
Antacids are chemicals that are used to neutralize stomach acids.

Antacids that are alkaline iom discovered in the 1970 to provide relief to the condition of acidity by neutralizing the effect of acid. The condition of acidity can be seen by the irritation of the stomach which may further result in ulcer at an excess level.At a lower level of acidity heartburn is observed.

They are available in liquid or chewable tablet form and can be purchased without a prescription from pharmacies and retail outlets.

Antacids in brief

Antacids include substances like sodium hydrogen carbonate or a combination of aluminum and magnesium hydroxide. When we consume too much hydrogen carbonate, the stomach becomes alkaline, which stimulates the creation of acids even more. As a result, we use insoluble metal hydroxides that do not raise the pH value above neutral.

These treatments are used to treat the symptoms rather than the underlying reasons. As a result, such metal salts cannot be used to treat the patients. If the acid is not correctly managed, ulcer formation occurs in advanced stages, which can be life-threatening, and the only remedy is the removal of the damaged portion of the stomach.

Acid reflux/GERD

Acid reflux, commonly known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), is a long-term illness in which stomach contents flow into the oesophagus, causing symptoms or difficulties. Acid taste at the back of the mouth, heartburn, foul breath, chest pain, vomiting, breathing problems, and tooth wear are all symptoms. Esophagitis, esophageal strictures, and Barrett’s oesophagus are all complications.


In the treatment of hyperacidity, histamine was a game-changer. In the stomach, histamine increases the release of pepsin and hydrochloric acid. The medicine cimetidine (Tagamet) was created to inhibit histamine from interacting with the receptors in the stomach wall. As a result, the amount of acid released was reduced.

Side effects

Antacids are incredibly valuable medications; however, they do come with some negative side effects. Antacids containing magnesium may produce diarrhoea, whereas those containing calcium or aluminium may cause constipation. Antacid use can lead to kidney stones in the long run. If taken for a long time, the versions that contain aluminium may raise the risk of osteoporosis.


For the most part, antacids are considered to be safe. However, patients with specific medical issues should see their doctors before taking aluminium hydroxide and magnesium carbonate-containing antacids.

People with heart failure, for example, may be restricted in their sodium intake to assist reduce fluid build-up. Antacids, on the other hand, are frequently high in salt. Before taking antacids, these persons should consult their doctor.

After taking antacids, those with kidney failure may acquire an aluminium accumulation. Aluminium poisoning may result as a result of this. Electrolyte balance issues are common in people with renal failure. Electrolytes are found in all antacids, which could exacerbate electrolyte imbalance issues.

Before giving your child antacids, consult with his or her doctor.

If you find yourself needing a lot of antacid to feel better, it could be an indication of something else. Consult your doctor if you haven’t received relief after taking an antacid as directed.

How to take the antacids

Check the package or leaflet for advice on how much and how often to take the antacid. This is dependent on the medication you’re taking.

Antacids should be used when you have symptoms or suspect you will soon develop them; for most individuals, the optimal time to take them is with or shortly after meals, and right before bedtime.

Keep in mind that children’s doses may be lower than adults.

How to antacids work

The active chemicals in antacids are a combination of calcium, magnesium, and aluminium salts.

The acid in the stomach is neutralised by these drugs. They also stop pepsin from working, which is an enzyme that aids in protein digestion. In the stomach, pepsin works with hydrochloric acid to provide the acidic environment required for food digestion.

Some antacids contain alginate Trusted Source, a foamy agent that floats on top of the stomach contents and prevents acid from reaching the oesophagus.

Frequent use of antacid may cause side effects such as constipation,diarrhea, change in color of bowel movements.


Antacids are used for the purpose of neutralization of the occurring acids in the stomach. Consumption of antacid frequently can cause side effects which can be harmful for the body. Antacids are composition of calcium, magnesium and aluminum which makes them a good reagent to neutralize acidity.