JEE Exam » JEE Notifications » Reserved Seats

Reserved Seats

Do you want information about reserved seats for JEE? Click here to read more about it.

Candidates preparing for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) can refer to this information to find out the number of seats reserved for the Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other Backward Classes (OBC) Non – Creamy layer (NCL) and General Economically Weaker Sections (General – EWS), Persons With Disabilities (PWD) candidates. 

For the institutes run by the Central Government, the number of reserved seats would be applicable as given below:

  • Scheduled Caste (SC) – 15% of seats are reserved 
  • Scheduled Tribe (ST) – 7.5% of seats are reserved
  • Other Backward Classes (OBC) Non – Creamy layer (NCL) – 27% of seats are reserved 
  • General Economically Weaker Sections (General – EWS) – 10% of the seats are reserved 
  • A reservation of 5% in every category for candidates with 40% or more disability 
  • The reservation policy of respective State Governments are applicable, if the institute is being run/aided/recognized by State Government


  • The reservation benefits will be only provided to the candidates belonging to the classes/castes/tribes that are registered in the Central List published by the Government of India
  • Other Backward Classes: The Non-Creamy Layer (OBC-NCL) is defined by the Central list of the Other Backward Classes available on the NCBC website. Candidates on this list can mention OBC in the Category column. Those who do not belong to the OBC-NCL (Central List) must select the General category

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Who can avail of the reservation?

Answer: The reservation benefits will be only provided to the candidates belonging to the classes/castes/tribes regi...Read full

What are the reservation criteria for the SC category?

Answer: For the institutes run by the Central Government, the number of reserved seats for Scheduled Castes (SC) is ...Read full

What are the reservation criteria for the ST category?

Answer: For the institutes run by the Central Government, the number of reserved seats for the Scheduled Tribes is 7...Read full

What are the reservation criteria for the OBC category?

Answer: For the institutes run by the Central Government, the number of reserved seats for the Other Backward Classe...Read full

What are the reservation criteria for the EWS category?

Answer: For the institutes run by the Central Government, the number of reserved seats for General Economically Weak...Read full