- Substitution reactions are defined as reactions in which a functional group/atom/molecule of a compound is replaced by another group, or an atom or molecule
- A substitution reaction (also known as a single substitution reaction or a single substitution reaction) is a chemical reaction in which one functional group of a compound is replaced by another
Substitution reactions are of central importance in organic chemistry. Substitution reactions in organic chemistry depend on whether the reagents involved, the reaction intermediates involved in the reaction are carbocations, carbanions, or free radicals, and whether the substrate is aliphatic or aromatic. It is classified as either electronic or nucleophilic. A detailed understanding of the type of reaction can help predict the outcome of the reaction product. It also helps optimize the reaction in terms of variables such as temperature and solvent selection.
A good example of the substitution reaction is halogenation. When irradiated with chlorine gas (Cl
2), some molecules are split into two chlorine radicals (Cl•), and their free electrons show strong nucleophilicity. One of them breaks the shared C-H bond of CH
4 and attacks hydrogen atoms to form electrically neutral HCl. The other radical forms a covalent bond between CH
3• and CH
3Cl (methyl chloride).
Substitution Reaction Conditions
In order for a substitution response to arise there are positive situations that need to be used. They are-
- Maintaining low temperatures inclusive of room temperature
- The robust base inclusive of NaOH needs to be in dilute form. Suppose if the bottom is of a better concentration, there are probabilities of dehydrohalogenation taking place
- The answer desires to be in an aqueous country inclusive of water
SN1 Reaction -Mechanism of SN1 Reaction
There are also certain factors that affect the SN1 response.
Some are explained below:-
- Instead of two concentrations, only one affects concentration of substrate
- The rate equation for the above reaction is described as Rate = k [Sub]
- The reaction rate is determined by the slowest step. Therefore, the leaving group desorbs at a specific rate that helps determine the rate of reaction
- The weaker the conjugate base, the better the leaving group is considered. The SN1 reaction can be determined by the bulky group attached to the carbocation
- The reaction of tertiary carbocations is faster than secondary carbocations, which is faster than primary carbocations. Nucleophiles are not needed at the rate-determining step
The most important in the field of organic chemistry is due to these types of reactions. For example, when CH
3Cl reacts with a hydroxyl ion (OH), this hydroxyl ion forms the original molecule called methanol. The next reaction is:
3Cl + (OH
–) → CH
3OH (methanol) + Cl
Another example is the reaction of ethanol with hydrogen iodide, which forms iodoethane with water. The reaction is as follows:
2OH + HI → CH
2I + H
Example of Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction:
A good example of a nucleophilic substitution reaction is the hydrolysis of alkyl bromide (RBr) under basic conditions, the nucleophile is none other than the base OH-, and the leaving group is Br-.
The following reactions are as follows: RBr + OH- → ROH + Br-
Nucleophilic reactions are equally important in the field of organic chemistry, and these reactions are broadly classified in place of one carbon atom in the saturated aliphatic group.
Electrophilic Substitution Reactions
Electrophiles are involved in electrophilic substitution reactions. Electrophiles are electrophiles that provide electron pairs to form covalent bonds. Electrophilic reactions usually occur with aromatic compounds. These compounds contain excess electrons that can be shared throughout the reaction system.
An electrophilic substitution reaction is basically defined as a chemical reaction in which an electrophile replaces a functional group of a compound but not a hydrogen atom. Examples of electrophile types include hydrogen halides such as hydronium ions (H3O +), HCl, HBr, HI, sulfur trioxide (SO
3), and nitronium ions (NO
Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution
This type of electrophilic substitution replaces the atom attached to the aromatic ring, which is primarily hydrogen, with an electrophile. The reactions that occur are aromatic halogenation, alkylation FriedelCrafts reaction, aromatic nitration, and aromatic sulfonation and acylation. It also includes acylation and alkylation.
Electrophilic Aliphatic Substitution
In this type of electrophilic substitution reaction, the electrophile replaces the functional group. The four electrophilic aliphatic substitution reactions
, similar to the counterparts of the nucleophiles SN1 and SN2, are SE1, SE2 (front side), SE2 (back side), and SEi (replacement electrophile). During the SE1 reaction, the substrate ionizes to form a carbanion, which rapidly recombines with the electrophile. A single transition state occurs during the SE2 reaction in which old and newly formed bonds are present.
Protonation states and nucleophilicity
The protonation state of a nucleophilic atom has a great influence on its nucleophilicity. This is an intuitive idea. Hydroxide ions are much more nucleophilic (and basic) than water molecules because the negatively charged oxygen of hydroxide ions has a higher electron density than the oxygen atoms of neutral water molecules. In practice, this means that the hydroxide nucleophile reacts much faster (about 10,000 times faster) than the water nucleophile in the SN2 reaction with methyl bromide.
Neutral amines are nucleophilic, but protonated ammonium cations are not nucleophilic. For this reason, enzymes that have evolved to catalyze nucleophilic reactions often have basic amino acid side chains that are ready to accept protons from nucleophilic atoms when a nucleophilic attack occurs.
Resonance effects on nucleophilicity
Resonance effects also play a role when comparing the inherent nucleophilicity of different molecules. The relevant reasoning is the same as that used to understand the effect of resonance on basicity. When a lone pair of electrons on a heteroatom is delocalized by resonance, it is inherently less reactive.That is, it is less nucleophilic and less basic.For example, alkoxide ions are more nucleophilic and basic than carboxylic acid groups, even if the nucleophilic atom is negatively charged oxygen in either case. In alkoxides, negative charges are localized to a single oxygen, whereas in carboxylates, charges are delocalized by resonance between two oxygen atoms.
Substitution reactions are chemical reactions characterized by the substitution of a functional group of one molecule or ion with another molecule or ion. in organic chemistry. This chapter describes the mechanism of the substitution reaction and the division into various nomenclatures. Symmetrical methyl transfer reactions are described as an example of nucleophilic SN2 substitution using the state correlation diagram proposed by Shaik and Pross. The Intersecting state model is used to interpret the response tendencies observed in these reactions. Cross-reactivity in methyl transfer is analyzed as Marcus cross-reactivity.