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Anthropology Relationships with Behavioural Sciences

Anthropology has evolved into a far more broad-based subject than any other because this subject deals with a larger range of problems than every scientific subject. Anthropology encompasses a wide spectrum of perspectives drawn from natural and social disciplines. This subject explains the position of social anthropology for other social sciences. These social sciences have a tight association with social anthropology. Its topic matter overlaps with many other disciplines, but it does not limit itself to their difficulties. Go thoroughly through the best Study material on Anthropology Relationships with Behavioural Sciences notes. 

What is anthropology?

Anthropology has a vast and quickly expanding scope in India and abroad, with Anthropologists making substantial contributions to the area. Depending on your area of interest, there are various employment options in this sector. Anthropology is a wonderful course to take if you’re curious to learn about human similarities and differences.

Anthropology is a field of study that will never cease and continue to expand indefinitely. This course covers the study of how humans behave, how they differ from one another, and other elements of the human species.

The primary goal of Anthropology is to introduce students to the study of humans in the past and present. There will be a period in the future when Anthropologists will be required, as there will be a need to learn further about humans specifically. The field is developing since it has a broad scope both today and in the future. This course has a broad reach because it prepares you for various work choices after you complete it.

What is the definition of behavioural science?

Behavioural science, often known as behavioural economics, is a branch of psychology that studies human behaviour. It encompasses a variety of fields of research, including cognitive neuroscience, psychology, and economics, as well as biological, legal, psychiatric, and political science behavioural components. Behavioural science studies human behaviour, specifically how people make real-world decisions.

Behavioural science, in particular, investigates how emotions, the environment, and social variables influence our decisions. Heuristics, biases, and framing are all investigated in behavioural science to see how they can drive humans to make “irrational” decisions.

Behavioural science extensively borrows from social scientific approaches, primarily conducting experiments using randomised control trials that allow us to draw causal inferences about specific factors that influence human behaviour.

What is the difference between Anthropology and Behavioural sciences?

The individual’s psyche is the focus of psychology and other behavioural studies. On the other hand, Socio-cultural anthropology studies culture, which is a common psyche. As a result, the former is more individualistic, while the latter focuses on the group. As a result of the work of American cultural anthropologists, the Culture-Personality school of thought in anthropology emerged. Anthropologists are increasingly employing behavioural techniques from psychology and other disciplines.

Relationship between Sociology and Social Anthropology

Sociology is a social science that analyses human group behaviour. Anthropology is a humanistic discipline that investigates human behaviour in social settings. As a result, sociology and social anthropology share a lot of similar ground. Sociology and anthropology have had a significant influence on one another. According to Hoebel, sociology and social anthropology are the same in their broadest interpretations.E vans Pritchard defines social anthropology as a sub-discipline of sociology that investigates primitive societies. Radcliffe-Brown proposes renaming anthropology to Comparative Sociology. In response to the current trend in the United States, Levi-Strauss proposes that sociology be considered a subset of anthropology.

Although social anthropology and sociology are interested in social relations, organisation, and behaviour, they have significant differences. The disparity in research is highlighted by John Beattie (1964: 29). “…sociology is by concept concerned with the research and understanding of social relations, and with other data only insofar as they further this understanding,” he writes. “…social anthropologists, while sharing this concern with sociologists, are also interested in other matters, such as people’s beliefs and values, even when these cannot be shown to be directly connected with social behaviour.”

In a nutshell, social anthropologists are also cultural anthropologists. People’s theological and cosmological beliefs, for example, may not always reflect their social system, despite what is sometimes supposed. Even when such links can be established, the anthropologist’s curiosity in people’s ideas is far from exhausted after these connections are made. He’s concerned about their ideas and beliefs, as well as their social ties, and many social anthropologists have been studying other people’s belief systems in recent years, not just from a sociological standpoint, but as being worthy of examination in their own right.”


In the above notes, we have read Anthropology Relationships with Behavioural Sciences. The study of humans, including their biological, cultural, and social features, emphasises this topic. Those with a background in science and engineering are more likely to choose this field. Most aspirants pick this choice since it is both entertaining and high-scoring. As this topic focuses on Indian tribes, this subject also depicts the diversity of India. If you are looking for the study notes on Anthropology Relationships with Behavioural Sciences, go through the above class notes to better understand the topic.