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Coronary Artery MCQs

MCQs on "Coronary Artery" : Find the multiple choice questions on "Coronary Artery", frequently asked for all competitive examinations.

Coronary artery- this artery supplies oxygenated blood to the heart muscles. They surround the heart in the shape of a crown thus they are named as coronary artery

1. How many people in the U.S. are a victim of CAD?

    1. Less than a million
    2. More than 16 million 
    3. 5 million 
    4. 10 million

Answer: (D) According to the American Heart Association, there are more than 16 million of them. Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States.

2. Which among the following do you think is a symptom of coronary artery disease?

    1. Shortness of breath

    2. Weakness and fatigue

    3. Heaviness, tightness, pressure, or pain in the chest behind the breastbone

    4. All of the above.

Answer: (D) All of the foregoing are true. Some persons with CAD, on the other hand, experience no or just moderate symptoms. The most prevalent symptom of CAD is angina, or chest pain and discomfort. Angina is a condition that occurs when plaque builds up inside arteries, narrowing them. Blood flow to your heart muscle and the rest of your body might be blocked by narrowed arteries, which can cause chest discomfort.

3. What is the number of main coronary arteries in a normal person?

    1. One 

    2.  Five

    3. Two

    4. Eight

Answer : (C) Two. The two main arteries are the left main coronary artery (LMCA) and the right coronary artery (RCA). To reach all parts of the heart, they both split into smaller branches.

4. Which test can be used to determine coronary artery disease (CAD) 

    1. Cardiac catheterization

    2. Electrocardiogram

    3. Treadmill stress test

    4. all of these

Answer : (D) All of these tests can be used to detect CAD. Cardiac catheterization is a technique in which a thin, flexible tube (catheter) is passed into a blood artery to the heart to detect or treat disorders including blocked arteries or irregular heartbeats.

An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a simple and rapid technique for examining the heart. Electrodes (small, skin-sticking plastic patches) are placed on specified locations of the chest, arms, and legs. The electrodes are connected to an ECG machine via lead cords.

5. Which is the highest risk factor associated with coronary artery disease?

    1. Age

    2. Obesity

    3. Heredity

    4. Gender

Answer: (B) Obesity. Obesity leads to fat being deposited on the muscles which later hardens especially in adults. These deposits create blockages and lead to coronary artery disease and many other heart diseases too.  

6. Which part of CAD’s treatment: Coronary angioplasty involves the following procedure? 

    1. A new part of the artery replaces the blocked section

    2. to expand the artery, medication is used

    3. inflation of a tiny balloon inside an artery

    4. None of these

Answer: (C) Coronary angioplasty is a procedure that opens up narrowed or clogged coronary arteries. During angioplasty, a long, thin tube (catheter) is placed into a blood vessel and guided to the blocked coronary artery. A little balloon is affixed to the tip of the catheter. The balloon is inflated at the constricted portion of the cardiac artery once the catheter is in place. 

7. Which of the following is the role of the coronary artery?

    1. to supply blood to heart muscles

    2. to carry blood away from the heart muscles

    3. to ensure the supply of blood to all parts of the body

    4. none of these

Answer: (B) The heart muscle is supplied with blood via coronary arteries. The heart muscle, like all other tissues in the body, need oxygen-rich blood to operate. Additionally, oxygen-depleted blood must be transported. The coronary arteries are the ones that surround the heart.

8. What do you understand about Ischemia?

    1. restriction of blood supply to tissues

    2. Overflow of blood to tissues

    3. Inadequate deoxygenated blood carrying veins

    4. the medical term used by doctors for shortness of breath

Answer: (A) Tissue blood supply is restricted. Ischemia is a condition in which blood flow (and hence oxygen supply) is limited or diminished in a specific area of the body. Cardiac ischemia refers to a reduction in blood flow and oxygen to the heart muscle.

 It’s a word used to describe cardiac issues caused by constricted heart arteries. Less blood and oxygen reach the heart muscle as arteries constrict. This condition is also known as coronary artery disease or coronary heart disease. This can eventually result in a heart attack. Ischemia frequently produces angina pectoris or chest pain.

9. The __________ branches into the Circumflex artery and left anterior descend artery, choose the one which you think is correct. 

    1. Left main coronary artery

    2. right marginal artery

    3. Posterior secondary artery

    4. None of these

Answer: (A) The coronary artery on the left side is called the left major coronary artery (LMCA). Blood is supplied to the left side of the heart muscle through the left major coronary artery (the left ventricle and left atrium). The branches of the left major coronary artery are as follows:

The left anterior descending artery is a branch of the left coronary artery that provides blood to the heart’s front side.

  1. In Some people who have had coronary angioplasty in the past, the artery narrows or becomes blocked again within 6 months if a stent is not used. When is this more likely to happen?

    1. if one smokes

    2. If the patient has diabetes

    3. If the patient has unstable angina before the procedure

    4. All of the above 

Answer: (D) All of the foregoing can be reopened with a second angioplasty. Arteries and other blood arteries that become narrowed or obstructed can be reopened with a second angioplasty. 

With the widespread use of stents, this is a much less prevalent occurrence. However, even with stents, arteries might get clogged again over time. Some stents include a coating that releases medication slowly over time. 

The amount of scar tissue that grows inside the artery is reduced as a result. It aids in the prevention of restenosis. To prevent blood clots from developing on the new stent, your doctor will prescribe medication.