A family tree is a chart or diagram that depicts the relationships between generations of families over time. Names, birth dates, marriage dates, and images can all be found in a family tree. Family trees can be simple, containing only your immediate relatives, or they can span many generations, allowing you to discover where you came from, who your ancestors were, and how you are linked to them.
What is a Family Tree?
The most frequent way of visually recording one’s lineage is through a family tree. A box for each member is included in most family tree charts, and each box is connected to the others to show relationships. Depending on the desired intricacy of the family tree diagram, each box may include dates, birthplaces, and other information in addition to each individual’s name.
A generation is usually grouped into a single level so that it’s easy to distinguish which ancestors came before which generation because they’re physically above them on the tree. A marriage is indicated by a horizontal line between two boxes. The offspring from that marriage are indicated by a bracket from a couple to a lower set of boxes. Although most family trees are drawn vertically, they can also be drawn sideways.
Creating a Family Tree
Starting with a family tree template is the simplest approach to draw a family tree. The family tree template in SmartDraw comes with a basic family structure already in place. This is something you can build on. There are buttons to add descendants, ancestors, spouses, and siblings that are simple to use. You’ll need to choose which generation to begin with. You might begin with yourself and work your way backwards, or you can begin with an older generation, such as great grandparents, and work your way down.
Determine the number of generations you want to display.
Begin by drawing backwards from yourself, or downwards from the oldest generation.
Each member of your family will be represented by a box that is related to others by lines that show their relationships.
By clicking the respective SmartPanel buttons to the left, you can add descendants, ancestors, spouses, and siblings. SmartDraw joins the boxes that are added or moved automatically.
You can add birth dates, images, and anything else to your tree that will make it more interesting.
Each layer should represent a single generation to make your diagram easier to interpret.
![family tree.jpeg]()
i) When depicting a relationship between two members, use symbols and notations such as +, -, =, and so on. For example, if Sita is Suresh’s wife, we may use the = symbol to indicate their relationship. Suresh=Sita
ii) Try to answer the questions using your own family as an example.
iii) To acquire an easy answer for the problem, break the supplied sentence at is/was/as and resolve it from last point to is/was/as.
Blood Relation Family Tree Questions
1.(A) Rupesh presents Poonam as the daughter of his father’s wife’s only son. What is the relationship between Poonam and Rupesh?
i) Cousin
ii) Nephew
ii) The daughter
iv) Your aunt
Explanation: Break the provided sentence into as many parts as possible.
Continuing from the previous point, Rupesh believes that
My father’s wife – mother
Rupesh, the only son of the mother.
Rupesh’s daughter – daughter
So, daughter is the answer.
2.Read the facts carefully and then respond to the question below.
1. P, Q, R, X, Y, and Z are the six members of a family.
2. Q is R’s son, but R is not Q’s mother.
3. P and R are husband and wife.
4. R’s brother is Y, and P’s daughter is X.
5. Z is P’s younger brother.
1. What is the name of R’s brother-in-law?
2. How many female family members are there?
3. What is the relationship between Q and X?
4. What is the relationship between Y and P?
Steps to be followed:
1. R’s son is Q. Draw this one in different horizontal rows with thick lines. Assume they are both male.
2. Because P and R are in the same row, use => between them.
3. In the same row, connect Y and R with a dotted line.
4. Draw a thick line from X to P in a different row. X is ‘–’ in this case.
5. Take Z as a ‘+’ and add it to P.
6. Q and X are brother and sister, respectively.
1. Brother in law refers to the brother of the woman, i.e. Z.
2. There are two female members with ‘-‘ symbols, namely P and X.
3. Q is X’s brother.
4. Y is P’s brother in law, i.e. her husband’s brother.
Most competitive exams include a section on blood relations as part of the reasoning section. The term “blood relation” refers to the various relationships that exist among family members. You must determine the relationship between certain family members based on the information provided.