Komodo Dragon

These giant reptiles have a hard, hearty skin fortified with osteoderms (hard plates) that shield them from scratches and assaults. Their variety changes from dark to yellow-dim contingent upon their current circumstance.

The Komodo dragon has a tail as long as its body and approximately 60 serrated teeth that might depend on 2.5 cm (1 in) long and are frequently supplanted. Since its teeth are almost completely covered by gingival tissue, which is normally gashed while eating, its salivation is generally blood-touched. It additionally has a long, brilliant tongue with profound forks. Reinforced scales, which incorporate minute bones called osteoderms that go about as regular networking mail, fortify the Komodo dragon’s skin. Just the eyes, nostrils, mouth borders, and the pineal eye, a light-detecting organ on the highest point of the head, need osteoderms on the grown-up Komodo dragon’s skull.

About Komodo Dragon

Giant reptiles with long tails, solid and deft necks, and vigorous appendages, Komodo dragons are enormous reptiles with long tails, solid and coordinated necks, and durable appendages. Their tongues are forked and brilliant. Grown-ups have an almost uniform stone tint with tremendous scopes, while youths have a more splendid variety and example.

The jaws and throat muscles of the Komodo permit it to swallow enormous amounts of meat with fantastic speed. The intramandibular pivot, for instance, is one of a few moveable joints that open the lower jaw unusually wide. The stomach grows promptly, permitting a grown-up to ingest up to 80% of their body weight in a solitary feast, making sense of specific misrepresented accounts of colossal loads in caught individuals. When gone up against, Komodos can hurl their stomach items to lessen their weight and run.

Guys become greater and heavier than females, yet there are no apparent differences between the genders. A little change in the game plan of scales directly before the cloaca is a hidden clue. Human specialists are experiencing issues sexing Komodo dragons, yet the actual dragons seem to have no issue sorting out who will be who.

Komodo Dragon Facts

Some of the komodo dragon facts:

  1. Oras are one more name for Komodo dragons.

Western researchers did not find the giant reptiles until 1912, yet locals of Komodo Island had given them the name ora, which signifies “land crocodile,” sometimes before they were found.

  1. Komodo dragons are extraordinary swimmers.

For hungry Komodo dragons, going between Indonesian islands is much of the time a need; the animals have been seen rowing kilometres off the coast.

  1. With regards to a Komodo dragon, no corpse is protected.

Snakes and reptiles have forked tongues that require up to minute flavour particles in the air. The tongue withdraws after being presented to air, and its prongs are embedded into the creature’s Jacobson’s organ (situated on the top of its mouth). This assists the reptile with perceiving the flavours it has recently gotten, permitting Komodo dragons to start tasting a heavenly flesh dinner from more than two kilometres away.

  1. Komodo dragons might eat up to 80% of their absolute weight in a solitary supper.

These critters’ jaws are unbelievably adaptable, which assists them with overeating. Komodo dragons can gobble up small animals (like average sized piglets) whole, as displayed in the video above.

  1. Asexual generation is conceivable in female Komodo dragons.

Mothers-to-be of Komodo dragons don’t need to trust that a male will help them. Despite not having mated first, hostage females have kept eggs that traditionally conveyed solid newborn children. One mother had never previously imparted a nook to an individual of the restricting sex. Female Komodo dragons, similar to a few different reptiles, are equipped for parthenogenesis, a cycle in which specific egg cells can treat them while no males are available.

Komodo Dragon Habitat

They are found in tropical savanna woods, even though they might be tracked down across the islands, from the shore to the edge top. Komodo dragons gobble up essentially any meat, searching cadavers or hunting animals as minuscule as mice to as colossal as water bison.

For a long period, Komodo dragons have thrived in the extreme environment of Indonesia’s Lesser Sunda Islands. They favour the tropical woods of the islands, yet they might be found all over. Notwithstanding their capacity to make a trip as much as seven kilometres every day, these athletic reptiles like to remain nearby home, seldom going a long way from the valleys where they incubated.

Komodo Dragon Diet

Komodo dragons will polish almost everything, including remains, deer, pigs, lesser dragons, and, surprisingly, tremendous water bison. They are the ruling hunters on a couple of islands where they reside. Komodo dragons use disguise and persistence while hunting, laying on pause for passing prey. At the point when a casualty draws near, the dragon jumps right into it, killing its prey with its sharp paws and serrated, shark-like teeth.

Komodo dragons eat up any kind of meat, rummaging cadavers or hunting animals as minuscule as mice to as enormous as water bison. Little reptiles and bugs and snakes and birds are the principle wellsprings of nourishment for the youthful. They continue toward bigger prey, like rodents, monkeys, goats, wild hogs, and deer, assuming they live to arrive at 5 years of age (the most famous dinner). These reptiles are savage tertiary hunters at the peak of their natural pecking order.

Despite its capacity to accomplish rates of 10 to 13 mph (16 to 20 kph), the Komodo dragon’s hunting style is predicated on covertness and power. It can remain in one spot along a game track for quite a long time, hanging tight for a deer or other huge, nutritious prey to cross its way before going.


The Komodo dragon is a huge reptile that must be found on four islands around the globe. It has outstanding vision and olfactory capacities, which it utilises with its tongue. The Komodo is a hunter that utilises deadly salivation to annihilate its prey. These things underline God’s greatness.

Finally, Komodo dragons are fantastic creatures with a wide scope of capacities. Individuals should be mindful of Komodo dragons since they are incredibly destructive. Komodo dragons are turning out to be progressively imperilled, and individuals are starting to do whatever it takes to guarantee that they don’t all die.


Frequently asked questions

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Do Komodo dragons eat humans?

Answer. Although they also consume significant carrion, ...Read full

What are the predators of Komodo dragons?

Answer. Because the Komodo Dragon is the most dominat...Read full

Are Komodo dragons alive?

Answer. On their native islands, there are only a few Komodo dragons left. The hunting of th...Read full