Tangents and Normals

Explore notes on Tangents and Normals, equation of normal and normal to circle.

Tangents and normals are two separate concepts of physics and mathematics. Tangent is the rate at which a curve touches a straight line. This point is named the point of tangency. Normal, on the other hand, refers to a point perpendicular to a surface. In the case of a merry-go-round, the normal would be horizontal to that surface. The movement of any object on or around a curved or bent surface will depend on both tangents and normals because it has the tendency of motion and force towards motion in different directions.

Another way of expressing the same notion is to state that your velocity is tangential at all times, but your force is normal to the circle along which you are going. 

Finding Tangents and Normals

There is a connection between the two methods of expressing the same thing when talking about tangents and normals? Don’t be afraid if you are unable to do so because that is exactly what this branch of derivative application is focused on: finding tangents and normals to a given curve. As we illustrated above, the law of tangents and normals is a powerful tool in mathematics. If you know the values of x, y and z at a specific point, then these equations can be used to find the corresponding values for xy and xz.

Understanding these equations will allow you to extract a tremendous amount of information from a given set of points on two curves, and that’s what makes it an incredibly useful area of study. Through these calculations, a full understanding of the tangent lines and normal lines of a function can be achieved. These concepts have gained the opportunity to throw greater light on the graph of a function and give greater access to its secrets. 

Tangent Lines

A tangent line to a curve at some point is a line that touches that curve at that point and has the same gradient, which means the same steepness as the curve at that point. This means, for example, if the slope of a curve is 0.8 then its tangent line must have a slope of 0.8, and in fact, it must touch the curve at exactly one point, namely the point with coordinates (x,y) = (0.8,0.8).


You may derive how to obtain the equation of the tangent to the curve at any point from the definition. The equation of the tangent to this curve at  x = x0 , given a function y = f(x), may be calculated as follows:

Find the curve’s gradient/derivative at the point x = x0 : Calculate dy/dx at x = x0 to do this. In the same way that the slope of a straight line is called m, we’ll name this value m.


Find the equation of the straight line with slope m that passes through the point x0 , y(x0 ) This is simple to figure out and found as:




You’ve deduced the tangent to the curve’s equation at the provided position!


A quick note on how to find the normal at any point on the curve y = f(x) is by evaluating the slope of the tangent and normal when x=x0 .If the slope is given by m2 and the slope of tangent is given by m1 then we have  m1 m2=-1

Step to find the normal to a given curve y=f(x) at point x=x0

  • When x equals,x0 find its gradient/derivative at this point in the curve. The first step is identical to the approach for determining the equation of the tangent to the curve, i.e., m1 =dy/dx at x=x0


  • Determine the normal slope ‘m2 ‘. Since the normal is perpendicular to the tangent, we have m2 =-1/m1


  • Find the equation of the straight line with slope m1 that passes through the point x0 , y(x0 ) . The following is the equation:

m2 =y-y1x-x1

It’s important to remember that a curve’s tangents and normals are tightly related. Both can be inferred from one another. 

What is the Equation of Normal? 

The normal equation is y = x. As a result, we have two x values where the normal crosses the curve. As y = x, the corresponding y values are 2 and 2, respectively.

What is the Equation of Normal to the Circle(x2+y2=a2)? 

x sin θ – y cos θ = 0 is the equation for the normal to the circle x2+y2=a2 at point ( a cos θ ,a sin θ)

Difference between a Tangent and Normal

A point of a tangent is called “normal” to the curve when the point on the given curve is used as an endpoint in determining the distance from the curve. A normal can be formed from the original function, given that general form by finding an appropriate point of tangency and then assigning variables to represent y=1/x and y=x², respectively. That process is called finding a normal equation.


The derivative of a function can be used to solve a variety of calculus issues. Curve drawing, maximum and minimum issues, distance, speed, and acceleration difficulties, associated rate problems and estimating function values are all possible applications.