
Learn about Antibiotics basics, bactericidal, bacteriostatic, narrow spectrum antibiotics.


Typically, Antibiotics are the kind of drugs that fight for our body. These bodies combat harmful microbes or organisms present in our bodies and cure diseases. Almost every human being or organism faces various conditions in life; Antibiotics play an essential role in curing diseases. Antibiotics are generally developed from other microorganisms and bacteria. Antibiotics have many related topics in the syllabus of IIT/JEE aspirants. Elucidating the concept of antibiotics can be helpful.

    About Antibiotics

    The anti-bacterial bodies which combat wounding organisms or bacteria within our body and try to cure us of diseases can be termed antibiotics. Antibiotics are beneficial in case of protozoan infections. Besides, these bodies are not an excellent option for viruses and related microbes. Antibiotics are produced by the fermentation of other organisms like soil bacteria, fungus, mold, and other organisms Different classes of antibiotics are used to treat different health conditions. Bactericidal antibiotics, bacteriostatic and narrow-spectrum antibiotics are some of its classes. Bactericidal antibiotics are used to reduce the bacteria in our body, and on the other hand, bacteriostatic antibiotics are commonly used to stop the developing bacteria in our body. Aside from these two major classes, Narrow spectrum antibiotics are mostly used to treat narrow classes of bacterial infections.


      The word antibiotics are derived from Greek roots ‘Anti’ and ‘Biotikos’ in which bio means life and whole means fit for life. Antibiotics got noticed after the first natural Antibiotic, penicillin, discovered by a Scottish bacteriologist, Alexander Fleming, in 1928. However, antibiotics were also used in ancient periods; In ancient times. No technology could develop synthetic antibiotics at that time, so ancient people treated difficulties with the available sources, e.g., the Egyptians used to put bread with fungus or flesh of certain animals to heal wounds. All ancients used different ways to combat problems by using natural antibiotics. At present, synthetic Antibiotics got remarked and came into use after they were derived from dyes.

        Formation of antibiotics

        Antibiotics are obtained by collecting the resources such as soil bacteria, fungus, mold, other organisms, bacteria, etc. Then all resources or microorganisms are filled in a sizable tank-like container. Then they are processed through a chemical process, namely fermentation. This process helps microorganisms by providing them with necessary nutrition and essential needs. Then all parameters across the tank where the chemical process processes are set as suitable to this fermentation tank. This is a vital stage of the formation of antibiotics. After they are grown well and show the properties of antibodies, they are purified through various processes. After purification, they are shaped and served as antibiotics (or medicine).

          Uses of Antibiotics

          • Antibiotics are very effective against lethal diseases such as kidney infections, skin infections, cough, dental problems, etc
          • Antimicrobial medicines are created to stop the spread (or growth) of harmful diseases in the body
          • Antibiotics help to increase the life duration of one by eliminating fatal diseases
          • These microbes can cure a body that is highly influenced by several harmful bodies quickly. Antibiotics reduce mortality rates
          • A couple of microbial therapies are also considered to cure various diseases. Namely, Microbicidal therapy and Microbiostatic therapy are those therapies. Both medicines work as combat agents but perform different functions; microbicidal treatment is used to combat the lethal microorganisms in the body, whereas microbiostatic treatment is used to stop the growth of that microorganism.

          Groups of Antibiotics


            Penicillin is the first discovered Antibiotic. Alexander Fleming discovered it in 1928. Alexander discovered penicillin unintentionally, but that discovery was significant. Penicillin is used to cure different diseases caused by harmful bacteria or microorganisms.  Penicillium chrysogenum moulds are used to acquire penicillin. There are two types of penicillin used or prescribed widely in several medical treatments.
            • Penicillin G
            • Penicillin VK

            Penicillin G

            Penicillin G is obtained from fermentation from a bacteria named Penicillium chrysogenum naturally and is used to treat various skin diseases and infections, the swelling of the brain or spinal cord (meningitis), and endocarditis. Other general uses of Penicillin G include treatment of syphilis, active against gram-positive bacterial diseases, stomach infections, and penicillin also perform as resistance to some lethal rapid growing microorganisms.

              Penicillin VK

              Penicillin VK is different from Penicillin G, and it’s used for various health issues. Penicillin VK was derived from penicillin G. Some similarities in their properties can be observed due to this derivation, and it is also considered a natural antibiotic. It helped cure various fatal diseases such as staph bacteria, diphtheria, meningitis, gonorrhoea, strep throat, etc.


                Quinolones are antibiotics produced from a synthetic compound called nalidixic acid. Quinolones are highly useful in treating urinary tract infections; these antibiotics are prioritised while treating all urinary tract infections. Quinolones also treat other general difficulties like bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis. Some other common antibiotics:
                • Clindamycin
                • Doxycycline
                • Ciprofloxacin
                • Metronidazole
                • Cephalexin
                • Trimethoprim

                Advanced Strain of Antibiotic or Drug Production

                In modern technology, all strains are advanced genetically with the help of that technology by advancing those means modifying their natural behaviour and changing some properties to use for a specific purpose. The advanced antibiotics are called recombinant DNA technology or R-DNA technology. Strains are swapped their natural properties with their mutant properties to enhance the production of antibiotics; these processes also improve the quality of antibiotics.

                  Antibodies and antibiotics

                  Immunoglobulin is one of the Antibodies that is produced by our immune system. Our immune system makes this antibody to stop any harmful outside harmful (antigen) substance from causing harm. To protect our body’s immunity, antibodies combat this harmful antigen. They invade the foreign particles and obstruct them from causing any damage to the body. In case more antigens are entering our body, they can cause harm to the body. Antigens are also combative against antibodies in our bodies. When these antigens enter our body, the production of antibodies increases automatically to tackle these foreign particles by tying them and attacking them to save immunity.


                    The crucial topic of antibiotics has many related issues. Also, we learned Antibiotic’s definitions, their formation, their advanced strains, their use, some groups and types of Antibiotics, and at last, the role of antibodies in antibiotics. It is the go-to chapter for many other topics also.