CAT 2023 » CAT & Other MBA Exams Notifications » CAT Syllabus 2023 – CAT Exam Syllabus – Download Latest PDF

CAT Syllabus 2023 – CAT Exam Syllabus – Download Latest PDF

A comprehensive understanding of the CAT exam syllabus is essential for effective exam preparation. The official CAT notification has provided information on the paper pattern, test process, and the CAT exam date. To succeed in the CAT entrance test this year, candidates should acquaint themselves with the CAT syllabus for 2023. 

CAT, or the Common Admission Test, is for candidates who want to attend management programs at the post-graduation level. The CAT 2023 exam will take place on November 26 (tentatively). The first week of August will see the launch of registration for the CAT exam 2023 at Candidates will need to create a login ID, complete the application form, and pay the exam cost in order to register for the CAT in 2023. In the final week of July 2023, the IIM that is hosting the exam will formally announce the CAT 2023 exam date.

The CAT syllabus includes three different sections and several topics under each. It is important to score well in every section to get a good percentile.

CAT Syllabus 2023

CAT 2023 exam syllabus include 3 subjects i.e., Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning, Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension and Quantitative Aptitude. The Quantitative Ability section of the CAT syllabus covers the topics of mathematics up to class 10/12 such as arithmetic, numbers, geometry, algebra, and mensuration, while the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension section covers the important topics of verbal reasoning and reading comprehension. Under the Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning syllabus, the topics like tables, bar graphs, puzzles and reasoning-based data will be concluded.

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As usual, CAT 2023 will be a CBT, that is, a computer-based test. CAT has changed its pattern many times which includes the number of questions, total time duration, total marks, number of sections, sectional time limit etc. In CAT 2021, the sections had an individual time limit of 40 minutes. 

Check the complete overview in the below-provided table

Total Questions66
Section-wise Questions

Quantitative Aptitude: 22

Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation: 20

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension: 24

Time allotted per section40 minutes each
Mode of ExaminationComputer-based 
Medium of ExaminationEnglish

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CAT Question PapersBest Books for CAT PreparationCAT Result
CAT 2021 Question PaperCAT 2022 Eligibility CriteriaCAT 2022 Exam Pattern
CAT 2020 Question PaperCAT Mock TestCAT Question Paper 2019 PDF

CAT Syllabus: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) is an essential section in the CAT syllabus, and you will get 40 minutes to answer the questions. The Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) questions are moderately difficult. The section on Reading Comprehension has the maximum weightage and therefore requires more focus. 

VARC TopicsNo. of Questions in CAT ExamDifficulty Level
Reading Comprehension16Moderate to Difficult
VA-Parajumbles3Moderate to Difficult
VA-Odd Sentence2Easy to Moderate
VA-Summary3Easy to Moderate
Total24Moderate to Difficult level

In CAT, there are questions that are summary-based, odd sentences and para jumbles. Over the past few years, there have been changes in the number of questions in each set. Currently, there are a total of 24 Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) questions.

The detailed syllabus is listed below.

GrammarOne-word substitutionVerbal reasoning
Sentence completionIdiomsSyllogisms
Fill in the blanksPrepositionParts of speech
English UsageOne word substitutionPhrases modifiers
Synonyms and Antonyms Vocabulary Types of clausesSubject-verb agreement
Jumbled paragraphsArticles usageForeign language words used in English
Sentence correctionErrors in tensesAnalogies
Verbal logicPara jumblesDifferent usage of same word

CAT Syllabus: Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR)

The Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) section has questions that will test your ability to read and analyse visual representations of data. It will also test your ability to think logically. You may well also need to structure data that appears unstructured. The entire Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) section is quite difficult. This is because the questions can be varied, covering a broad range of topics and the section requires the candidate to have sound skills in logical reasoning and data representation.

