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Types of Plants

In this lecture, we’re going to learn about types of plants, their growth habitat, their classification.

We are surrounded by a plethora of different plant species. Plants, both terrestrial and aquatic, are among the few exceptions. Despite this, they all have the same parts and perform the same functions; however, they appear to be unique because they have different types of roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds, among other things. So plant classification is mostly determined by several factors, and it can be further subdivided according to their height, tenderness of stems and branches, as well as their life cycle.


Photosynthetic reactions take place in plant cells, which use the sun’s energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into sugars, which are then stored in the plant’s cells. This procedure is essentially a series of chemical reactions, and it is one of the most important reactions that occur on the planet, according to scientists. It is a pigment known as chlorophyll that gives green colour to leaves and other plants. Chlorophyll can absorb solar radiation and convert it to chemical energy. The energy that has been assimilated is used to drive reactions with water and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Because of these responses, sugars and oxygen gas are produced in large quantities.

Growth Habit

In horticulture, the term “growth habits” refers to a plant’s growth and development, as well as any changes in the plant’s height, shape, and the type of growth it undergoes during its lifetime. There are genetic factors as well as environmental factors that influence their growth habits, and both play an important role.

For example, plants’ ability to adapt to their environment is influenced by their interactions with various animals. The function of growth habits in plants, from an evolutionary standpoint, is to ensure the survival and adaptation of plants in a variety of habitats, thereby increasing the likelihood of successfully transmitting genes to the next generation.

Classification of plants Based on Growth Habits

We consider plants based on their height; some are too short to climb, whereas others are too tall to climb successfully. Aside from the height and stem thickness, the delicacy of the fruit varies as well.

For example, short plants have stems that are greenish, soft, and tender, whereas large and tall plants or trees have stems that are thick, strong, woody, and are difficult to break. Plants are broadly classified into three groups based on their growth habits: annuals, perennials, and annual herbaceous perennials.


Herbs are small plants with soft, green, delicate stems that are free of woody tissues. They grow in clusters. They can complete their life cycle in one or two seasons. In general, they have a small number of branches or none at all. The roots of these plants can be easily pulled from the ground. Herbs contain sufficient nutritional benefits, such as vitamins and minerals, to be included as part of a healthy, well-balanced eating plan. Herbs include tomatoes, wheat, paddy, grass, and bananas, to name a few examples.


Shrubs are medium-sized, woody plants that are taller than herbs but shorter in height than a tree. They are classified as a type of perennial. 

The majority of them stand between 6m and 10m tall, depending on the species in question. Their distinctive characteristics include bushy, hard, and woody stems with numerous branches. Even though stems are tough, they are flexible and not fragile. The life span of these plants is usually determined by the species in question. Roses, jasmine lemons, tulsi, and henna are just a few of the shrubs that can be found in our surroundings.


Trees are extremely large and tall plants. The trunk of the plant is made up of a very thick, woody, and hard stem. It is from this single main stem or trunk that many branches are formed, each of which bears leaves, flowers, and fruits. Branchless trees, such as the coconut tree, exist only on one main stem, which produces leaves, flowers, and fruits all on its own, without the assistance of other branches. They have a long lifespan, spanning several years, which is unusual for trees. Trees such as the banyan, mango, neem, cashew, teak, and oak are examples of what you can find.

Additionally, there are two more types of plants that require some assistance to thrive, in addition to these three categories. Climbers and creepers are the specific names for these plants.


Climbers are far more advanced than creepers in terms of technology. Climbers have a very thin, long, and weak stem that makes it impossible for them to stand on their own, but they can use external support to grow vertically and carry their weight when necessary. Climbing is accomplished by these types of plants through the use of special structures known as tendrils. Pea plant, grapevine, sweet gourd, money plant, jasmine, runner beans, green peas, and other climbers are just a few of the names for these plants.


Creepers are indeed plants that creep across the ground, as the name suggests. They have extremely fragile, long, thin stems that are unable to support their entire weight or even stand upright. Watermelon, strawberry, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes are examples of such fruits.


Plants are widely regarded as the most generous of all living things, and there is no doubt that life on Earth would not be possible without the presence of plants and trees in our environment. This is because they produce oxygen while also growing food for humans and animals. The significance of plants, on the other hand, does not stop there. These plants are also in charge of absorbing the carbon dioxide that is present in the air and releasing fresh air for us to breathe. They contribute to the nitrogen cycle and play a critical role in the water cycle, among other things. They are the primary source of food, and their continued existence is critical to the survival of all other living things on the planet, including humans.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the NEET Examination Preparation.

Give five different types of shrubs.

Shrubs include the rose, marigold, china rose, and lemon, to name a few of the most common varieties.

What is the difference between herbs and shrubs?

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Give five different types of shrubs.

Roses, marigolds, china roses, and lemons are some of the most common shrubs found in gardens.

What exactly are creepers?

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