GATE Exam » GATE Books – Best Books for GATE 2024 Preparation

GATE Books – Best Books for GATE 2024 Preparation

GATE is one of the popular exams for which many candidates apply. Seeing the level of competition it is important to score good marks. Books are the main material through which a candidate prepares for the exam. Thus it is important to know about the right books for each subject so that you can select the best one and prepare in the best possible manner. This will help the candidates to cover the syllabus in detail as well as obtain a good understanding of the topic and practice well and help them score good marks.

GATE Books for Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

C Programming1. The c programming language by DENNIS M.RITCHIE/Pearson;
2. C: The complete reference by Herbert Schildt/ McGraw Hill Education;
Data strcuture1. Fundamentals of data structure by Sartaj Sahni
2. Data structures and algorithms made easy by Narsimha Karumanchi
Algorithms1. Introduction to algorithms by Thomas H.Cormen
2. Fundamentals of computer algorithms by Rajasekaran, Sahni, Horowitz

Theory of


1. An introduction to formal languages and automata by Peter Linz
2. Automata theory, languages and computation by John E Hopcroft, Jeffrey D. Ullman
Compiler design1. Compilers principles, techniques and tools by Jeffrey D.Ullman
2. Principles of compiler design by Aho & UllMan




1. Fundamentals of database system by Elmasri Navathe
2. Database system concepts by Henry Korth



1. Operating system and principles by Peter Baer Galvin
2. Operating system concepts by Galvin
COA1. Computer organization by Carl Hamacher
2. Computer organization and architecture by William Stallings
Discrete maths1. Discrete mathematics and its application by Kenneth Rosen

2. Introductory discrete mathematics

by V. Balakrishnan

Digital logic1. Digital logic and computer design by M. Morris Mano
2. Modern digital electronics by R.P jain



1. Data communication and networking by Behrouz A. Forouzon
2. Computer networks by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall 

Also see:

GATE Books for Mechanical Engineering (ME)

SubjectBook Name with Authors/Publishers
ThermodynamicsPK Nag / Cengel and Boles
Refrigeration and air conditioningCP Arora / PL Ballaney
Power plant engineeringR Yadav / PK Nag
Heat and mass transferJP Hollowman / Yonous Cengel
IC enginesV Ganeshan / ML Mathur
Fluid mechanics and Hydraulic machinesK Subramanium / Cengel and Cimbala / Fox and McDonald’s
Engineering mechanicsMarium Kraige / RC Hibbler / Beer and Johnson
Strength of materialM. Gere and Timoshenko / RC Hibbler
Machine designVB Bhandari / E. Shigley
Theory of machineSS Ratan / E. Shigley / Gosh and Malik
Manufacturing engineeringKalpak Jain / Gosh and Malik / PN Rao
Industrial engineeringHeera and Gupta / OP Khanna
Engineering materialsW.D. Callister

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GATE Books for Civil Engineering (CE) 


Book Name with Authors/Publishers

Reinforced Cement Concrete and Prestress Concrete

1. RCC Design : B. C. Punamia,N Krishanrajan

2. Reinforced Concrete Design : Pillai & D. Menon

3. Prestressed Concrete : N. Krishna Raju

4. RCC. Design : A. K. Jain & S N Sinha

Construction Technology Planning and Management (CTPM)

1. Construction Project Management : K.N. Jha

2. Construction Engineering and Management : Dr. S. Seetharaman

3. Construction Planning Management : B. C. Punamia

Structural Analysis

1. Structural Analysis (9th Edition) : R.C. Hibbler

2. Theory of Structures/Analysis of Structure : S Ramamrutham

3. Theory of Structures/Analysis of Structure : L.S. Negi & Jangid

4. Theory of Structures/Analysis of Structure : Gupta & Pandit, C S Reddy

5. Analysis of Structures (vol. I & II) : Vazirani & Ratwani

Geotechnical and Foundation Enginnering

1. Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics : Gopal Ranjan & Rao

2. Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering : S. K. Garg

3. Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering : B. C. Punamia

4. Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering : Dr. K. R. Arora

Irrigation Ingineering

1. Irrigation Water Resources and Water Power Engineering : P. N. Modi

2. Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures : S.K. Garg

Highway Engineering

1. Highway Engineering : Khanna & Justo

2. Highway Engineering : L.R. Kadiyali.

3. Highway Engineering : S. K. Sharma


1. Surveying (vol. I & II) : B.C. Punmia

2. Surveying (vol. I & II) : S.K. Duggal

Environmental Engineering

1. Environmental Engineering (vol. I & II) : S. K Garg

2. Environmental Engineering (vol. I & II) : B. C. Punamia

3. Environmental Engineering : Peavy & Rowe

Fluid Mechanics

1. Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines (9th Edition) : R. K. Bansal

2. Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics including Hydraulic Machines : Modi and Seth

3. Flow in Open Channel : K. Subramanya

4. Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machines : K. Subramanya

Engineering Hydrology

1. Hydrology : K. Subramanya

Strength of Materials

1. Mechanics of Structure (vol. 1) Dr. H.J. Shah, S.B. Junnarkar

2. Strength of Materials B.C. Punamia

3. Strength of Materials Dr. U. C. Jindal

Railway Engineering

1. Railway Engineering S.C. Saxena & S.P. Arora

Airport Engineering

1. Airport Planning & Design S. K. Khanna & M. G. Arora

Design of Steel Structure

1. Limit State Design of Steel Structures – S.K. Duggal

2. Steel Design L. S. Negi

3. Design of Steel Structures N. Subramaniam

Building Materials

1. Building Materials S.K. Duggal

2. Concrete Technology M. S. Shetty

Engineering Mechanics

1. Engineering Mechanics R. K Bansal

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GATE Books for Electrical Engineering (EE)


Book Name with Authors/Publishers

Electric circuits/Network theory

1. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits by: Charles.k. Alexander

Matthew N.D. Sadiku

2. Engineering Circuit Analysis by:

William H.Hayt, Jr. Jack E. Kemmerly and Steven M. Durbin

3. Network Analysis by: M.E. Van Valkenburg

Electromagnetic fields/Electromagnetic theory

1. Principles of Electromagnetics by: Matthew N.D. Sadiku, S.V. Kulkarni

2. Engineering Electromagnetics by: W.H. Hayt, Jr JA Buck, M Jaleel Akhtar

3. Electromagnetic waves and Radiating Systems : Edward C. Jordan, Keith G. Balmain

Engineering Mathematics

1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by: Erwin kreyszig

2. Wiley Precise textbook Series by:

Volume I

Volume II

3. Higher Engineering Mathematics by: B.S. Grewal

Signals and Systems

1. Signals And Systems by: Oppenheim Alan V, Willsky Alan S, Nawab S. Hamid

2. Signals and Systems by: Simon Haykin Barry Van Veen

3. Signals and Systems by: A. Anand Kumar

Analog Electronics/Analog Circuits

1. Integrated Electronics by: Jacob Millman Christos C Halkias

2. Electronic Devices and Circuit by: Robert L. Boylestad Louis Nashelsky

3. Microelectronic Circuits: Theory an Adel S Sedra Kenneth C. Sm

Control Systems

1. Automatic Control Systems by: Benjamin.C.kuo, Farid Golnaraghi

2. Control Systems Engineering by: Norman.S.Nise

3. Modern Control Engineering Katsuhiko Dgata

4. Problem and solution of Control System with essential theory – AK Jairath

5.Principles of linear system and signals by BP Lath

Digital Electronics/Digital Circuits

1. Digital Logic and Computer design by: M Morris Mano

2. Digital System by: Ronald J. Tocci Gregory L. Moss and Neal S. Widmer

3. Modern Digital Electronics by: R.P. Jain

Power Systems

1. Elements of Power System Analysis by: William D Stevenson

2. Electrical Power Systems by: C.L. Wadhwa

3. Electrical Power Systems by: Ashfaq Hussian

4. Power System Engineering by: D.P. Kothari and J. Nagrath

Power Electronics

1. Devices, Circuits and applications by Muhammad H. Rashid

2. Power Electronics by: P.S. Bhimbra

Electrical Machines

1. Electric Machinery fundamentals by: Stephen J Chapman

2. Electric Machinery by: P.S. Bimbhr

3. Electric Machines by: I.J. Nagrath and D.P. Kothari

4. Electric Machinery by: Fitzgerald and Kingsley

Electrical and Electronic measurements

1. Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation;

