
What an Antiseptic is, its uses and risks involved in using it, the difference between an antiseptic and a disinfectant, Types of antiseptics and examples of some common antiseptics.


An Antiseptic is a chemical agent or substance which is applied to the external body skin to slow or stop the growth of the microorganisms and to prevent any kind of infection. They are basically used in hospitals and medical institutions to reduce the chances of infection during performing any kind of surgery or operation. They are really a great invention of medical science because they are helpful in many cases. They can be also used on any cut, burn or rashes and that’s why they are often seen in the regular household too. They can be used as disinfectants everywhere.

    What is an Antiseptic?

    An Antiseptic, the word has derived from Greek (anti means “against” and sēptikos denotes “putrefactive”). It is a compound or substance which is applied to living skin or tissue to slow the growth of microbes and to reduce the possibility of an infection or sepsis.  They are also kept in the household for various purposes. Sometimes, they can also be used as disinfectants in many places but a large difference exists between an antiseptic and a disinfectant. Although their purposes are the same, they are truly different in nature and their uses are also different.

      Uses Of Antiseptics

      Antiseptics have a variety of uses in our day to day life. Their uses can be seen inside or outside the medical setting. They are really useful in nature and very important to humans. Some basic and important uses have been discussed here.
      • Washing Hands: Antiseptics are used as hand wash, hand scrub or hand rub by medical professionals during any kind of surgery in hospitals. They are also used during normal times in hospitals
      • As a disinfectant of mucous membrane: They can be applied to the urethra, bladder or vagina as a cleaning agent when inserting a catheter. They are also used for any kind of infection in those area.
      • Treatment of skin infections: They can be always used as medicine to treat skin infections and irritations. They are the best medicine to treat small cuts, wounds and skin burns. The antiseptics which are used in this case are OTC or Over the Counter antiseptics such as rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide
      • Cleaning of skin before surgery: They are applied on the skin before performing any kind of surgery or operation to prevent the microbe attack which might be present on the skin at that time
      • Treatment of mouth or throat infections: A lot of medicines which are being used to treat sore throat contain antiseptics in case it is any kind of bacterial infection

      Disadvantages Or Harmful Effects Of Antiseptics

      Although antiseptics can be considered as medicines in many circumstances, they can be harmful too and can cause various kinds of side effects in many cases. The chemicals used in antiseptics can be dangerous. Basically, they are used in diluted form i.e., mixing with water but sometimes, the diluted form also can cause several side effects:-
      • Sometimes, antiseptics can make the medical staff’s hands rough and sore due to regular uses, specifically carbolic acid
      • In many cases, it can cause irritation and allergies and rashes can appear on the skin
      • It can cause redness of skin if applied in large amounts or applied for a long period of time
      • It can be toxic when applied as medicine to treat any kind of internal infection
        • Major Differences between Antiseptics and Disinfectants

          Basically, antiseptics and disinfectants are considered the same product as their purposes are the same. Although, in a wider sense, they are completely different in nature. Both are used to protect against microorganisms, the difference is that antiseptics are used on the living tissues or bodies whereas disinfectants are used on non-living objects like surfaces, rooftops etc. Antiseptics contain lower concentrations of biocides which is a chemical agent found in both antiseptics and disinfectants whereas disinfectants contain higher concentrations of biocides.

            Types of Antiseptics

            Antiseptics are widely used in healthcare for their extensive uses. However, they are also important in regular households. In general, there are two types of Antiseptics. They are:
            • Healthcare Antiseptics: These products are accessible to medical workers and professionals and are generally used in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics and health care centers frequently used in different medical procedures
            • Consumer Antiseptics: These are available in regular households, schools or daycares for general purposes and are easily available in grocery stores or pharmacies
            • Antiseptics can be classified on the basis of their chemical structure. Some are used for all purposes whereas some have few specific purposes. Several types are:
              • Antibacterial dye: Treatment of burns and wounds
              • Chlorhexidine and other diguanides: Used on open wounds and before operations or surgery
              • Ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol: Used as hand sanitisers
              • Halogenated phenol derivative: Used in soaps and solutions
              • Peroxide and permanganate: Used as mouthwash and disinfectant of skin
              • Quaternary ammonium compound: skin disinfectant
              • Quinolone derivative:  Treatment of wounds and used as an ingredient in throat lozenges

              Examples Of Some Common Antiseptics

              Antiseptics are widely used in every corner whether it is for medical purposes or for household purposes. There are some which are used normally for different purposes almost every day. Some common antiseptics which are used almost daily are as follows:-
              • Phenols such as phenols themselves, triclosan, hexachlorophene are used as skin disinfectants and used for sterilizing surgical instruments and also used in households for wound cleaner and disinfectant
              • Diguanides including chlorhexidine gluconate are basically against bacteria and help to prevent the risk of infection after any kind of surgery or operation
              • Alcohols are widely used as common antiseptics for disinfecting the skin before injection and have several other purposes
              • Peroxides such as hydrogen peroxides and benzoyl peroxides are used as the first aids in households for any types of scrapes
              • Iodine in the form of povidone-iodine or tincture of iodine is used as a disinfectant for any kind of cuts which increases healing time and helps in the formation of new tissues
              • Octenidine dihydrochloride is often used as a substitute for chlorhexidine that helps in treating open wounds
              • Quat salts which include benzalkonium chloride/Lidocaine are the surfactants, which are used in disrupting the cell walls
                • Safety Steps Or Prevention

                  Antiseptics contain some dangerous chemical compounds which can be harmful to the human body. Sometimes, it may include some toxic substances which can create various side effects to the body and the skin. Therefore, some safety steps must be taken during its use.
                  • OTC (Over the counter) antiseptics should be avoided in the case of serious wounds such as severe burns, animal bites, eye injuries, cuts containing foreign particles
                  • Some common antiseptics are strong in nature. They should be diluted with water before applying to the wound
                  • If some kind of wound doesn’t get healed after applying antiseptics for a long time the patient should consult the doctor. The same is applicable if some kind of irritation and rashes occur after applying any kind of antiseptics
                  •  Hand sanitisers should be used only when there is no availability of soap and water because regular use would lead to a rough, itchy and more dry skin
                  • Antiseptics should not be used more than recommended
                  • Some antiseptics can be flammable in nature so extra precautions should be taken in this type of case


                  Antiseptics are the substances or chemical compounds that are applied to the skin to prevent any kind of infections caused by microorganisms. They are used in medical centers as well as households for their importance to reduce the spread of germs. Although common antiseptics are safe to use without any consultation, it is better to consult doctors before using them. FDA has recently banned some active ingredients in various types of antiseptics because of their long-lasting effect on the skin, now it can be considered safe still more developments are required in the process. Overall, antiseptics are good but not the best when used for a longer time period.