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ICS Full Form

The full form of ICS is Indian Civil Service. ICS contributes to the highest civilian service in India. Explore it here at Unacademy

The Directors of the East India Company used to choose and train civil servants for the company, who were subsequently dispatched to India. Modern Civil Service in India was created in 1854 as a result of Lord Macaulay’s report to the British Parliament Select Committee. Competition for the Civil Service began in London in 1855 when a Civil Service Commission was formed. Exams for the Indian Civil Service were first held in London. When the Federal Public Service Commission was established in Delhi in 1922, the Indian Civil Service Examination started to be conducted in India as well. The Civil Service Commission continues to administer the test in London.

Imperial services in India were divided into two groups under the Secretary of State for India’s leadership after the Indian Act of 1919. Services in charge of subjects directly supervised by the Central Government. Railways, Indian Posts and Telegraphs, and Imperial Customs all played major roles in India’s government, but the Central Secretariat was by far the most significant. Although the Secretary of State used to make nominations, in the vast majority of situations its members were nominated and controlled by the Government of India.

Indian government officials sent out the first dispatch in March 1919 stating that a permanent agency should be established to regulate service concerns. The Public Service Commission in India was born out of this recommendation and was established on March 5, 1919.

It wasn’t until October 1, 1926, that the first Public Service Commission in India was established by the terms of Section 96(C) of the Government of India Act, 1919 and recommendations made by the Lee Commission in 1924. Besides the Chairman, it had four members. Ross Barker, a British civil servant and first Chairman of the Commission, is referred to as Sir Ross Barker Public Service Commission (Duties) Rules, 1926, enacted under sub-section, governs the commission’s functions, which were not specified in the Government of India Act of 1919.

History of ICS

The East India Company’s civil servants were selected by the company’s directors, then educated at Haileybury College in London before being sent to the subcontinent. In 1854, the idea of a merit-based modern Civil Service in India was established after Lord Macaulay’s report to the Select Committee of British Parliament. East India Company patronage system should be replaced with a permanent Civil Service based on merit and competitive exams, according to the Report. A Civil Service Commission was established in London in 1854, and competitive exams were introduced in 1855 as a means of achieving this goal. Indian Civil Service tests were formerly solely held in London. There was a maximum age limit of 23 and a minimum age limit of 18. It was constructed such that European Classics received a disproportionate number of marks in the course. Indian aspirants have a harder time because of this. However, in 1864, Shri Satyendranath Tagore, the brother of Shri Rabindranath Tagore, became the first Indian to win. The next three years saw the ascent of another four Indians to prominence.

It took the Indians another 50 years to get the British government to allow simultaneous exams in India because they didn’t want too many Indians to pass and get into the ICS. After World War I and the Montagu Chelmsford changes, this was finally accepted. With the establishment of the Federal Public Service Commission in 1922, the Indian Civil Service Examination started to be conducted in India as well, initially in Allahabad and then in Delhi. The Civil Service Commission continues to administer the test in London. Federal Public Service Commission was renamed the Union Public Service Commission in January 1950 when the Constitution of India was inaugurated, and the Union Public Service Commission’s Chairman and Members became Chairman and Members of the Union Public Service Commission.

The civil service of the Indian government is known as Indian Administrative Service (IAS). The Union government, state governments, and public-sector organisations rely on IAS officials to fill crucial roles.

Three All India Services exist Indian Administrative Service (IAS), which may be used by both the federal government and state governments. On the suggestion of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), the federal government hires and posts IAS officials in different state governments throughout the country. One of the most sought-after positions in India is that of an officer, who enjoys the high social status and is tasked with the important work of running government institutions.

Duties of a Civil Servant

To discuss and execute the policy in his area or region, he must first approach the relevant ministry. In addition, he or she is in charge of ensuring that the central government’s directives are carried out. This also includes making regular visits to the sites where policies are expected to be implemented and checking to see whether everything is going according to plan. Then, he/she provides the relevant ministry with an update on the policy’s implementation status. In addition, an IAS officer verifies that public funds are being effectively used. Parliament or the state Assembly may hold them accountable for any infractions.

In the event of natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, or riots, an IAS officer is also responsible for the districts. In such a case, IAS officials serve as the state or federal government’s ears and eyes, keeping them informed of current events and assisting them in taking appropriate action.


The Secretary of the Home Department, an IAS officer, is in charge of providing leadership and guidance to the IPS officers. All of the government’s revenue officers report to the Secretary of Finance. They aid in the development of a country’s civil service for the benefit of society. It’s one of the most highly regarded jobs in the nation, and it comes with a broad range of benefits. As a result, this position will never be short-staffed because of its excellent benefits and compensation.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the UPSC Examination Preparation.

When did ICS cease to exist?

Answer: ICS changed into IAS in 1947 with numerous changes in its provisions.

What is the Full form of UPSC?

Answer: The Union Public Service Commission of India.

Who was the first Indian ICS Officer?

Answer: Satyendranath Tagore became the first ICS officer in 1864

When did ICS start conducting exams in India?

Answer: With the establishment of the Federal Public Service Commission in 1922, the Indian Civil Service Examination started to be conducted in In...Read full