A.K. Sawhney

2. Modern Electronic Instrumentation And Measureme Techniques by: Albert D.Helfrick, William D.Cooper

3. Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instrume: E.W. Golding, F.C. Widdis

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Important Books for GATE & ESE

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GATE Books for Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)

SubjectBook Name with Authors/Publishers
Network Theory1. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits by: Charles.k. Alexander, Matthew N.D. Sadiku
2. Engineering Circuit Analysis by: William H.Hayt, Jr. Jack E. Kemmerly, Steven M. Durbin
3. Network Analysis by: M.E. Van Valkenburg
Electromagnetics1. Principles of Electromagnetics by: Matthew N.D. Sadiku, S.V. Kulkarni
2. Engineering Electromagnetics by: W.H. Hayt, Jr JA Buck, M Jaleel Akhtar
3. Electromagnetic waves and Radiating Systems : Edward C. Jordan, Keith G. Balmain
Engineering Mathematics1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by: Erwin kreyszig

2. Wiley Precise textbook Series by:

Volume I

Volume II

3.Higher Engineering Mathematics by: B.S. Grewal

Signals And Systems1. Signals And Systems by: Oppenheim Alan V, Willsky Alan S, Nawab S. Hamid
2. Signals and Systems by: Simon Haykin Barry Van Veen
3. Signals and Systems by: A. Anand Kumar
Analog Electronics And Circuits1. Integrated Electronics by: Jacob Millman Christos C Halkias
2. Electronic Devices and Circuit by: Robert L. Boylestad Louis Nashelsky
3. Microelectronic Circuits: Theory an Adel S Sedra Kenneth C. Sm
Control Systems1. Automatic Control Systems by: Benjamin.C.kuo, Farid Golnaraghi
2. Control Systems Engineering by: Norman.S.Nise
3. Modern Control Engineering Katsuhiko Dgata
Digital Electronics1. Digital Logic and Computer design by: M Morris Mano
2. Digital System by: Ronald J. Tocci, Gregory L. Moss, Neal S. Widmer
3. Modern Digital Electronics by: R.P. Jain
Communications1. Modern Digital and Analog Communication System B.P. Lathi
2. Principles of Communication Systems by: Herbert Taub, Donald Schilling, Goutam Saha
3. Communication Systems by: Simon Haykin
Electronic Devices1. Semiconductor Physics and Devices by: Donald A Neamen, Dhrubes Biswas
2. Solid State Electronic Devices by: Ben G. Streetman, Sanjay kumar Banerjee

GATE General Aptitude Books for Preparation

SubjectName of the book & publisher or author
General AptitudeGATE 2021-Guide- General Aptitude- Author- By GKP
General AptitudeWiley Acing the GATE: Engineering Mathematics and General Aptitude- Author- By Anil Kumar Main
General AptitudeAptitude & Reasoning for GATE 2021 and ESE 2021 (Prelims)- Theory, Practices Questions and Previous Year Solved Papers- Author- By Hemant Jain

GATE Architecture and Planning Books for Preparation

SubjectName of the book along with the name of publisher or author
Architecture and PlanningArchitects Guidebook for competitive exams-By Ar. Swapnil Vidhate

GATE Petroleum Engineering Books for Preparation

SubjectName of the book along with the name of the publisher or author
Petroleum EngineeringIntroduction to Petroleum Engineering- Author- by John R Fanchi, Wiley- Blackwell
Petroleum EngineeringElements of Petroleum Refinery Engineering- Author- By OP Gupta, Khanna Publishers
Petroleum EngineeringKhanna’s Objective Questions in Petroleum Engineering- Author- By Vikas Mahto, Khanna Book Publishing Company Private Limited
Petroleum EngineeringApplied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering- Author- By Ronald E. Terry, Prentice Hall
Petroleum EngineeringHPCL Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited Boiler Technician Mechanical Engineering – Author- By G.K Publication Pvt. Ltd.

