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Electrochemical Reactions

Let's discuss Electrochemical Reactions; we will know how to define Electrochemical reactions and will get to know what is Electrochemical reaction also.

An electrochemical reaction is a reaction that is caused and or enhanced by the flow of an electric current, typically involving transfers of electrons from two materials; one is a solid, the other liquid. The chemical reaction process is caused by the absorption or release of heat and not another form of energy. However, the chemical reaction can be characterised by various chemical processes that, when allowed to occur when they come into contact with two conductors of electronic circuits, separated by conductors– release the energy known as electrical energy. Then an electric current is created. In contrast, the energy generated by an electric current could be utilised to initiate numerous chemical reactions that do not happen spontaneously. The direct conversion of energy into an electric cell’s properly organised chemical form. 

Electrochemical Processes

The process in which electrical energy is transformed directly into chemical energy is a part of electrolysis, i.e. the electrolytic procedure. Due to their combined physical energy and chemical power, results from an electrolytic process tend to spontaneously react with one another, creating the chemical substances that were reactants and thus consumed in electrolysis. If this reverse process occurs under certain conditions, a significant portion of the energy utilised during electrolysis could be recovered. This is a possibility utilised in storage cells, also known as accumulator set-ups, called storage batteries. The charging process of an accumulator is a method of electrolysis. The chemical change occurs due to the current of electricity that flows through it. After the cell’s discharge, a reverse chemical change occurs, with the accumulator acting as a cell that generates electricity.

  • Electrochemistry is a subfield of chemistry that focuses on converting electrical energy into chemical energy.

  • An electrochemical cell is a gadget that converts energy generated by chemical reactions into electricity and electrical energy into chemical energy.

  • An electrochemical reaction requires:

    • A solution in which redox reactions may occur.

    • Conductors are used to facilitating electron transfer.

    • A salt bridge that allows the ions to pass through.

Examples of Electrochemical reactions

The galvanic cell can generate electrical energy through spontaneous REDOX reactions inside the cell. The cell comprises two different metals joined by the salt bridge.

Electrons always flow from the half cell of oxidation (the anode) to the reduction half cell (the cathode); that is, they flow from the negative reaction of the half to the positive reaction.

Another excellent example of an electrochemical reaction is the process of corrosion. A piece of iron will quickly rust after exposure to water. An electrochemical process increases the corrosion rate. The water droplet transforms into an in-situ galvanic cell in contact with the iron (it alters and erodes the iron).

Iron provides electrons near the droplet’s edges that eliminate oxygen from the air. The iron’s surface within the droplet serves as the anode.

Fe(s) → Fe₂(s) + 2e⁻

The electrons pass through the iron, eventually reaching the surface of the droplet of water which is

O₂(g) + 2H₂O(l) + 4e⁻ → 4OH(aq)⁻

The hydroxide ions are now reacting with iron ions to form the iron (III) hydroxide (a precipitate)

Fe₂(aq) + 2OH⁻(aq) –> Fe(OH) + 2(s)

Rust is produced through the oxidation process of the precipitate

4Fe(OH)₂(s) + O₂(g) → 2Fe₂O + 3H₂O(s) + 2H₂O(l)

Applications of Electrochemical reaction

Electrochemical processes are utilised in numerous ways, and their usage is expected to grow as they can replace chemical pollution with non-polluting electrochemical ones. They have proven to be profitable for a certain period in many areas. The main categories are listed below.


All important metals for technology, except steel and iron, are either derived or refined through electrochemical processes. For instance, aluminium, titanium, alkaline earth and alkali metals are made by electrodeposition using molten salts. Copper is refined through electrolysis in the solution of aqueous copper.

Chemical industry

Electrolysis of brine to make Caustic and chloride is an electrochemical reaction that has evolved into one of the largest quantities of products in the chemical industry. Modern processes span a broad area, from creating a range of organic chemicals to manufacturing synthetic fibres such as nylon. A flurry of research in organic electrochemistry promises major advances in the field, especially with the potential for dramatically decreased electricity costs that are expected to result from the advancement of controlled Fusion.

Biology research

In biology, the idea that various biological processes, ranging from blood clotting to the transmission of nerve impulses and more, are electrochemical processes within nature continues to grow. The conversion of the electrochemical reaction of food into electrical energy occurs with efficiency so high it is hard to explain without the electrochemical mechanism. Research is advancing in a variety of directions within bioelectrochemistry.


Chemical reactions produce or release energy that can take the form of electricity or in the form. Electrochemistry is a subfield of chemistry that is concerned with the conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy. Electrochemistry is a field that has numerous applications in daily life. Batteries of all kinds, including those that provide power to a flashlight to an automobile, are based on chemical reactions to create electricity. The electricity is used to coat objects using decorative metals such as chrome or gold. Electrochemistry plays a crucial role in sending nerve impulses through biological systems. In Redox Chemistry, the transmission of electrons is at the heart of all electrochemical reactions.


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