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S-p Overlapping

A chemical bond is defined as the force that holds atoms in a chemical molecule together. We also discussed two idealised types of bonding: covalent bonding, in which electrons are shared between atoms in a molecule or polyatomic ion, and ionic bonding, in which electrostatic forces hold positively and negatively charged ions together.

Chemical bonding is the attractive force that holds diverse constituents (atoms, ions, and so on) together and stabilises them by causing them to lose energy. As a result, the strength of chemical bonds between constituents determines the stability of chemical compounds; the stronger the bonding between constituents, the more stable the final complex.

Hybridisation is the process of mixing atomic orbitals of diverse forms and almost identical electricity to produce a range of hybrid orbitals with the same shape, electricity, and orientation, with the least amount of repulsion between them. Quantum mechanics lies at the heart of this intermixing.

Types of hybridisation

Hybridisation S-P

When one S and one P orbital within the same main shell of an atom mix to form two new equal orbitals, this is known as S-p hybridisation. The newly produced orbitals are known as S-p hybridised orbitals. It keeps track of linear molecules with a 180-degree angle.

Hybridisation Sp2

When the ones and p orbitals of the same shell of an atom combine to form three equivalent orbitals, this is known as Sp2 hybridisation. Sp2 Hybrid orbitals are the new orbitals that have been created.

It is also known as Trigonal hybridisation.

It includes combining one ‘S’ orbital with one ‘P’ orbital of the same energy to create the Sp2 hybrid orbital.

The trigonal symmetry of a combination of S and p orbitals are maintained at 1200.

All three hybrid orbitals remain in the same plane and have a one hundred twenty-degree angle with each other. Each hybrid orbital has a 33.33 percent ‘S’ individuality and 66 percent ‘a’ individuality.

The triangular planar shape is found in molecules where the main atom is connected to a few other atoms and is Sp2 hybridised.

Hybridisation Sp3

The type of hybridisation known as tetrahedral hybridisation or Sp3 occurs when one’s’ orbital and three ‘p’ orbitals from the same shell of an atom combine to form four new equal orbitals. As a result, the newly created arrangement is known as Sp3 hybridization.

Hybridisation Sp3d

The joining of 3p and ld orbitals to generate 5 Sp3d  hybridised orbitals of similar energy is known as Sp3d hybridization. Their bipyramidal geometry is trigonal.

Valence bond theory

The valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory is a model that uses the number of valence shell electron bond pairs amongst atoms of a molecule or ion to anticipate 3-D molecular shape. This model suggests that pairs of electrons will position themselves in such a way as to reduce mutual repulsion. To put it another way, the electron pairs are as far apart as they can be.

VSEPR Theory-Based Angle Distortions

Differences in repulsion between different regions of electron density can cause tiny aberrations from ideal angles. By defining an order of repulsions and an order of the amount of space occupied by different sorts of electron pairs, VSEPR theory predicts these distortions. The following is a list of electron-pair repulsions in order of highest to least repulsion:

bonding pair-bonding pair > bonding pair-bonding pair > lone pair-lone pair

S-p hybridisation

S-p Hybridisation can explain the chemical bonding of compounds containing triple bonds, like alkynes. The electrons in the 2s orbital combine with just one of the three available p orbitals, according to the electron arrangement of carbon. There are two hybrid S-p orbitals and two unaltered p orbitals as a result of this. 

The overlap of adjacent/approaching SP-Sp hybrid orbitals on each carbon atom, for example, holds C2h2 together. The final binding is a sigma bond, with extra pi bonds generated by P-P orbital overlap; triple bonds are actually made up of two separate types of bonds, sigma and pi. Each carbon also forms a sigma bond with a hydrogen, this time via the S-Sp orbital overlapping.


In chemistry, hybridization refers to the mixing of distinct atomic orbitals to create new hybrid orbitals with unique properties. Hybridizations such as S-p, Sp2, and Sp3 are examples. The main distinction between S-p, Sp2, and Sp3 hybridization is that S-P hybridization produces hybrid orbitals with 50%s orbital characteristics, whereas Sp2 hybridization produces hybrid orbitals with 33%s orbital characteristics and Sp3 hybridization produces hybrid orbitals with 25% orbital characteristics.


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