GATE Aerospace Engineering Books for Preparation

SubjectName of the book along with the name of publisher or author
Aerospace EngineeringAerodynamics for Engineers- Author- By John J Bertin, Pearson
Aerospace EngineeringFundamentals of Aerodynamics- Author- By John D Anderson, Tata McGraw- Hill Education
Aerospace EngineeringAerodynamics for Engineering Students- Author- E. L. Houghton, P. W. Carpenter, Butteworth Heineman

GATE Chemical Engineering Books for Preparation

SubjectName of the book along with the name of publisher or author
Chemical EngineeringHeat Transfer by JP Holman
Chemical EngineeringChemical Engineering for GATE principles solved problems and objective-type questions by Ram Prasad
Chemical EngineeringIntroduction to chemical engineering thermodynamics by JM Smith
Chemical EngineeringEssentials of chemical reaction Engineering by Fogler
Chemical EngineeringUnit operations of chemical Engineering by McCabe-FPM and MO
Chemical EngineeringPrinciples of Mass Transfer and separation processes by BK Dutta
Chemical EngineeringAn Insight into Chemical Engineering by M.Subbu

GATE Biotechnology Engineering Books for Preparation

SubjectName of the book along with the name of publisher or author
Biotechnology EngineeringBiotechnology book by Lehning M Prescott , Eidon John , Lehninger

GATE Instrumentation Engineering Books for Preparation

SubjectName of the book along with the name of publisher or author
Instrumentation EngineeringBook by Natesan, Mukherjee, and Chakrawarthy

GATE Agriculture Engineering Books for Preparation

SubjectName of the book along with the name of publisher or author
Agriculture EngineeringPrinciples of Agricultural Engineering volume-1 by T.P.Ojha
Agriculture EngineeringSoil and water conservation Engineering by R Suresh
Agriculture EngineeringHandbook of Agriculture: Facts and Figures for farmers, students and all interested in farming by Indian council of Agricultural Research
Agriculture EngineeringTractors and their power units by John B Liljedahl
Agriculture EngineeringIrrigation by A M Michael
Agriculture EngineeringFundamentals of food engineering by D.G.Rao
Agriculture EngineeringIrrigation engineering by N.N.Basak
Agriculture EngineeringConcepts and applications in Agricultural Engineering by Mahendra Kumar Mohanty, Nikunja Bihari Dash

GATE Metallurgical Engineering Books for Preparation

SubjectName of the book along with the name of publisher or author
Metallurgical EngineeringMetallurgical Engineering Solved Papers GATE 2022- By Amritansh Frank
Metallurgical EngineeringGATE 2022- Metallurgical Engineering- Guide- By GKP
Metallurgical EngineeringGATE 2022- Solved Papers- Metallurgical Engineering- By GKP

GATE Biomedical Engineering Books for Preparation

SubjectName of the book along with the name of publisher or author
Biomedical EngineeringFundamentals of Biomedical Engineering by G.S.Sawhney

GATE Chemistry Books for Preparation

SubjectName of the book along with the name of publisher or author
ChemistryChapterwise solved papers chemistry GATE 2020 by Sanjay Saxena and Preeti Gupta

GATE Ecology and Evolution Books for Preparation

SubjectName of the book along with the name of publisher or author
Ecology and EvolutionGames of life: Explorations in Ecology, Evolution, and Behaviour by Karl Sigmund, Dover Publications

GATE Geology and Geophysics Books for Preparation

SubjectName of the book along with the name of publisher or author
Geology and GeophysicsPrinciples of Engineering Geology by K M Bangar
Geology and GeophysicsA textbook of Geology by G.B.Mahapatra
Geology and GeophysicsEngineering and general Geology by Parbin Singh
Geology and GeophysicsFundamentals of Geophysics by William Lowrie
Geology and GeophysicsStructural Geology by Marland P Billings
Geology and GeophysicsPrinciples of Geomorphology by W D Thombury
Geology and GeophysicsEconomic Geology by Umeshwar Prasad
Geology and GeophysicsPrinciples of Petrology by G W Tyrrell
Geology and GeophysicsSolved problems in Geophysics by Elisa Buforn , Carmen Pro, Agustn Udas
Geology and GeophysicsEngineering Geology by R Nagarajan, A.Parthasarathy, V.Panchapakesan
Geology and GeophysicsQuantitative Geophysics and Geology by Louis Lliboutry

GATE Mining Engineering Books for Preparation 

SubjectName of the book along with the name of publisher or author
Mining EngineeringElements of Mining Technology by Deshmukh

GATE Physics Books for Preparation

SubjectName of the book along with the name of publisher or author
PhysicsChapter-wise solved papers physics GATE 2020 by Vijay Kumar

