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MCQs on Psychology

MCQs on Psychology: Test your knowledge with MCQs on Psychology covering various topics in just a few clicks. Sharpen your understanding effortlessly!

Psychology is the science and study of the human mind and its Behaviour. It includes the study of feelings, conscious and unconscious phenomena, and thoughts. It is derived from the Greek language. A psychologist is a professional researcher or practitioner. Mental health problems can be easily accessed and known. It helps to understand human problems, especially mental health problems. This field of study has immense scope covering natural and social sciences. It is a much broader term than sciences and neuroscience. This field of study researches Perception, emotion, attention, personality, motivation, cognition, personality, brain functioning, and Behaviour.

  1. The word “Psychology” is derived from which language?
    1.  Italian
    2. Greek
    3.  Latin
    4.  None of the above

Answer. 2 Greek

Explanation. The word Psychology is derived from the two Greek words. Psyche means “life” or “soul”. Logia means “the study of”. In short, Psychology is the science entailing the study of the mind. It includes the study of Behaviour, feelings, consciousness, and the unconscious mind.

  1. How many types of Psychology are there?
    1.  1
    2.  2
    3.  3
    4.  4


Explanation. There are four types of psychology. These are as follows: Clinical Psychology, Social psychology, Cognitive psychology, and applied psychology. Clinical psychology helps us to understand mental and behavioural health and related counselling. Cognitive psychology is the study of mental processes. Behavioural psychology means knowing different types of conditioning through Behaviour. Applied psychology relates to studying the brain, Behaviour, and its evolution.

  1. Psychology is the scientific study of _____ and ______.
    1. A Behaviour, mental processes
    2. Mental illness, Mental health
    3. Physical states, mental states
    4.  None of the above

Answer: 1 Behaviour, mental processes

Explanation: Psychology is a field of study that explains individuals’ mental processes and Behaviour. It is the science and the study of Behaviour and mental processes. This field of study researches Perception, emotion, attention, personality, motivation, cognition, personality, brain functioning, and Behaviour.

  1. Which kind of science is Psychology?
    1. Biological science
    2. Physical science
    3. Social science
    4. Natural science

Answer: 3 Social science

Explanation: In psychology, social cognition plays an immense role. It deals with the study of the human mind and Behaviour. There is a study of social behaviours, human development, and emotions in psychology. Psychology is considered a social science. It is a distinguished study that is varied from the other social sciences, including economics, anthropology, sociology, and political science.

  1. Name the father of Experimental Psychology.
    1. Wilhelm Wundt
    2. G. Jung
    3. Sigmund Freud
    4. None of the above

Answer: 1 Wilhelm Wundt

Explanation: Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt is known as the father of experimental psychology. He was an acclaimed philosopher, professor, and German psychologist. He wrote the first-ever psychology textbook Principles of Physiological Psychology in 1873. He set up the first laboratory where he carried out experimental psychology. He also used the scientific method to decipher the human mind and its working, Perception, and other cognitive abilities of a human.

  1. Which of these is an example of a negative attitude towards people?
    1. Stereotype
    2. Prototype
    3. Prejudice
    4. Discrimination

Answer: 3 Prejudice

Explanation: Generally speaking, prejudice refers to an idea, belief, or preconception about something. It can be defined as an irrational attitude of hostility against a group, an individual, or characteristics. Negative attitudes towards people can be defined like this.

  1. Which part of the brain transfers short-term memory to long-term memory?
    1. Cerebellum
    2. Hippocampus
    3. Amygdala
    4. None of the above

Answer: 2 Hippocampus

Explanation: Memory is a primary function of the brain’s hippocampal region. The Greek word for it is the hippocampus, where hippo means ‘horse’, and kampos means ‘seahorse’ since its structure is similar to the sea horse. The function of long-term memory is to consolidate information from short-term memory to long-term memory.

  1. Which is another term coined for reinforcement?
    1. Reward
    2. Condition
    3. Response
    4. None of the above

Answer: 1 Reward

Explanation: Reinforcement is also known as a reward. Reinforcement Learning is a feedback-based Machine Learning approach in which an agent learns to behave in a given environment by executing actions and seeing the outcomes of those actions. For each positive activity, the agent receives positive feedback or a reward; for each poor action, the agent receives negative feedback or a punishment. The agent receives a positive point for a good reward and a negative point for a negative penalty.