DILR SectionsNo. of QuestionsLevel of Difficulty
Data Interpretation4Easy
Data Interpretation4Moderate
Logical Reasoning6Moderate to difficult
Logical Reasoning6Easy to Moderate
Total20Moderate to Difficult level

The questions can be on Data Arrangement, Number based reasoning, Missing Data, Set theory, Games and Tournament, Abstract Data etc.

There have been recent changes on the number of questions in Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR). CAT 2021 had 20 questions in 4 LRDI sets – 2 sets of 4 questions each and 2 sets of 6 questions each. The LRDI questions can come from the following topics:

Clocks and CalendarsSeriesSyllogism
StatementsBlood RelationsVenn Diagram
Data ArrangementPropositionData Structures
Family TreeDirection SenseTables
Binary LogicCoding-DecodingPie Charts
Seating ArrangementAssumptionsData Sufficiency
Sets & CaseletsPuzzlesBars & Line Graphs

CAT Syllabus: Quantitative Aptitude (QA)

This is an extensive section in the CAT syllabus. The questions in the Quantitative Aptitude (QA) section vary from moderate to high difficulty levels. The question will be from the following categories: Arithmetic, Geometry and Mensuration, Algebra, Modern Mathematics, and Number Systems. For the last few years, the Arithmetic section has the highest weightage while Modern Mathematics and Number Systems have the lowest. In recent years, there have been changes to the total number of questions in the entire Quantitative Aptitude (QA) section. Candidates will now have only 22 questions.

QA SectionsNo. of QuestionsLevel of Difficulty
Modern Maths4Moderate
Total22Moderate Level

Here is the syllabus for exam preparation:

GeometryRatios and ProportionInequalities
TrigonometryIn-equations Quadratic and linear equationsWork and Time
AlgebraSurds and IndicesPercentages
Partnership (Accounts)Number SystemSquare Root and Cube Root
Profit & LossGeometric ProgressionProbability
Mean, mode, medianBinomial theoremSimple interest and compound interest

Latest Changes in CAT Exam Syllabus

Over the last couple of years, there have been certain changes in CAT. These changes have been in the exam pattern and syllabus. You will find the latest changes in the table below. 

Syllabus and Exam Pattern Changes (2019-2020)Changes (2020-2021)
Total Number of Questions Reduced to 76 from 100Reduced to 66 from 76
Raw ScoreReduced to 228 from 300Reduced to 198 from 228
Total Number of VARC Questions Reduced to 26 from 34Reduced to 24 from 26
Total Number of  DILR Questions Reduced to 24 from 32Reduced to 20 from 24
Total Number of QA Questions Reduced to 26 from 34Reduced to 22 from 26

CAT Exam Syllabus Weightage: Learning from Past Trends

Check the CAT Exam syllabus weightage as per the previous year trends –


Sections Sub-Sections No. of Questions   Weightage %
Quantitative Aptitude Arithmetic 8 36
Geometry and Mensuration 4 18
Algebra 6 28
Modern Mathematics 2 9
Number Systems 2 9
Verbal Ability, & Reading Comprehension Reading: Comprehension Based Questions 16 68
Odd Sentences 1 4
Para-Summary 3 12
Para-Jumbles 3 12
Others: (Sentence Completion or Correction, Fill in the blanks, Vocabulary Based, etc.) 1 4

Logical Reasoning & Data Interpretation

(It previously came in three slots:

The first slot includes: Arranging People into Countries & Categories, Bar Graph – Percentages, Table – Girls making a smoothie, and Table- Relationships.




The second slot included: Rating, Games and Tournaments, Bar Graph – Stacked Horizontal, and Number Based Reasoning.







The third slot included: Games and Tournaments (Javelin), Mixtures, Gantt Chart, and Content Creation.

