NEET UG » NEET Preparation Tips 2024 – Strategy, Time Table, Study Material

NEET Preparation Tips 2024 – Strategy, Time Table, Study Material

Students from all over India take the National Eligibility and Entrance Test (NEET) to see if they can get into medical or dental school. Before sitting for it, candidates for NEET should familiarise themselves with the test’s fundamentals. They should have comprehensive knowledge of the syllabus and study material to be successful in the exam.  

What is the NEET Syllabus?

The Chemistry, Physics, and Biology disciplines form the backbone of the knowledge tested on the NEET UG exam. You’ll have three hours to answer 180 multiple-choice questions. An applicant gets 4 points for every correct answer, and for every wrong answer, they lose 1 point. NEET exam books are another option. To best prepare for the NEET Exam, you must have a firm grasp of everything on the NEET Syllabus.

Important Topic to Focus On

  • Ecology & Environment
  • Genetics
  • Cell Biology
  • Basics of Biotechnology
  • Morphology
  • Physiology of Animals & Plants
  • Reproduction
  • General Organic Chemistry
  • Periodic Table
  • Coordination Chemistry 
  • Mole Concept
  • Chemical Bonding
  • Optics
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Mechanics
  • Thermodynamics

NEET Study Material

  • NEET covers 97 NCERT chapters from classes 11 and 12. The correct NEET books and study materials must be prioritised. Inaccurate and unambiguous knowledge must be retaught
  • Recommended study material lets one take notes without hesitation
  • Several NEET-specific books are easier for pupils to use and solve questions
  • Some books have a “notes section,” and NCERT’s summary should not be overlooked
  • Because there are so many ways to study for the NEET, you shouldn’t use more than one book at a time. Read the NEET syllabus as many times as needed
  • Only use NCERT for NEET notes. It’s great for last-minute studying

NEET Preparation Tips for Physics

These NEET exam preparation strategies for Physics are essential:

  • In-Depth Physics

Solve physics theories and numerical problems. Boost your NCERT knowledge. Physics includes matter, energy, electrodynamics, electrostatics, heat, waves, and mechanics. So master all the concepts and practice the questions daily. Answer all theory questions for good grades and quickness.

  • Learn Questions

Students misinterpret NEET questions and make mistakes. Read and comprehend the questions before replying. Avoid JEE-level difficulties since NEET never requires JEE-level questions. NCERT and NEET books provide the essentials. To comprehend questions, solve last year’s papers.

  • Notes While Studying

NEET’s Physics Syllabus covers a lot. Studying from multiple sources is difficult. While learning, jot down key definitions, formulas, and points. We guarantee you can revise those before the exam and remember them. It’s a standard competitive exam suggestion.

  • Formulas

Physics formulas are crucial. Instead of mugging, practice. Know your 11th and 12th-grade formulas. Without formulas, scoring well is challenging. Formulas yield correct responses. Understand the logic behind every formula. 

  • Past Exams

As already said, doing as many NEET physics problems as possible helps you understand how hard they are. Over time, many questions will reoccur. You’ll also understand how essential topics weigh. Buy books with current model question papers and schedule time to solve them. Toppers also recommend this. Thus, you will pass the exam and enter the top college.

  • Mock Tests

You need more time to solve problems because they prepare you for actual exams. Analyse your score, recognise your weaknesses, and manage time. Mock exams prepare you to ace the exam.

See more:

NEET Preparation Tips for Chemistry

These NEET exam preparation strategies for Chemistry are essential:

  • In-Depth Chemistry

You’re familiar with the NEET material and test structure. Find answers to problems in numerical chemistry. Improve your NCERT expertise. Learn everything you can about the material, and do the quizzes daily to test your knowledge. Do well academically and efficiently by answering all of the theory questions.

  • Learn Questions

Students misread NEET questions. Before answering, read the questions. Avoid JEE-level challenges since NEET never requires them. NCERT and NEET books cover the fundamentals. Solve last year’s papers to understand.

  • Notes While Studying

Avoid studying NEET Chemistry from numerous sources—too much study material may confuse an aspirant. Thus, just the one or two coaching materials and books above will be plenty. Make quick notes for last-minute revision.

  • Formulas

Formulas matter in chemistry. Instead of mugging, practise. Know 11th and 12th-grade formulae. Without formulas, scoring well is challenging. Formulas produce accurate results. Formulas have logic.

  • Past Exams

As already said, doing as many NEET physics problems as possible helps you understand how hard they are. Over time, many questions will reoccur. You’ll also understand how essential topics weigh. Buy books with current model question papers and schedule time to take care of them. Toppers also recommend this. Thus, you will pass the exam and enter the top college.

  • Mock Tests

You need more time to solve problems because they prepare you for actual exams. Analyse your score, recognise your weaknesses, and manage time. Mock exams prepare you to ace the exam.

Also see:

NEET Preparation Tips for Biology

These NEET exam preparation strategies for Biology are essential:

  • In-Depth NCERT

To make the most of your time, focus on just one book at a time. The NCERT Biology textbook needs extensive updates. You should carefully review all of the NCERT book’s tables and graphics. 

