
Combustion is a chemical process that produces heat and light in the form of flame, mostly in the presence of oxygen.

Combustion is a chemical process that produces heat and light in the form of flame and frequently happens in the presence of oxygen. The pace at which the reactants combine is rapid, partly due to the nature of the chemical reaction and partly due to the fact that more energy is created than can escape into the surrounding medium. This causes the temperature of the reactants to increase, speeding up the reaction even more.

Continue reading this study material notes on combustion to learn everything you need to know about it.

Special Combustion Reactions

Flames are the first medium in which the atomic collision process plays a major role. Understanding the basic combustion process is still necessary for finding more cost-effective techniques for using fossil fuels. The term “flame” refers to a light reaction process in its broadest sense, whereas “combustion” refers to a relatively rapid gas-phase reaction.

Hydrogen combustion produces hydroxyl radicals by causing complicated chain reactions involving the collision of nitrogen and oxygen atoms with oxygen and hydrogen molecules, respectively. A combination of hydroxyl and hydrogen molecules forms the ultimate reaction result, which is a gas.

Carbon monoxide combustion is mostly limited to hydrogen or hydrogen compound combinations. The chemical process in this scenario is distinct from that of hydrogen combustion in that it includes a stage of rapid contact between hydroxyl and carbon monoxide.

Pure carbon monoxide and oxygen (or air) mixes can only be ignited with high-energy sparks or at high pressures and temperatures. The chemical mechanism of their burning is unknown, owing to the fact that carbon monoxide oxidation is a process that occurs in the combustion of almost all natural fuels. Almost all natural fuels are burned in the presence of hydrogen or hydrogen compounds: the breakdown of wood, coal, petroleum and other natural fuels creates carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and carbon-hydrogen compounds.

Fuel materials and oxygen, as well as an external source of energy to initiate the combustion cycle and are required to continue the combustion process. Although certain materials will spontaneously combust when exposed to oxygen gas, most compounds require a spark or other source of energy to ignite.

Types Of Combustion

  1. Complete combustion: The reactant burns in oxygen and generates minimal products during full combustion. When a hydrocarbon is burned in the presence of oxygen, the process produces carbon dioxide and water principally. The results of different elements being burnt are essentially common chemical oxides. Carbon gives off carbon dioxide, sulphur gives off sulphur dioxide, while iron gives off iron oxide.
  2. Incomplete combustion: When there isn’t enough oxygen, this combustion occurs, enabling the fuel to totally react, creating carbon dioxide and water. This combustion is similar to full combustion in that it creates water and produces carbon and carbon monoxide instead of carbon dioxide. Products that are pyrolysis stay unburned in this form of combustion, contaminating the resulting smoke with toxic gases.
  3. Smouldering: This is a low-temperature, sluggish, flameless combustion caused by the heat generated when the surface of the fuel is directly assaulted by oxygen. In most cases, it’s an incomplete combustion process. Coal, cellulose, cotton, tobacco, wood, foams, and other solid materials that undergo smouldering burning are examples.
  4. Rapid combustion: Rapid combustion, sometimes known as fire, is a sort of reaction that produces a lot of heat and light and frequently results in a flame. Internal combustion engines and thermobaric weaponry are examples of machinery that employ this reaction. This type of combustion is also referred to as explosive combustion.
  5. Spontaneous combustion: It’s a sort of combustion that starts with self-healing and progresses through thermal runaway to ignition. Phosphorus, for example, self-ignites at ambient temperature without the need for heat.
  6. Turbulent combustion: Since turbulence aids in the mixing of fuels and oxidisers, combustion that results in a turbulent flame is usually used for industrial purposes.

Combustion management

The most feasible percentage of a fuel’s combustion heat must be recovered into the material being processed for efficient process heating. There are several ways for a heating process to lose energy. The most common loss is energy, which escapes with the off-gas (i.e. the flue gas). The temperature and amount of off-gas reflect its energy content. Therefore minimising energy loss is important.

In an ideal scenario, the combustion airflow would be matched to the natural gas flow, ensuring that each hydrocarbon molecule receives the precise quantity of oxygen required for full combustion. Combustion does not occur in a faultless manner in the actual world.

The first rule of combustion management is to provide more oxygen than is theoretically required to ensure that all of the fuel is burned. More than two molecules of oxygen per molecule of methane are required for methane (CH4) burning. The additional oxygen, on the other hand, enters at room temperature and exits at off-gas temperature. More importantly, each molecule of oxygen in the air is accompanied by 3¾ molecules of nitrogen.


To summarise, three things must be present for combustion to occur: a fuel to be burnt, a source of oxygen, and a source of heat. Energy and heat are produced as a result of combustion. Controlling the amount of fuel available, the amount of oxygen accessible, or the supply of heat may be done to regulate or stop the combustion process. New chemical compounds are formed during burning from the fuel and the oxidiser. These compounds are referred to as exhaust. The majority of the exhaust is caused by chemical reactions between the fuel and oxygen.


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