroplasts, starch is made. Sucrose is made in the same way, but it is very tightly controlled and coordinated. In addition to starch metabolism, sucrose 6-phosphate synthase is also a key regulator. It is controlled by allosteric effectors and covalent modifications, such as reversible changes in phosphorylation, which are controlled by the enzyme. Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, which regulates both glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, also has a big part to play.

It also looks like trehalose 6-phosphate is involved. Trehalose 6-phosphate’s job would be to regulate and signal sucrose levels by acting as a negative feedback regulator, which is how it would work.

Role in plants

When plants use sunlight, their cells make a lot of sucrose, which can be found in their non-photosynthetic parts. This sugar is carried through the plant’s phloem and to its other parts.

Can be used for energy or to make starch, cellulose, amino acids, polyphenols, and many other things. It can also go through different metabolic pathways in non-photosynthetic tissues. It also plays a role in how plants respond to abiotic stress and how genes are controlled before and after they are made.

In Tracheophytes, also called vascular plants, it does many of the same things that trehalose does in bacteria, fungi, and insects. Its concentration is 100 to 1000 times higher than that of trehalose, and it does all of these things. The reasons why this is the case aren’t clear. Concentrated sucrose solutions may have been easier to move through the phloem than trehalose because they were less dense.

Some of the places where sucrose can be found

There is a lot of sugar in fruit and vegetables because of the process of photosynthesis. Fructose and glucose are also found in many fruits and vegetables. However, these three carbs are found in different amounts. Sucrose is almost non-existent in tomatoes, grapes, blackberries and cherries, but it’s the main sugar in bananas, mangoes, sweet corn, sweet peas, and carrots, where glucose and fructose are the main sugars, and sucrose is almost non-existent.

It is the main sugar in maple syrup and molasses, where it makes up more than 98% and about 53% of total sugars, respectively. In agave syrup and honey, it makes up about 14% and 1% of total sugars, respectively.


As a carbohydrate, sucrose gives your body the energy it needs to do both physical and mental things. When you eat foods like sucrose and starch, your body breaks them down into fructose and glucose. The fructose and glucose are broken down by your body into energy for your cells.


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