Many finances can transfer easily from one country to another in modern times using possible digital and physical ways.
However, this increases the threat of financial scams, frauds, funding terrorism, etc. It is needed to analyse and keep an eye on these financial activities to prevent their destructive consequences.
Therefore, all the transactions occurring have to be processed through suitable standards to control any kind of these destructive activities. The Government has formed FIUs(Financial Intelligence Units) in different countries, including India, to serve this purpose. These Financial Intelligence Units keep a check on every finance and money to prevent financial crimes.Â
Under the respective act for FIU India, the organisations must Register with FIU India that deal with finance outside India.
What are Financial Intelligence Units?
The financial intelligence unit or FIUs, which may have different names like financial intelligence agencies or financial crimes investigators, are bodies formed to address issues of financial crimes. Their main role is twofold, and they can be an investigative authority to examine suspicious transaction reports or suspicious activity reports that are received from the financial services industry, as well as dnfbps (designated non-financial businesses and persons) as well as maybe approve some elements of compliance manuals and it could be more of an approval provision for the not-for-profits organisation, real estate agents, jewellers.
A whole network is at work to make sure that they can prevent a lot of the activity that’s happening concerning financial services.
Need for FIUs-
Financial Intelligence Units have very critical roles in their jurisdictions. They’re the ones that investigate suspicions that are brought to them via industry participants via the money laundering reporting officers or the general public, or other intelligence that they may receive to prevent these financial crimes.Â
From preventing people from laundering money or preventing terrorist financing from funding an organisation that will carry out something catastrophic and we don’t want, Financial intelligence units engage in more than just analysing or investigating and engaging with the industry.Â
FIUs can share information with other intelligence units of different countries to help the global fight against financial crimes, money laundering, terrorist financing, etc.
What is FIU-INDIA?
FIU-INDIA(Financial Intelligence Unit-India) is the major national agency responsible for acquiring, processing, interpreting, and transmitting information about the questionable financial dealings and transactions happening around the country.Â
Financial intelligence units are set up worldwide with a mission to safeguard the world from financial crimes like money laundering, terrorism financing, etc.Â
As per the FIU India, they aim to protect the financial system from financial crimes like money laundering, terrorism financing, etc.
Also, their vision is to evolve into a trusted institution that is globally acknowledged as an influential financial intelligence unit.
FIU-India addresses criminal financial activities in India. FIU-India is an independent agency that directly reports to the committee governed by the finance minister of India.
Working for FIU India
Collecting the Information:Â
The first and basic step of working is to collect the information regarding a specific financial transaction. It acts as a base for checking suspicious transactions.
Different types of reports are used to collect the information, such as CTR(cash transaction reports), reports of all transactions done by the organisations, reports related to international transactions, and other Suspicious Transactions Reports(STR).
Analysing the Information:Â
After collecting the information, the next step is to analyse the collected information. FIU needs to analyse different transactions indicating suspicion of money-related crimes.
Sharing of Information:Â
After collecting and analysing the information, suspicious transactions are shared with national agencies and regulatory authorities. In some cases, information is shared between foreign agencies and FIUs.
Coordination among different departments:Â
National and international agencies and FIUs need to coordinate and work with each other to use the information and tackle these financial crimes.
Database and Research and Analysis:Â
These Intelligence units act as warehouses to store these suspicious financial transactions and reports. Apart from storing, these transactions are observed, and research is done on financial crimes like money laundering, terrorist financing, etc.
Thus, to safeguard from these financial crimes in many countries, the Governments have formed a special unit to process and control these financial crimes named Financial Intelligence Units (FIU).
FIUs are often underappreciated because they work a lot in the background, and people don’t typically see what they do. In many countries, FUIs have administrative nature and generally enforce rules and laws in the country.
It’s essential to recognise that FIUs are critical in playing a role in preventing money laundering, detecting criminals, having cooperation with their colleagues in other countries, and participating in the global fight against financial crimes.