
In this article we will learn about the concept of non-renewable energy, non-renewable energy examples, its uses and more.

Atomic nuclei are made up of nucleons, which are subatomic particles like the proton and neutron. Under the influence of the short-range nuclear force, protons (positively charged) and neutrons (uncharged) behave equally in terms of how they are bonded in nuclei and how they are scattered by each other. The strength of this interaction is unaffected by electric charge.


In its capacity as a component of an atomic nucleus, a nucleon is either a proton or a neutron. The mass number of an atom is determined by the number of nucleons in its nucleus (nucleon number). Inter Nucleon interaction, also known as nuclear force, is the interaction between two or more nucleons that is ultimately induced by the strong contact. Nucleons are at the intersection of particle physics and nuclear physics. The basic formulas that describe the characteristics of quarks and the strong interaction are found in particle physics, particularly quantum chromodynamics.


Although protons and neutrons are best known as nucleons, or components of atomic nuclei, they can exist as free particles. With a half-life of roughly 13 minutes, free neutrons are unstable, yet they have essential applications (see neutron radiation and neutron scattering). When bound with an electron, protons are the nuclei of hydrogen atoms, and when not bound to anything, they are ions or cosmic rays.

Both the proton and the neutron are composite particles, meaning that they are made up of smaller parts, notably three quarks each; neither is an elementary particle, despite popular belief. A proton has two up quarks and one down quark, whereas a neutron has one up quark and two down quarks.

Because an up quark has an electric charge of +2⁄3 e  and a down quark has a charge of 1⁄3 e the proton and neutron’s total electric charges are +e and 0, respectively.  As a result, the neutron has a charge of 0(zero) and is electrically neutral; indeed, the term “neutron” is derived from the fact that neutrons are electrically neutral.

The major force binding the atoms together—which is stronger than the electric force pushing them apart—is the source of nucleons. The weak force can convert one nucleon into another via beta decay—protons to neutrons or neutrons to protons. Nucleons are very small, about a 10,000 times smaller than an atom! For various online displays of this magnitude, check the size of the universe.

Because electrons are not nucleons, they are not affected by the strong force. Only quark-based things are affected by the strong force.

Inside the nucleus, nucleons have their own mechanical moments (spins). The nucleon’s spin is 12(in units of h). Furthermore, the nucleons have mechanical moments l, which are related to their movement in the nucleus. These moments are referred to as orbital moments because they are analogous to the motion of electrons in an atom.

Since an individual nucleon’s total angular moment is half-integer, nuclei for an even number of nucleons have an integer mechanical moment, while nuclei for an odd number have a half-integer mechanical moment. Individual nucleon moments are usually antiparallel in nuclei hence the nuclear spin is either zero or a small value. For example, the alpha particle (helium nucleus) has a spin of0 the nucleus 40 k has a spin of 4, and the nucleu137 Cs has a spin of 7⁄2.

Nuclear energy

Nuclear energy is generated by breaking atoms in a reactor to heat water into steam, which is then used to power a turbine and generate electricity. Nuclear reactors in 28 states supply roughly 20 % of the nation’s electricity, all without emitting carbon dioxide since they use uranium rather than fossil fuels. These plants are always on: well-maintained to avoid outages and built to resist extreme weather, they keep the grid running 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Benefits of Nuclear Energy

As the emissions-free workhorse of our energy grid, nuclear energy has numerous benefits. Its one-of-a-kind worth cannot be found in any other form of energy.

Nuclear energy leadership by the United States ensures global safety and non Proliferation norms, supports a stable electrical grid at home, and powers a robust navy.

Nuclear energy today delivers enormous volumes of carbon-free electricity 24hours a day, seven days a week, which is essential for environmental protection.

Nuclear energy benefits local economies by providing over 100,000 well-paid, long-term jobs and millions of dollars in state and municipal tax revenues.

Nuclear energy assists developing countries in achieving their long-term development objectives.

Uses of Nuclear Energy

In the country, atomic energy is employed for a variety of peaceful purposes including electricity generation, healthcare, agriculture, food preservation, industry, and research. There are currently 21 nuclear power stations in operation in the country, with a total installed capacity of5780 MWe, and several more are being built or planned. In addition, at Trombay and Kalpakkam, research reactors are used for basic and applied research, radioisotope generation, material testing, and manpower training. These research and power reactors create radioisotopes that are used for radiation sterilisation of medical products, radiopharmaceutical manufacture, nuclear medicine, and cancer treatment.


Atomic nuclei are made up of nucleons, which are subatomic particles like the proton and neutron. The nucleon is the baryon ground state because unstable subatomic particles heavier than nucleons.  A proton has two up quarks and one down quark, whereas a neutron only has one up quark. Nuclear energy assists developing countries in achieving their long-term development objectives. Nucleons are at the intersection of particle physics and nuclear physics. atomic energy is employed for a variety of peaceful purposes including electricity generation, healthcare, agriculture, food preservation, industry, and research.


Frequently asked questions

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What is a nucleon?

Answer:-  Protons and neutrons are collectively referred to as nucleons. Atomic nucleons are the particles t...Read full

What is nuclear energy?

Answer:- Nuclear energy, also known as atomic energy, is the energy released in large quantities by operatio...Read full

What are the uses of nuclear energy?

Answer:- The uses of nuclear energy are: Radioisotopes, nuclear power heat processing, and non-stationary po...Read full

Give the two types of nuclear energy?


Fission and fusion.