What is Sentence Correction?

In this article we will discuss about the What is Sentence Correction?, traditional grammar, subject and predicate, functional linguistics.

Sentence correction is often taken by students to be English grammar. It is one of the most essential and high-scoring sections in the verbal ability component of any test. This is a mistake, because the questions in this part are based not just on the principles of grammar, but also on proper word usage. Because they are unfamiliar with the various intricacies of the language, pupils find it difficult to crack them. Despite the fact that the complexities of this language are significantly greater than what can be discussed here, we can take a shortcut to answering these problems.

What is Sentence Correction?

Correction of a Sentence or an Error In each competitive test, spotting is one of the highest scoring areas of the verbal portion. One or more phrases are presented in these questions, with certain sections underlined or bolded. You must verify the statement for any errors, as well as the highlighted sections of it. As a result, you will select the grammatically right choice.

Candidates are generally uncomfortable with this topic since it is dependent on grammatical rules, and English is a subject in which even native English speakers make mistakes. As a result, applicants should practise as many sentence correction questions as possible in order to master them.

Rules for Sentence Correction

Rule 1: With terms like kind of, kind of, type of, and so on, the articles a/an or the are not used.

Rule 2: Sentences that begin with the phrases “each of,” “one of,” or “none of” are always followed by the plural form of the noun.

Rule 3: When not employed as a single unit, the collective noun uses a plural verb.

Rule 4: When a repeating action is difficult, use Present Continuous tense rather than plain present tense.

Rule 5: Use simple present tense for the conditional clause and simple future tense for the other clause if two action clauses in a sentence will take place in the future.

Rule 6: Use the past perfect for impossible past conditions, and the Would+Have+ 3 form of verb for plausible outcomes. The past perfect tense is used to describe impossible past events.

Traditional Grammar

Traditional grammar is a collection of prescriptive rules and concepts about language structure that is commonly taught in schools. Traditional English grammar, sometimes known as school grammar, is mostly based on Latin grammar principles rather than modern linguistic study in English.

Traditional grammar establishes what is and is not right in the English language, disregarding culture and modernization in favour of tradition. Traditional grammar is frequently regarded archaic and constantly questioned by specialists since it is quite inflexible and entrenched in the traditions of the past. Despite this, many children nowadays are taught this appropriate, historical version of grammar.

Negative Consequences of Teaching Traditional Grammar 

Traditional grammar divides experts definitely, but what influence does it have on students? “Traditional school grammar (i.e., the definition of parts of speech, sentence parsing, and so on) has little influence on increasing the quality of student writing,” George Hillocks says in practise. Every facet of schooling examined in this research is more effective. When taught poorly, grammar and mechanics instruction has a detrimental influence on student writing.

Subject and Predicate

 Every complete judgment has two corridor a subject and a predicate. The predicate is information about the subject, whereas the subject is what( or whoever) the expression is about. In the following rulings, the predicate is enclosed in braces(), whereas the subject is stressed. 

Judy takes off running.

Every morning, Judy and her dog go for a run on the beach.

To figure out what a sentence’s subject is, isolate the verb and then ask “who?” or “what?” before it; the answer is the subject.

The audience strewn shredded wrappers and spilt popcorn all over the theatre floor.

The verb “littered” is used in the preceding phrase. Who or what was responsible for the litter? The crowd did as well. The sentence’s topic is “the audience.” The predicate (which always contains the verb) continues by discussing the subject: what about the audience? “It covered the theatre floor with shredded wrappings and spilt popcorn,” according to the report.

Functional Linguistics

Functional linguistics is a method of studying language that takes into account both the speaker and the hearer, as well as the communication requirements of the speaker and the language community in question.

The utility of language and its constituents, according to functionalism, is the key to understanding linguistic processes and structures. Because language is primarily a tool, functional theories of language imply that its structures should be investigated and understood in terms of the tasks they perform. The jobs of expressing meaning and contextual information are among them.


Judgment correction, also known as judgment enhancement, is a grammatical exertion in which a judgment is presented with a word or expression that has to be changed or bettered. To have a deeper grasp of a statement, it must be modified grammatically and contextually. When a judgment is grammatically incorrect in the areas of ‘ Tense and time, ’ ‘ Number of Subjects and verbs in a judgment , ’ ‘ operation of proper composition before a noun, ’ ‘ Identification of Adjective and Adverb, ’ and ‘ Forms of the verb employed rightly, ’ judgment enhancement is always necessary.


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