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Anthropology Relationships with Life Sciences

Anthropology deals with the socio-cultural behaviour of humans since the past. Anthropology’s relationships with life sciences give a better view of its aim.

Anthropology originated initially in Renaissance Germany through artworks. Anthropology is related to the study of the actions and behaviours of humans. It usually studies man in whole right from the physical to mental activities. The division of anthropology has significantly evolved with the centuries passing. Anthropology has gotten into dealings with various disciplines of study to understand and establish a clear concept about humans and their behaviours. The life science division goes in handy with anthropology to explain what we do and why humans do it.


  • Anthropology is a discipline that studies humanity
  • It relates to humans’ behavioural, biological, social, cultural, and linguistic aspects and their evolutions in the past and the present
  • The word is a Greek derivative, meaning “Anthropos – humans” and “logos – study”
  • This terminology came into play in the German Renaissance through the artworks of two artists
  • Thus, the origin is dated back to as long as the 15th century
  • However, the scientific usage of anthropology came around only in the 18th century

Anthropology with other disciplines

Since the arrival of humans, anthropology has been obligated to develop a kinship with other disciplines of study, too. The associated disciplines involve providing information either on the origin or evolution or built up of humans on Earth. The study ranges from the past to the very present about humans. Some disciplines associated with anthropology are:

  • Sociology
  • History
  • Medicine 
  • Life Sciences
  • Natural Sciences 
  • Earth Sciences

Anthropology subdivisions

As the study of humans is generally vast, the division of anthropology is classified into the following specialised sub-divisions.

  • Socio-cultural anthropology
  • Linguistic anthropology
  • Bio-physical anthropology
  • Archaeological anthropology

Anthropology relationships with life sciences

Anthropology often never neglect even a minute detail about the human organisation, origin and behaviour. So, the divisions of anthropology relating to other disciplines provide a holistic report on humans. 

Among the relationships established, life science shares a peculiar deal with anthropology as it directly covers the insights on humans and their relationships with other species. The wholesome purpose of life science is to develop new techniques and technologies to employ the findings to make human lives better.

Life Sciences

Life science is the branch of science that studies life on the planet’s present-day humans from the beginning to the present, leading to the future. The branch impartially studies right from minute microorganisms to complexly built animal kingdoms. It provides a detailed view of the organisation and life of living beings. It comprises subdivisions such as

  • Microbiology
  • Ecology
  • Biotechnology
  • Environmental studies
  • Biochemistry 
  • Cell Biology
  • Biophysics 
  • Genetics 
  • Biolinguistics 
  • Immunology
  • Zoology
  • Histopathology
  • Botany
  • Developmental biology
  • Chemistry
  • Evolutionary biology.

Similarities between Anthropology and Life Science

  • They both deal with studying humans and their lives. 
  • They relate to human life, lifestyle, behaviour, composition, organisation, structure, and evolution.

Differences between Anthropology and Life Science

  • Life sciences term human diseases and disorders in microbes and hereditary genes. At the same time, anthropology describes cultures and traditions
  • Unlike life sciences, anthropology deals with a holistic understanding and descriptions of humans
  • Unlike medical and life sciences, anthropology focuses on present-day people and the humans from the past
  • Anthropology goes in-depth in understanding humans. It dives into even the dimensions of human parts and organs from their origin till now

Anthropology relationships with life sciences

As said earlier, anthropology deals with all the existing and once existed aspects of humans. Thus, an interdisciplinary relationship with life sciences helps anthropology in ways like the following:


  • Deals with animals which also includes humans
  • Thus, zoology provides insight into human anatomy and physiology
  • It also relates to the differences and similarities between other animals and humans
  • It establishes the relationship between humans and their ancestors


  • It provides the relationship between humans and their plant environment
  • It also deals with the medicinal group of plants when it comes to botany in anthropology

Molecular and cell biology

  • It details the cellular arrangement and organisation in present-day humans vs. our past ancestral beings
  • Cell development and differentiation is the wholesome reason for the evolution of humans in the first place

Evolutionary Biology

  • It shows humans’ evolutionary history right from a single cell to the origin of life on Earth
  • This helps in establishing an evolutionary tree that, in turn, helps in understanding the ancestors of humans better

Health Sciences

  • Deal with the disease and diagnosis of humans
  • When combined with anthropology, It helps understand the diseases caused in humans right from the origin of humans


  • Gives the Genomic relationships between species
  • It, in turn, provides an established connection between the present and past human species

Applications of Anthropology 

The discipline of anthropology is essential in today’s world in different ways.

  • It provides a global view to understanding the socio-political problems of the world
  • It helps in unfurling the complex organisations of people and the world
  • Anthropologists are useful in explaining the nature of human interactions that can be used in various companies for engaging their audience more and thus, providing better customer service


Anthropology deals with the holistic study of humans right from the past to the present, through all possible aspects. Thus, anthropology relationships with life sciences lead the study most effectively in achieving its vision. Apart from life sciences, anthropology has established connections with various other fields of studies like history, socio-culture, medicine, etc., to understand humans better.