Arranging People into Countries & Categories 6 30
Bar Graph – Percentages 4 20
Table – Girls making a smoothie 6 30
Table- Relationships 4 20
Rating 6 30
Games and Tournaments 4 20
Bar Graph – Stacked Horizontal 4 20
Number Based Reasoning 6 30
Games and Tournaments (Javelin) 6 30
Mixtures 4 20
Gantt Chart 4 20
Content Creation 6 30

CAT Exam Pattern 

Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning2040 min60 
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension 2440 min  72
Quantitative Ability 2240 min66

Important Topics of CAT

The following are the key themes for the CAT syllabus 2023, from which the most question was asked in recent years. 

Subject Important topicsWeightage
Reading ComprehensionQuestions based on passages, order of sentences, para meaning.24%
Verbal AbilityPara summary, Para jumbles, Inferences and Sentence Completion  10%
Logical ReasoningSeating Arrangement, Blood Relation, Syllogismand Caselets16%
Data InterpretationTables, Pie Charts, Graphs, Venn Diagram16%
Quantitative AptitudeGeometry,  Arithmetic, Algebra, Mensuration, Number System34%

Quick Links:

CAT Question PapersBest books for CAT PreparationCAT Result
CAT 2021 Question PaperCAT 2022 Eligibility CriteriaCAT 2022 Exam Pattern
CAT 2020 Question PaperCAT Mock TestCAT Question Paper 2019 PDF

How to Prepare for CAT VARC, DILR and QA?

Preparation for Quantitative Ability

CAT aspirants should start with the Number System part, then go on to Algebra, Permutation and Combination, and finally the other topics.

  • Concentrate more on the themes. Because you cannot address complicated problems if your fundamentals are unclear
  • Learn tables up to 40, square up to 30, cubes up to 20, and fraction % equivalents up to 25. This will help you save time
  • Put all crucial formulae in the formula notebook and review them regularly
  • Try to answer each question in under 2 minutes
  • You must answer more questions in very little time throughout the exam. So it is preferable to spend time answering three simple questions rather than one complex question

Preparation for Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning

The DILR has been the most challenging of the three portions over the last two years. This topic is more challenging because there is no established syllabus. As a result, only one way to be successful is to practise. Here are some pointers to consider when studying for DILR:

  • Candidates should focus more on the Syllogism because it is a high-scoring portion. Venn diagrams may also be used to answer critical questions
  • Candidates should solve questions based on inequalities. Public methods questions involving arrangements should begin by solving problems with a limited number of variables and eventually progress to questions with more variables
  • Candidates are prone to misinterpreting queries with complicated reasoning. As a result, it is advised to re-read the topics in this section several times

Preparation for Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension 

VARC is the component that many applicants find difficult and so fearful. This part thoroughly assesses your command of the English language. It includes the following questions:

  • Candidates should choose the questions and paragraphs from the unseen passages segment they are most familiar with. If an individual is typical with fact passages, then they should avoid queries that require critical thought
  • Candidates should employ a two-step approach. They must divide the VARC portion into two sections: one for Reading Comprehension and one for the rest of the subject
  • Don’t rely on speculation or answer grammar-related questions haphazardly. Just based on inference, ensure that an informed deduction is made. If a topic is too complicated, go on to the next one. Don’t squander your time on a single inquiry
  • Even as deductive logic necessitates reasoning and para jumbles, candidates can travel between the topics to make the best accurate decision
  • When trying the Reading Comprehensions part, read through the questions before reading the passage
  • Candidates scoring at or above the 85% level should concentrate more on Vocabulary and Grammar, Deductive Logic, Sentence Completion, Critical Reasoning,  Para Jumbles, Para-Completion, and Summary Questions

Preparation Tips to Complete CAT Exam Syllabus

Here are some more key CAT preparation ideas for hopefuls to consider. Some simple techniques are as follows:

  • Analyse and grasp

Before devising a strategy for how to study for CAT 2023, aspirants should first review the test pattern for CAT. Examining the number of sections, themes, and sub-topics covered in prior years’ exams. Before taking any examinations, go through these points and try to find your primary areas, which topics need work on, and so on. The analysis is performed not only before the CAT 2023 preparation but also during and after your CAT preparation.

