SPDF Blocks

The elements in the long form of the periodic table have been separated into four groups, which are denoted by the letters s, p, d, and f.


One method of grouping elements is to use element blocks, which are also known as element families in some circles. Element blocks differ from periods and groups in that they were formed on the basis of a completely different approach of categorising atoms than periods and groups.

An element block is a collection of elements that are positioned in the same element group as one another. The word was coined by Charles Janet for the first time (in French). The designations of the blocks (s, p, d, and f) were derived from descriptions of spectroscopic lines of atomic orbitals, which were sharp, primary, diffuse, and fundamental, respectively. Although no g-block elements have been discovered to date, the letter g was chosen because it is the letter after f in the alphabetical order.


S-block elements are defined as elements in which the final electron enters the s-orbital of the outermost energy level after entering the s-orbital of the previous electron. The s-block is divided into two groups: Group 1 and Group 2, which are composed of alkali metals and alkaline earth metals, respectively.

The first two groups of the periodic table, the s-block metals, are either alkali metals or alkaline earth metals, depending on their atomic number and chemical composition. They are soft and have low melting points, making them ideal for melting chocolate. They have electropositive properties as well as chemical activity. From the second period on, the metals of the s-block are primarily soft and have low melting and boiling temperatures, with the exception of a few exceptions. The majority of them colourize a flame.

All of the s-elements, with the exception of helium, are extremely reactive chemically. Metals of the s-block have a high electropositive charge and frequently form essentially ionic compounds with nonmetals, particularly with the strongly electronegative halogen nonmetals, which are also highly electropositive.


P-block elements are elements in which the final electron enters the p-orbital of their outermost energy level, which is the case for the majority of elements. The p-block elements are made up of elements from the Groups 13 through 18. It is made up of all different types of elements, including metals, nonmetals, and metalloids.

P-block elements are composed of the last six element groups of the periodic table, with the exception of helium, which is not included. The p-block elements are composed of all nonmetals, with the exception of hydrogen and helium, as well as the semimetals and post-transition metals. Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur, halogens, and a variety of other common elements are included in the P-block element group. Chemical interactions occur when the valence electrons of one molecule are lost, gained, or shared with another molecule. The majority of the time, they form covalent compounds (though the halogens form ionic compounds withs-block metals).

The p-block elements are distinguished by the fact that their valence electrons (their outermost electrons) are located in the p orbital of the atom. The p orbital is made up of six lobed structures that radiate out from a central point at uniformly spaced angles to form a circle. The p orbital has a maximum capacity of six electrons, which explains why there are six columns in the p-block structure. Elements in column 13, the first column of the p-block, have one p-orbital electron, whereas elements in column 14 have two p-orbital electrons. 


The d-block is located in the centre of the periodic table and contains elements from groups 3 to 12; it begins in the fourth period and continues until the end of the table. Ten d-block elements can be accommodated in each of the periods beginning with the fourth. Most or all of these elements are also referred to as transition metals because their physical and chemical properties fall between those of the strongly electropositive metals of groups 1 and 2 and those of the weakly electropositive metals of groups 13 to 16. Transition metals are also referred to as such because they exist in a transitional zone between the strongly electropositive metals of groups 1 and 2 and those of the weakly electropositive metals of groups 13 to 16. Despite the fact that they are still classified as d-block metals, group 3 and group 12 are sometimes not classified as transition metals since they do not exhibit the chemical features that distinguish transition metals, such as various oxidation states and the formation of coloured compounds.

The elements in the d-block are all metals, and the majority of them include one or more chemically active d-orbital electrons. It is possible for the number of electrons engaging in chemical bonding to fluctuate because of the slight difference in energy between the different d-orbital electrons. The d-block elements have a proclivity to exhibit two or more oxidation states that differ by multiples of one, which is known as the d-block effect. The most often seen oxidation states are +2 and +3. 


Fourteen f-block elements are included in each of the periods from the sixth to the ninth. In a conventional 18-column table, the f-block shows as a footnote; however, in a 32-column full width table, the f-block appears at the centre-left of the table. While these parts are generally not recognised to be a part of any particular group, some authors believe that they are a part of group 3. In some circles, they are referred to as “inner transition metals” because they provide a transitional bridge between s-block and d-block in the 6th and 7th row (period), much in the same way that the d-block transition metals serve as a transitional bridge between s-block and p-block in the fourth and fifth rows.

The f-block elements are divided into two series, which correspond to periods 6 and 7. All of them are made of metal. f-Orbital electrons are less active in the chemistry of period 6 f-block elements, while they do make a contribution: these elements are very similar to one another in terms of chemical properties. When it comes to the early period 7 f-block elements, the 5f, 7s, and 6d shell energies are all relatively close; as a result, these elements exhibit as much chemical variety as their transition metal equivalents, which is not surprising. The subsequent f-block elements act in a manner more similar to their counterparts from period 6.


The s-block is divided into two groups: Group 1 and Group 2, which are composed of alkali metals and alkaline earth metals, respectively.

 All of the s-elements, with the exception of helium, are extremely reactive chemically. 

From the second period on, the metals of the s-block are primarily soft and have low melting and boiling temperatures.

P-block elements are composed of the last six element groups of the periodic table, with the exception of helium, which is not included.

The p-block elements are distinguished by the fact that their valence electrons (their outermost electrons) are located in the p orbital of the atom.

The d-block is located in the centre of the periodic table and contains elements from groups 3 to 12.

The elements in the d-block are all metals, and the majority of them include one or more chemically active d-orbital electrons.

The f-block elements are divided into two series, which correspond to periods 6 and 7


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