GATE Production and Industrial Engineering Books for Preparation

SubjectName of the book along with the name of publisher or author
Production and industrial engineeringTheory of Machine by S S Ratan
Production and industrial engineeringStrength of material by Sadhu Singh
Production and industrial engineeringMachine design by V B Bhandari
Production and industrial engineeringFluid Mechanics and Machinery by Modi and Seth
Production and industrial engineeringIC engine by Mathur Sharma
Production and industrial engineeringProduction by S K Mondal notes Swadesh Singh
Production and industrial engineeringThermodynamics by P K Nag

GATE Statistics Books for Preparation

SubjectName of the book along with the name of publisher or author
StatisticsMiller and Freunds Probability and Statistics for Engineers by Pearson

GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science Books for Preparation

SubjectName of the book along with the name of publisher or author
Textile EngineeringTextile Processing and Properties by Vigo TL Vigo Vigo

GATE Environmental Science and Engineering Books for Preparation

SubjectName of the book along with the name of publisher or author
Environmental Science and EngineeringBasic of Energy & Environment: ESE 2021: Prelims GSEA by MADE EASY Editorial Board
Environmental Science and EngineeringEnvironment at a Glance Civil Services and UG Classes of Punjab University by Saranjeet Kaur
Environmental Science and EngineeringEnvironmental Engineering Sewage Waste Disposal and Air Pollution Engineering – Volume 2 by Santosh Kumar Garg

GATE 2024 Syllabus

Below given are the links for gate exam syllabus

S.NoGATE Exam Syllabus Code
1Aerospace EngineeringAE
2Agricultural EngineeringAG
3Architecture and Planning [new pattern] AR
4Biomedical EngineeringBM
6Civil EngineeringCE
7Life SciencesXL
8Computer Science and Information TechnologyCS
10Electronics and Communication EngineeringEC
11Electrical EngineeringEE
12Environmental Science and EngineeringES
13Humanities and Social SciencesXH
14Geomatics Engineering [New paper]EY
15Geology and GeophysicsGE
16Engineering SciencesXE
18Mechanical EngineeringME
19Mining EngineeringMN
20Metallurgical EngineeringMT
21Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering [New paper]NM
22Petroleum EngineeringPE
24Production and Industrial EngineeringPI
26Textile Engineering and Fiber ScienceTF

GATE Books 2024 – Benefits of Choosing the Right Books

By selecting the best GATE Books for Preparation, students can ease out the exam preparation with the right amount of knowledge & less wastage of time. Following are the benefits of choosing the right book for gate preparation:

  • Easy to understand: 

First and foremost, the books are drafted to read and comprehend for the candidates. Hence, candidates can understand the concepts and chapters if they are explained simply. This will allow candidates to gain a better understanding of the GATE topics.

  • Accurate Information: 

The GATE preparation books contain accurate information about the chapters and topics covered in the GATE syllabus. Candidates should not read any books that contain misleading information.

  • Precise and clear explanation: 

Because the GATE examination includes many complicated chapters, the preparation books attempt to keep the explanation simple and concise. The explanation in the book is brief, to the point, and simple to grasp.

  • Pictorial Representations: 

Candidates are more likely to remember what they have studied if there are diagrams in the textbooks to aid topics and chapters. Candidates should try to use GATE books that use diagrams to explain topics.

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GATE Preparation Books - FAQs

Read through the recently asked questions about GATE Preparation Books.

Why is it important to choose the right book for preparation?

It is important to know about the right books for each subject so that you can select the best one and prepare in the best possible manner. This wi...Read full

What do the GATE preparation books contain except questions?

When the students study the books they will notice that a comment or note is given after each topic. This note is to be read very carefully as thes...Read full

What kind of books should be used to prepare for the GATE exams in the best manner?

Candidates can use the books that are used by B Tech students for 4 years. Every book has its own technique so studying them thoroughly will help y...Read full

Which book is recommended for architecture and planning subject preparation?

The recommended book for architecture and planning subject preparation is Architects Guidebook for competitive exams-By Ar. Swapnil Vidhate

Which book is recommended for biotechnology engineering?

The recommended book for biotechnology engineering is Biotechnology book by Lehning M Prescott, Eidon John, Lehninger

Which are the recommended books for GATE preparation?

There are several recommended books for GATE preparation, including “Gate Guide Mechanical Engineering” by GKP, “Computer Science...Read full