  1. The process of employing psychological procedures to treat persons with psychological difficulties by a qualified psychologist is known as –
    1. Psychoanalysis
    2. Psychotherapy
    3. Psychiatry
    4. None of the above

Answer. 2 Psychotherapy is the answer.

Explanation. Psychotherapy is sometimes known as talking therapy or psychological treatment. It is a medical word for conversing with psychologists, psychiatrists, or other mental health practitioners to treat mental health concerns. Psychotherapy uses psychological treatments to treat mental problems or personality disorders.

  1. The term used for a child’s one-word utterances is –
    1. Holophrases
    2. Telegraphic speech
    3. Under extensions
    4. None of the above

Answer: 1 Holophrases

Explanation: Around twelve months, the child begins to say some words, usually single words. These are known as Holos, which are single words. For example, a youngster may say my to signify ‘this item is mine,’ and there are other single words that a child may utter as he or she begins to speak.

  1. Which of these is not a diagnosable sleep disorder?
    1. Insomnia
    2. Somniloquy
    3. Somnambulism
    4. Sleep terror

Answer: 2 Somniloquy

Explanation. Somniloquy, often known as sleep talking, is a type of sleep disturbance. It refers to chatting out loud while sleeping. A person who sleeps speaks is ignorant that he or she is talking while sleeping and oblivious of what he or she is talking about. It is quite frequent and is not typically seen as a medical condition.

  1. Which of the following controls the reflexes?
    1. Hypothalamus
    2. Spinal cord
    3. Frontal lobe
    4. None of the above

Answer. 2 Spinal Cord

Explanation. The spinal cord is a complicated network of nerve cells. It is in charge of feeling and movement. The spinal cord also serves as a coordination hub for many reflexes and contains reflex arcs that govern reflexes separately.

  1. Which of these can sense the movement and position of our body parts?
    1. Proprioprediction
    2. Proprioliction
    3. Proprioception
    4. Proprioaction

Answer: 3 Proprioception

Explanation. Explanation: Kinesthesia is another name for proprioception. The body can detect its position, motions, and components. Proprioception can be demonstrated by the capacity to kick or walk without looking at one’s feet or by being able to touch one’s nose with closed eyes.

  1. The approach of acquiring information about the brain that reflects general brain activity is known as –
    1. Positron emission tomography
    2. Electrical stimulation
    3. Electroencephalogram
    4. None of the above

Answer: 1 positron emission tomography

Explanation: PET, or positron emission tomography, imagines the brain in motion. The PET pictures depict the active brain areas. Positron emission tomography (PET) is a scanning technology that allows doctors and psychologists to investigate the brain without requiring surgery.

  1. Assume a person was involved in an accident and afterwards became less worried, careless, and impulsive about the implications of his Behaviour. It happened because the individual had to have been injured in some way. –
    1. Occipital lobe
    2. Parietal lobe
    3. Frontal lobe
    4. All of the above

Answer: 3 Frontal lobe

Explanation: The frontal lobe is a component of the brain. It regulates crucial human cognitive abilities, including memory, language, problem-solving, emotional expression, etc. Damage to the frontal lobe causes behavioural abnormalities, decreased creativity, decreased sense of taste and smell, inability to problem-solve or organise work, sadness, and other symptoms.

  1. Who initiated the scientific study of creativity?
    1. Mednick
    2. Guilford
    3. Galton
    4. Torrance

Answer: 2 Guilford

Explanation: Creativity is defined as the capacity to conceive novel ideas and bring them to life. J.P. Guilford (Joy Paul Guilford) was a psychologist from the United States. He is most known for his work on the psychometric examination of human intellect.

  1. Teena wrote a to-do list, but she forgot it at home when she went out for her first activity. When she tried to memorise it, she only remembered the beginning and finish of the list, but not what was in the centre. The preceding scenario is an example of –
    1. Flashbulb memory
    2. Serial position effect
    3. Encoding specificity effects
    4. None of the above

Answer: 2 Serial position effects

Explanation: The serial-position effect is a tendency in which recalling the first and last things in a list is more accurate, but recalling the items in the middle is less accurate.

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