General Awareness » Dr Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman (C.V Raman) Biography: Early Life, Education, Career, Family, Awards and Achievements

Dr Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman (C.V Raman) Biography: Early Life, Education, Career, Family, Awards and Achievements

The name of CV Raman will undoubtedly be included when discussing the great Indians of history. One of the most important scientists of the 20th century, and his curiosity and thirst for knowledge brought him to the ground-breaking achievements that have had a significant impact on modern science. CV Raman has an unparalleled reputation and has left behind an enduring legacy. In addition, he contributed to the founding of most of the nation’s research institutes.

Early Life

On November 7, 1888, Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman was born in Tiruchirapalli. His father, Chandrasekaran Ramanathan Iyer, was a maths and physics instructor. Parvathi Ammal was the name of his mother.  Raman’s parents struggled during Raman’s birth. His father got a professor position when he was four years old, which relieved their economic situation. The learning of CV Raman has been remarkable from a very early age. Science had always captivated the child Raman, who was keen to read books.


When Raman was young, his family travelled to Visakhapatnam. He went to St. Aloysius Anglo-Indian High School there. After passing his matriculation exam at age 11 and completing his 2/equal intervals with a scholarship at age 13.

He enrolled in Presidency College Madras in 1902.  In 1904, CV Raman passed the B.A. examinations and received the “Gold Medal’ for his first position.  After that, he obtained his M.A. from the “Presidency College” with Physics as his main preference.

Because they knew his talent, his university professors encouraged him to study. Professor R. Ale. Johns recommended him to write up the results of his studies and experiments into a “research paper” and send it to the London-based “Philosophical Journal.” His research report was published in the magazine’s November 1906 edition. He completed the M.A. exams in 1907 with good marks.


Raman’s instructors encouraged his father to send him to England for more study, but owing to his health issue, he could not do so. He was forced to sit for the competitive exam being held at the time by the British government. Raman received an officer post in the government’s financial division after winning this exam. Raman established a tiny laboratory in Kolkata after being promoted to Assistant Accountant General.

He started his research in the IACS lab. He usually devoted the entire day in the lab working on his research and studies, even on Sundays. When the “Indian Association for Cultivation of Science” offered him a Professor in Physics, Raman resigned from his government job. He taught physics at the University of Calcutta in 1917. Raman received a significant honour for his contributions to the field of “Optics.” In 1924, he was selected as a member of London’s “Royal Society”.  

On February 28, 1928, Raman discovered the Raman effect.  He published it in the international scientific journal Nature. C. V Raman presented his new results to Bangalore’s SISA on March 16, 1928. Following this, he continued his studies into the “Raman Effect” and started in labs worldwide. In 1929, Venkata Raman served as the chairman of the Indian Science Congress. Raman became appointed head of the IISc Bangalore in 1934. He left the IISc Bangalore in 1948.

Scientific Contributions:

In collaboration with K.S. Krishnan, Raman conducted light scattering research on February 28th, 1928, at the IACS in Kolkata. He discovered the Raman effect, a highly potent colour modification in light-weight disperses. Raman was also involved in the study of musical instrument acoustics. He developed a hypothesis relying on the accumulation of velocities for the transverse vibration of bowed strings. Additionally, he was the first to explore the harmonic composition of Indian drums, like the table drum.

Additionally, he is intrigued by the characteristics of other stringed instruments with forced vibrations. Raman’s work on acoustics was a crucial theoretical and experimental antecedent to his later work on optics and quantum physics. He also explored the transmission of sound in whispering galleries.

Raman took a novel approach to the basic issue of crystal dynamics in 1948 through his investigation of the Spectroscopic behaviour of crystals. He studied the composition and characteristics of the diamonds as well as the composition and optical behaviour of various colourful materials, such as labradorite, agate, opal, and pearls. 

Raman and his pupil Suri Bhagavantam discovered that light photons had angular momentum or spin. The angular momentum of EMR, such as light, is transferred to the atoms that absorb it.


The most well-known researcher in India, Chandrasekhar Venkata Raman (CV Raman), was also recognised for a number of accolades for his significant scientific accomplishments, which we shall discuss below: –

  1. The scientist CV Raman was selected as a member of the “Royal Society of London” in 1924.
  2. When CV Raman discovered the “Raman Effect” on February 28, 1928, the Public Authority of India declared that day to be “National Science Day.”
  3. For his struggles and successes, CV Raman received several honours, prestigious degrees, and distinctions from many organisations in 1929.
  4. He received the Nobel Prize in 1930, a remarkable and prestigious honour, for logical advances like scattering and the “Raman Impact. 
  5. For his enormous contribution to science, he received the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest honour, in 1954.

Honourable Works & Famous Books:

  • In 1926, he established the Indian Journal of Physics and became the editor.
  • In 1922, he posted his paintings on the “Molecular Diffraction of Light”, which brought about the splendid discovery of the radiation impact on twenty-eighth February in 1928.
  • In 1948, he additionally studied the essential troubles of crystal dynamics.

CV Raman was a famous writer of many well-known books. Here are a number of his well-known books you should upload to your analysing list:

  1. Scattering of Light
  2. Optica
  3. Acoustic
  4. Optics of Minerals & Diamond
  5. Floral Colours & Visual Perception
  6. Physics of Crystals


The brilliant researcher CV Raman used a lot of energy in the lab, generating discoveries and gathering data. He may have been 82 years old when he unexpectedly had a heart attack while working in his lab at the Raman Exploration Organisation in Bangalore on November 21, 1970, collapsing and passing away.

C.V. Raman, the researcher who got India’s inescapable conspicuousness of science, may never again accompany us, yet his fundamental revelations will continuously accompany us; his remarkable discoveries are used on a major scale these days. The way he created science using his work and difficult work through disclosures like the ‘Raman effect’ involves delight for all Indians. CV Raman’s character will be carried on to people in the future.


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What is C V Raman's full name?

Answer: Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman is the full name of C V Raman. He was born on November 7, 1888, in Tiruchirappa...Read full

For what reason was Raman granted the Nobel Prize?

Answer: The Academy of Sciences opted to award Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman the Nobel Prize in Physics for his c...Read full

How does C.V Raman describe the ocean's Blue colour?

Answer: Around then, researchers believed the ocean was blue since it mirrored the shade of the sky, yet Raman obser...Read full

What is the number of colours in the Raman effect?

Answer: Through different examinations, Raman reasoned that any fluid contains minute particles and, in the presence...Read full

What is National Science Day's significance?

Answer: In India, National Science Day is observed on February 28 every year to commemorate the date that Indian phy...Read full