The "epithelium" is a kind of human body tissue that creates the awning on all external and internal surfaces of the human body, hollow organs, and lines human body cavities.


The multiple “Epithelial tissues” are the animal tissues. The epithelial tissues manifest the attributes of the animal cells. Over here the respective cells are eukaryotic along with a core and consist of membrane-bound phagosomes. “Epithelial tissues” are considered as the important tissue in respective glands. A cell membrane is not present in the cells of animals. This deficiency of the tissues can adopt dissimilar figures to become trained and perform particular functions. The “epithelial tissues” are also known as the “epithelium”. This tissue normally has an open space and looks at the body liquid outside or inside the environment. The “epithelial tissue” mostly is considered as the covering tissues or the tissues which stripe the inner linings of multiple organs in the human body.

What Is Epithelial Tissue?

The “Epithelial Tissue” is the thin tissue that envelops all the sensitive coverings of the human body. The “epithelial tissue” creates the digestive tract, external skin, secretory glands, and the multiple hollow portions of each organ of the human body namely, the urogenital tract, heart, eyes, ears, and lungs. The “epithelial tissue” also creates the central channels of the “spinal cord” and ventricular method of the human brain. The cells that are preparing up the epithelia are frequently closely bound with each other via specialised substructures that are known as tight junctions. The “epithelial tissue” is liberated from nerves and blood vessels and is blistered by the connective tissue commonly known as the basal lamina. They contradict the appropriate basement domain that is facing the basal lamina and other apical coverings are facing the cavity of the outermost environment or an organ. 

Types of   Epithelial tissue

There are a pair of “epithelial tissue” namely, the simple and the compound epithelium. Inside the simple “epithelial tissue” there is one layer of multiple cells. It is normally erected in the depiction of the organs or the body cavities or even tubes and ducts. On the other hand, the compound “epithelial tissues” includes two or additional coverings of cells. The epithelial tissues form multiple stratified layers. In the human skin, they consist of protective functions. The epithelial tissue does not consist of much of an act in secretion and absorption. Their purpose is to supply protection against multiple forms of chemical and mechanical stress. The “compound epithelium” can be established on the parched covering of the human skin, pharynx, pancreatic ducts, buccal cavity, and the border of the “salivary glands” ducts.

Further   Classification

Assuming the arrangement of multiple cells, structure, shape, and size, the researcher further classifies the kinds of “epithelial tissue”. They are listed below:

  • Squamous Epithelium:

The Squamous Epithelium is flat and thin cells that are closely filled up with irregular boundaries. The cells of the Squamous Epithelium underline the cavities of the mouth, blood vessels, oesophagus, alveoli, and the “air sacs’ ‘ of the lungs of humans.

  • Cuboidal Epithelium:

The cells of Cuboidal Epithelium are polyhedral in the figure. They are established on the sweat glands, salivary glands, and the tubular chunks of the nephrons that are situated in the kidneys of humans and many more. Their chief function incorporates secretion, excretion, and absorption.

  • Columnar Epithelium:

The cells of Columnar Epithelium are column-like and pillar-like. The midpoint of the multiple cells is situated at the surface. The free base may consist of microvilli. The cells lie on the borderline of the intestine and stomach. Its operations incorporate secretion and absorption.

  • Ciliated Epithelium:

The chief function of Ciliated Epithelium is to transfer multiple particles and to slime in a particular direction. The musical movements of the “cilia” help in the development of the material in a particular direction.  

  • Glandular Epithelium:

The Glandular Epithelium is upgraded columnar “epithelial tissues”. They are extended cells that lie in the sweat gleaned and tear glands. The chief function of Glandular Epithelium is secretion.

Functions of   the Epithelium

The “Epithelial tissues” create multiple boundaries between the dissimilar surroundings, and mostly all materials must proceed via the epithelium. In its act as communication tissue, the epithelium achieves many operations including:

  1. The absorption of materials in the gastrointestinal tract is interlining with the distinct upgrades.
  2. Protection for multiple “underlying tissues” from physical trauma, radiations, toxins, and desiccation.
  3. Excretion and regulation of the multiple chemicals in the middle of the body cavity and the various underlying tissues.
  4. The “secretion” of the hormones inside the “blood vascular” system. 

Characteristics   of Epithelial Layers

 “Epithelial tissues” are made up of multiple cells that are carried out in the form of sheets along with the powerful “cell-to-cell” attachments. These connections of proteins hold the multiple cells in conjunction to create a deeply connected layer that is vascular and innervated in quality. Materials that are spreading from multiple “blood vessels” in the elemental connective tissues cultivate the “epithelial cells”. 


The “tissues-animal tissue-epithelial tissue” is an important chapter of biology. One has to go through all the basic concepts of “tissues-animal tissue-epithelial tissue” to fully understand. The overview of “tissues-animal tissue-epithelial tissue” is provided based on the definitions, functions, types, and structures. A team of multiple tissues forms a particular organ inside the human body. The organs that compose the entire “organ system” for the human body are made up of animal tissues only. The “Epithelium” covers the multiple borderlines of the skin and the organs of the human body.