  • Learn Questions

Read some NCERT examples about plant and animal kingdoms, plant and animal morphology and anatomy, and animal tissue. More time should be spent studying the physiology, reproduction, genetics, and ecology of both people and plants. There needs to be a complete rethinking of basic dogma in genetics. Study the many dihybrid cross-genetic configurations.

  • Practise

Do as many practice problems as possible; learning to analyse a problem is the first step in solving it. Take practice examinations to increase your efficiency at answering questions.

Develop your skills in pedigree analysis for speedy deductions. Make as much use as possible of the NCERT textbooks and practise questions.

Read more: 

Last Minute Preparation Tips for the NEET Exam


Start with NCERT books and spend more time on issues that need clarification. Later, cover curriculum subjects not covered in the book. Take notes and draw what you need. These notes will help you finish the syllabus in the last few hours. Keep practising complex concepts.

  • Strengths and Weaknesses

Recognising your strengths and weaknesses and the syllabus’s most time-consuming regions helps you arrange your study. Avoid tough issues. Instead, strategise around your strengths and confidence. Later, add in the hard and time-consuming parts to keep you interested and build your confidence, making you want to study more.

  • Revision of Notes

The eleventh hour is not the time to learn new topics or chapters. It’s a good idea to review self-notes that have essential formulas, derivations, equations, labelled diagrams, graphs, constant values, and other parts that may need to be reviewed from time to time.

  • Practice

a) Online mock tests and question papers from previous years can help students get used to the exam setting and keep track of how fast and accurately they answer questions at a certain time.

b) They can also assess their performance and identify areas for improvement.

c) This familiarises them with the pattern of the question paper and the weightage of marks for each chapter.

d) Take a 3-hour mock test every day.

e) Mock exams and sample papers are both terrible at the last minute!

  • Evaluate

Spend time analysing your blunders after each mock test. Before wasting time studying, figure out what went wrong and why. Overconfidence, lack of knowledge/information, rushing through questions, lack of observation, and more can cause repeated mistakes. Thus, these factors must be considered before making any strategy changes.

  • Relax:

a) Every two hours, take a 10-15-minute study break.

b) Follow a 6-7-hour sleep schedule. This lets your brain rest and absorb what you studied that day.

c) Study in a distraction-free setting.

d) Make time to check your emails and texts.

NEET Previous Year Question Papers

How to Prepare Revision Notes for the NEET Exam?

Just cover these items in your revision notes

  • Note-taking Style

Learning styles vary. While some people have a great visual sense and enjoy learning through visual material like films, flowcharts, mappings, diagrams, etc., others profit greatly from reading, writing down points, and reviewing continuously. Others prefer kinesthetic learning—learning via bodily activity.

  • Following the Syllabus

Candidates must study NCERT-dominated class 11 and 12 curricula. Other reputable sources must cover topics, not in this syllabus. For a better idea, check out the best NEET books covering all disciplines.

  • Take Notes on the Correct Time

Notes should only be taken after studying a chapter twice or three times, reviewing question papers, blueprints, chapter weightage, etc. These must be noted. Candidates understand key concepts better after studying these topics, which makes note-taking easier.

  • Physics

Write down formulas and derivations. Summarise one chapter into one or two note pages. It’s easier to follow succinct notes. 

  • Chemistry

Concentrate on Organic chemistry. Formulas should be noted. Inorganic and physical chemistry doesn’t need notes. The NCERT texts are adequate. For convenience, key points can be extracted.

  • Biology

Make a list of important information that you frequently forget. Make your biology notes sharp.

Related Articles:

How to Make the Best Notes for NEET?

How to Revise 5X Faster


Frequently Asked Questions

Get the important frequently asked questions for NEET Preparation Tips 2024.

What to Avoid While Preparing For NEET?

Answer: Exam preparation should be the students’ primary study emphasis. While studying, avoid social media an...Read full

Is NCERT Enough For NEET?

Answer: NCERT is NEET’s curriculum. Most of the questions are centred on NCERT from grades 11 and 12, but a si...Read full

Is studying 7 hours a day enough for NEET?

Answer: Preparing for the NEET exam takes 12-15 hours per day. Here are some NEET study planner ideas.

How can I prepare for NEET at home?

Answer: NEET exam covers NCERT class 11 and 12 NCERT textbooks. Thus, these book themes must be studied thoroughly. ...Read full

What are some effective study techniques for NEET preparation?

Answer: Using a combination of self-study, regular practice, thorough revision, and solving mock tests can greatly enhance your preparation for NEE...Read full

What are some effective tips for NEET physics preparation?

Answer: Some effective tips for NEET physics preparation include understanding the concepts thoroughly, practicing numerical problems regularly, re...Read full

How can I improve my problem-solving skills for NEET physics?

Answer: To improve problem-solving skills for NEET physics, focus on practicing a variety of physics problems, understand the underlying concepts, ...Read full

What are some effective tips for NEET chemistry preparation?

Answer: Some effective tips for NEET chemistry preparation include understanding the basic concepts, regularly practicing numerical and theoretical...Read full

How can I improve my understanding of organic chemistry for NEET?

Answer: To improve your understanding of organic chemistry for NEET, focus on learning the fundamental principles and reaction mechanisms, practice...Read full

Are there any specific topics in NEET biology that require more attention?

Answer: While all topics in NEET biology are important, certain areas like genetics, ecology, human physiology, and plant physiology often carry mo...Read full