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Ohm’s Law MCQ

MCQ on Ohm's Law.

The connection between current, voltage, and resistance is described by Ohm’s law. The potential difference, or voltage, across a large number of materials is precisely proportional to the amount of continuous current flowing through them. As a result, if the voltage V (in volts) between two ends of a wire constructed from one of these materials is tripled, the current I (amperes) triples as well, and the quotient V/I stays constant. The resistance, R, of a particular piece of material is defined as the quotient V/I, measured in ohms. The resistance of materials that obey Ohm’s law does not vary across wide voltage and current ranges. V/I = R is a mathematical expression of Ohm’s law.

Q1. Determines the relationship between current, resistance, and voltage.

  1. Ohm, Georg Simon (1826 AD)

  2. Shockley, William (1836 AD)

  3. Bardeen, John (1816 AD)

  4. Hans Christian is a German author (1846 AD)

Answer- A

Q2. Current (I) is proportional to Resistance (R) according to Ohm’s Law (R).

  1. Directly

  2. Indirectly

Answer- B, as formula goes as V= IR

Q3. Current (I) is proportional to Voltage (V) according to Ohm’s Law (V).

  1. Directly

  2. Indirectly

Answer- A, as formula goes as V= IR

 Q4. The formula for Ohm’s law is

  1. I = V/R

  2. V = IR

  3. R = V/I

  4. All are correct

Answer- D,where V is voltage, I is current and R is resistance

Q5. According to Ohm’s Law, what is the current (I) when 500 Voltage (V) is supplied to a 2K Resistance (R)?

  1. 0.50 Amp

  2. 0.25 Amp

  3. 0.75 Amp

  4. 4 Amp

Answer- B,V=IR is used to solve

Q6. When a bulb uses 0.25A from a 24V battery source, what is its Resistance (R) ?

  1. 50Ω

  2. 96Ω

  3. 95Ω

  4. 72Ω

Answer- B,V=IR is used to solve

Q7. The current unit (I) is

  1. Ohm

  2. Ampere

  3. Volt

  4. Siemen

Answer- B

 Q8. The Resistance Unit (R) is

  1. Ohm

  2. Ampere

  3. Volt

  4. Siemen

Answer- A

Q9. The Voltage Unit (V) is

  1. Siemen

  2. Volt

  3. Ohm

  4. Ampere

Answer- B

Q10: 1 milliampere equals-

  1. 100µA

  2. 10µA

  3. 1000µA

  4. 10A

Answer- c

 Q11: The Tungsten filament in a light bulb has a resistance of-

  1. Linear

  2. Non-Linear

  3. Fixed

  4. a & b are correct

Answer- B

Q12. The following are the most common non-linear resistor types:

  1. Thermistor Resistor

  2.  Varistor Resistor

  3.  Photo Resistor or LDR Resistor

  4.  Using a Surface Mount Device as a Resistor (SMD)

  5.  Everything is right

  6.  A and B are both accurate.

Answer- E

Q13. Conductance is expressed in-

a) mho

b) mho/m

c) ohm/m

d) m/ohm

Answer- a

Explanation: The reciprocal of resistance is conductance, which is measured in mho.

Q14. The watt is an electric power unit named after Scottish inventor

  1. James Watt (1736–1819)

  2. Alexander Graham Bell (1847–1922)

  3. Otto Blathy (1860–1939)

  4. Walter Houser Brattain (1902–1987)

Answer- A

Q15. One horsepower is equivalent to

  1. 576 watt

  2. 796 watt

  3. 746 watt

  4. 646 watt

Answer- C

Q16. A fundamental unit of labor or energy is the .

  1. Watt

  2. Joule

  3. Kelvin

  4. Tesla

Answer- B

Q17. The Power Formula is

  1. P = E/T

  2. P = W/T

  3. P = W/ΔT

  4. All are correct

Answer- D,where P is power,,W is work done and T is total time

Q18. The joule is the SI unit of work or energy, and it is named after an English scientist .

  1. Joule, James Prescott (1818–1889)

  2. James Watt (1736–1819) was an Englishman who lived from 1736 to 1819.

  3. Alexander Graham Bell (1847–1922) was an Englishman who lived from 1847 to 1922.

  4. Brattain, Walter Houser (1902–1987)

Answer- A

Q19. One of which is equivalent to one joule (J).

  1. Volt Coulomb

  2. Joule-Coulomb

  3. Horsepower

  4. Ampere-Joule

Answer- A

Q20. A joule is equivalent to _____________eV of energy.

  1. 6.25 × 1018

  2. 7.45 × 1018

  3. 6.25 × 1033

  4. 6.25 × 10-18

Answer- A

Q21. A resistance’s power wasted is directly proportional to

  1. V2

  2. I2

  3. V

  4. a & b are correct

Answer- D

Q22. A 0.1 to 0.2 Amp electric shock may induce the

  1. Mild sensation

  2. Threshold of sensation

  3. Death

  4. Painful

Answer- C

Q23. Open circuit resistance is

  1.  low

  2. Infinitely High

  3. Zero

  4. a & b are correct

Answer- B

Q24. An open circuit has no current flowing through it.

  1.  T

  2.  F

 Answer- A

Q25. The resistance in circuit is

  1. low

  2. Infinitely High

  3. Zero

  4. a & b are correct

Answer- C

Q26. An excessive amount of current flows via a short circuit.

  1.  T

  2.  F 

Answer- A

Q27. A kilowatt-hour (kWh) is a big unit of _______________ electricity.

  1. work

  2. energy

  3. conductance

  4. power

Answer- B, 1kWh= 1000 Watts/hour

Q28.A wire’s resistance is y. When the wire is extended to three times its original length, the resistance is 

       a) 5y

       b) 3y

       c) 6y

       d) y/6

Answer- b

Explanation: conductor’s resistance is exactly proportionate to its length. That is, if the length of a conductor is tripled, the resistance of the conductor is likewise tripled.

Q29. If a circuit has two unequal resistances in parallel, then

       a) In a big resistance, a lot of current flows.

       b) both currents are the same

       c) the potential difference between them is the same.

       d) A lower resistance equals a lower conductivity.

Answer- c Explanation: When resistors are connected in series, the potential difference between them is the same.

Q30. Is Ohm’s law applicable in which of the following situations?

       a) Electrolytes electrolytes electrolytes electrolytes electrolytes electro

       b) Lamps with arcs

       c) Insulators

       d) Values of vacuum ratios

Answer- c, as resistance is required in this law and insulator acts as an resistor

Q32. At both ends of a copper wire of length l and diameter d, a potential difference V is applied. V is the drift velocity. When the wire diameter is d/4, the drift velocity becomes-

 a) V/16

 b) 16V

 c) V

 d) V/4

 Answer- b

 Explanation: Drift velocity is proportional to material area, i.e. V=I/nAq.

Q33.Ohm’s law does not apply to

a) dc circuits

b) high currents

c) small resistors

d) semi-conductors

Answer- d, the law of resistance does not apply to semi-conductors and insulators.