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Relationships Between Temperature and Thermal Equilibrium

When energy flows from a high to a low temperature, it is referred to as heat. The system (or combination of systems) is said to be in thermal equilibrium when these temperatures balance out, and the heat stops flowing. There is no matter going into or out of the system when it is in thermal equilibrium. 

Thermal equilibrium is also utilised in the zeroth law of thermodynamics in order to define how two systems (that are dissimilar) can be at the same temperature. When molten rock rises from a volcano, for example, it emits heat into the atmosphere until the rock, and the atmosphere reach the same temperature. Even though the two systems (rock and air) are vastly different, thermal equilibrium allows for temperature specification in both.

Over time, all systems tend to reach thermal equilibrium—though some systems will take much longer than others. Knowing those interacting systems will trend to the same temperature opens up a world of possibilities in science.

Let’s explore the relationship between temperature and thermal equilibrium. But before that, let’s discuss the definition of thermal equilibrium.

Definition Of Thermal Equilibrium

Thermal equilibrium is a crucial concept in thermodynamics when it comes to temperature. The term “thermal equilibrium” describes a situation in which two heat-exchanging objects maintain a constant temperature throughout time. Heat can be transmitted in several ways, including direct contact between two objects or heat emitted from a source such as a lamp or the sun. They are not in thermal equilibrium if the net temperature of two objects changes over time, but they can get close if the object which is hotter transfers heat to the colder object.

Consider the interaction of a colder substance with a hotter object, such as ice in a steaming cup of coffee. After some time, the ice (later water) and the coffee will reach a temperature that is halfway between the ice and the coffee. Despite the fact that the two objects were not initially in thermal equilibrium, they progressively approached and eventually achieved thermal equilibrium, which is the temperature that is halfway between hot and cold.

Relationship Between Temperature and Thermal Equilibrium

We are all familiar with the concept as well as the sensation of heat. After a cold stroll, we can sense heat entering our bodies from the summer sun or hot coffee or tea. When we feel the chilling effect of sweat after activity, we can also feel the heat leaving our bodies.

What exactly is heat? What does it mean, and how does it relate to temperature? What are the impacts of heat, and how does it go from one location to another? Despite the diversity of the events, we will discover that a limited number of basic physical principles link them and connect them to other domains. To begin, we’ll look at temperature and how to describe and measure it.


The basic idea of hot and cold have successfully evolved into the concept of temperature. In fact, our perceptions of hot and cold are explained by the scientific theory of temperature. As you may know, many physical quantities are operationally defined, meaning they are specified entirely in terms of how they are observed or measured. The quantity of what we measure using a thermometer is operationally defined as temperature. 

Temperature is proportional to the average kinetic energy of translation, a fact that provides a more physical definition. The transfer of heat throughout the universe is maintained through temperature differences. The passage of energy from one place or material to another as a result of a temperature differential is known as heat transfer.

Temperature and Thermal Equilibrium: The Connection 

Thermal equilibrium is an essential topic in temperature. This reflects the relationship between temperature and thermal equilibrium. When two objects are in close proximity to each other and allow one to acquire energy from the other without transferring net energy, they are said to be in thermal equilibrium. They are in thermal equilibrium even while not in contact if no net energy is transmitted between them when they are placed in contact. When two items are in contact over an extended period of time, they usually come to a state of equilibrium.

If item P is in equilibrium with object Q and object Q is in equilibrium with object R, then object P is in equilibrium with object R, as you may have inferred. The zeroth law of thermodynamics is a statement of transitivity. (In the 1930s, British physicist Ralph Fowler proposed the number “zeroth.”) At that time, the first, second, and third laws of thermodynamics had already been identified and numbered. The zeroth law had never been mentioned previously, but it needed to be considered first; therefore, Fowler gave it a lower number.

Consider the following scenario: X is a thermometer. The zeroth law states that if X reads a certain temperature while being in equilibrium with Y and subsequently comes into contact with Z, it will not exchange energy with Z, and so its temperature reading will remain unchanged. To put it another way, if two items are in thermal equilibrium, their temperatures are the same. This is the fundamental relationship between temperature and thermal equilibrium.

A thermometer is a device that gauges the temperature of its own body. We may claim that a thermometer measures the temperature of something else, thereby making a statement that two items are at the same temperature due to the notions of thermal equilibrium and the zeroth law of thermodynamics.


We have learned the definition of thermal equilibrium and how temperature and thermal equilibrium are related to each other. The movement of energy from a high to a low temperature is known as heat. The system (or combination of systems) is said to be in thermal equilibrium when these temperatures balance out, and the heat stops flowing. There is no matter going into or out of the system when it is in thermal equilibrium. This is the major aspect of the relationship between temperature and thermal equilibrium.


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