  • Time Management

Candidates must design a plan to answer all questions in the 40 minutes given to each segment. Candidates who manage their time can put their efforts into productive outcomes. Divide the 24 hours so that you may practise each portion every day. 

  • Take the Mock Test

Almost all top scorers admit that their achievement was influenced in some way by the CAT mock test they took. Giving CAT Mock tests is one of the most excellent methods for preparing for CAT since they provide applicants with a simulated exam setting. The benefits of the mock test include time management, self-assessment, accuracy in answering questions, and recognising the level of anxiety on exam day.

  • Practice all you’ve learned

CAT experts encourage applicants to put their words into action. Regularly practising what you know can help you access what else is needed throughout CAT preparation. Each item should be studied and practised periodically to keep it fresh in your memory.

  • Focus on the Concepts

 You must be clear about the various topics under each category. Understand the basics of these topics before moving on to problem-solving. 

  • Practice Previous Years’ Questions

This is one of the best ways to prepare for the exam. Solve as many questions as possible from at least ten previous question papers. The patterns may have changed, but you can still find some common concepts. 

  • Time Management

When preparing, time yourself to see how long you are taking to complete certain sections. This will help you understand which areas you need to improve your speed.

  • Clear Doubts

It is normal to have doubts when studying topics for CAT. But you need to clear them as soon as possible. Talk to your tutors and interact with peers to address your doubts. This will ensure that no topic is confusing to you, and you will have a better chance of scoring high.


The Common Admission Test, or CAT, is the most challenging entrance test, and only the best will be admitted to IIMs and other top CAT-accepting B-schools in India. When the prior CAT is examined, the result rate is relatively low. Only 2% of individuals who take the admission test get contacted by one of the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs). As a result, following the curriculum is essential.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the CAT Syllabus 2023.

Do you need to prepare all topics in the CAT syllabus?

Answer: Yes, it is crucial to prepare every topic in the syllabus. You cannot skip an entire topic as multiple quest...Read full

Does the CAT syllabus vary from year to year?

Answer: The CAT syllabus does not change frequently. There have been a few changes since 2019, but most subjects in ...Read full

When should you start preparing for the CAT?

Answer: The best time to start preparing for the CAT is at least six months before the exam. However, you can start ...Read full

How many times can you take the CAT?

Answer: There is no limit to the number of times you can take the CAT. You can attempt to take the exam as many time...Read full

What is the syllabus for the CAT exam?

Answer: The CAT exam syllabus includes sections such as Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning ...Read full

Are there any specific books recommended for CAT preparation?

Answer: Several books are recommended for CAT preparation, such as “How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT” by Arun Sharma, &...Read full

Are there any sectional time limits in the CAT MBA 2023 exam?

Answer: Yes, each section in CAT 2023 has a sectional time limit of 60 minutes. Candidates cannot switch between sections during the exam.

Are there any changes in the CAT MBA 2023 syllabus compared to previous years?

Answer: CAT syllabus may remain relatively consistent, but it’s advisable to refer to the official CAT website or notifications for any updat...Read full

Which subjects should I emphasize for the QA section in the CAT MBA 2023 exam?

Answer: The QA section evaluates your mathematical and quantitative skills. It includes topics like arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and number theor...Read full

What topics should I concentrate on for the DILR section in the CAT MBA 2023 exam?

Answer: The DILR section assesses your data interpretation and logical reasoning abilities. Practice problem-solving and analysis in topics such as...Read full

What are the main sections of the CAT exam syllabus for MBA?

Answer: The CAT exam syllabus for MBA comprises three key sections: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logica...Read full

How should I approach CAT exam syllabus preparation for MBA to maximize my chances of success?

Answer: Effective preparation involves creating a well-structured study plan, regular practice, time management, and taking mock tests. Focus on bu...Read full