Types of Sets

Finite and infinite sets, equal and equivalent sets, and a null set are examples of different types of sets. With the help of examples, there are also a subset and proper subset, power set, universal set, and disjoint sets.

The theory was innovative in that it treated infinite sets as mathematical objects on par with ones that may be built in a finite number of steps. Since antiquity, the majority of mathematicians have carefully avoided including the actual infinite in their arguments (i.e., of sets containing an infinity of objects conceived as existing simultaneously, at least in thought). Cantor’s work was the subject of significant criticism because of this attitude, which continued until virtually the end of the nineteenth century, to the effect that it dealt with fictions—indeed, that it encroached on the domain of philosophers and violated religious values. However, when further applications to analysis were discovered, attitudes began to shift, and by the 1890s, Cantor’s concepts and findings were becoming widely accepted. Set theory was established as a separate subject of mathematics by 1900.

However, other inconsistencies in what is known as naive set theory were uncovered around the same time. An axiomatic framework for the theory of sets, similar to that developed for elementary geometry, was developed to eliminate such issues. The Nicolas Bourbaki Éléments de mathématique (begun 1939; “Elements of Mathematics”) well expresses the degree of accomplishment that has been achieved in this process, as well as the current status of set theory: “It is now recognised that it is theoretically viable to deduce almost all known mathematics from a single source, The Theory of Sets.”

A group of distinct objects is known as a set. A well-defined collection is one in which a rule can be used to determine whether or not a given object belongs to it. The capital letters A, B, C, X, Y, Z, and so on are used to denote sets.

The many sorts of sets are categorised. Singleton, finite, infinite, empty, and other terms are used to describe some of these.

Universal Set

A universal set is a collection of all items pertaining to a specific topic. The letter ‘U’ stands for “universal set.” Let U be a list of all road transport vehicles, for example. This universal set includes a set of automobiles, a set of cycles, and a set of trains.

Finite and Infinite Sets

A finite set is any set that is either empty or has a finite number of elements. Infinite sets are defined as sets with an undefined or uncountable number of items. A = a, e, I o, u is a finite set since it represents the English alphabetical vowel letters.

B = {x: x is a number that appears on a dice roll}, and it is also a finite set because it has 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 elements.

An infinite set is C = {p: p is a prime number.}

D = k is an infinite set since {k is a real number.}

Empty or Null or Void Set

The empty, null, or void set is any set that doesn’t include any elements. An empty set is symbolised by the symbol – {} or φ. Examples:

Because there is no natural integer between 9 and 10, A = {x : 9 < x < 10, x is a natural number}. As a result of this, A = {} or φ

Because there are only 7 days in a week, W =  {d: d > 8, d is the number of days in a week} will also be a void set.


Sets can be represented in two ways: the Roster form and the Set-Builder form. Both of these forms can be used to describe the same data, but the style differs in each case. A collection of well-specified data is defined as a set. In mathematics, a set is a tool that may be used to classify and collect data from the same category, even though the items in the set are entirely different from one another.

Sets are an important idea in modern mathematics. Sets are now employed in practically every discipline of mathematics in the modern period. A set is a group of specific objects or a collection of specific things in mathematics. Relationships and functions are defined in terms of sets. A strong understanding of sets is necessary for the study of probability, geometry, and other subjects. The sets can take a variety of formats. The fundamentals of set theory and set representation will be covered in depth in this essay.


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What kinds of sets are there?

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In mathematics, what do sets mean?

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