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Spirogyra MCQs

MCQs on "Spirogyra" : Find the multiple choice questions on "Spirogyra", frequently asked for all competitive examinations.

Any of the 400 species of free-floating green algae (division Chlorophyta) found in freshwater habitats around the world is known as spirogyra. Spirogyras are filamentous algae with slender unbranched chains of cylindrical cells that are named for their attractive spiral chloroplasts. They can float in ponds and streams, lifted by oxygen bubbles created during photosynthesis. They’re frequently utilised in lab demonstrations.

Each filament cell has a big central vacuole in which the nucleus is suspended by fine cytoplasm strands. The chloroplasts create a spiral around the vacuole and contain pyrenoids, which store starch. The cell wall is made up of an inner layer of cellulose and an outside coating of pectin, which gives the algae its slippery texture.

Spirogyra is a filamentous charophyte green alga of the Zygnematales order, so named because of the helical or spiral structure of the chloroplasts. Spirogyra is a freshwater fish that can be found in a variety of habitats. There are over 400 species of Spirogyra in the world.

1. identify the erroneous match

    1. Nostoc – a type of water bloom
    2. Basidiomycetes (puffballs) are a type of fungus.
    3. Spirogyra – gametes that move around.
    4. Sargassum – a source of chlorophyll

The correct answer is C

Explanation:- The protoplasmic mass of the male cell rounded to create male gamete, while the protoplasmic mass of the female cell rounded to form female gamete after conjugation tube development. The male is a donor who is actively involved in the process. Through the conjugation tube, it advances towards the female.

2. Which of the following does not reproduce by the use of a sexual modality?

    1. Volvox is a type of vehicle.
    2. Spirogyra is a type of spirogyra.
    3. Nostoc 
    4. Ulothrix is a fictional character created by the author of the novel The Last of the Mohicans.

The correct answer is C

Explaination:- By spore production, Nostoc reproduces vegetatively or asexually. Fragmentation is used for vegetative reproduction. Small colonies can grow linked to a larger colony and eventually split off to form their own colonies.

3.) What class does Spirogyra belong to, according to the following?

    1. Chlorophyceae
    2. The Phaeophyceae are a family of plants.
    3. Cyanophyceae are a family of plants that are related to the cyanobacteria.
    4. Rhodophyceae 

The correct answer is A

4. Which of the following statements regarding Spirogyra is incorrect?

    1. The nucleolus is a complicated structure
    2. Heterothallism is a type of heterothallism.
    3. Each chloroplast includes a single pyrenoid, as shown in the figure.
    4. Chromosomes have a polycentric arrangement.

The correct answer is C

Explanation:- The pyrenoid is a microcompartment found in algae and hornwort chloroplasts. Its known purpose is to help the enzyme ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase increase photosynthetic CO2 fixation (Rubisco).

5. The formation of the ladder-like structure in Spirogyra is the result of

    1. Asexual reproduction is referred to as asexual reproduction.
    2. Conjugation in the direct manner
    3. Lateral conjugation is a type of conjugation that occurs laterally.
    4. Scalariform conjugation is a type of conjugation.

The correct answer is D

Explanation:- Spirogyra has been found to have two forms of conjugation. Two filaments align, forming conjugation tubes between partner filament cells. Scalariform conjugation is named because its resemblance to a ladder. This is a common form in the Spirogyra genus.

6. The chloroplasts are formed like ribbons, which is a distinguishing property of

    1. Spirogyra is the first of these.
    2. Chlamydomonas aeruginosa
    3. Riccia is a third-person singular pronoun.
    4. Ulothrix is a fictional character created by the author of the novel The Last of the Mohicans.

The correct answer is A

Explanation:- The chloroplasts of Spirogyra are thin and flat ribbon-shaped. The chloroplasts in this structure are spirally coiled. In Spirogyra, the chloroplasts have one or more pyrenoids covering them.

7. The type of sexual reproduction in Spirogyra is asexual reproduction

    1. Isogamous relationships
    2. anisogamous asexual asexual asexual asexual asexual asexual
    3. oogamous in nature
    4. cleistogamous in nature

The correct answer is A 

Explanation:- In Spirogyra and Ulothrix, for example, isogamous sexual reproduction occurs when male and female gametes are of comparable size.

8. Pyrenoids are found in abundance in Spirogyra.

    1. The cell wall is a type of cell wall.
    2. the cytoplasm
    3. the nucleus
    4. The chloroplast

The correct answer is D 

Explanation:- Spirogyra is a filamentous algae with a green colour and a coil-shaped chloroplast. The pyrenoids are a group of tiny spherical blobs that surround the chloroplast’s corners.

9. Spirogyra reproduce sexually by the use of

    1. Dispersion of resources
    2. the conjugation of verbs
    3. somatogamy is a type of game played on the body.
    4. The development of akinetes

The correct answer is B

10. Which of the following is also referred to as “pond silk” informally?

    1. Ulothrix is a mythical creature.
    2. Spirogyra is a type of spirogyra.
    3. Nostoc
    4. Anabaena is a genus of flowering plants.

The correct answer is B

Explanation:- Spirogyra is known as pond silk because the filaments are made of silk the filaments are slippery to the touch the filaments appear to be thread all of the above. Spirogyra is a type of free-floating green algae found in freshwater environments such as ponds and lakes. Spirogyra is sometimes known as pond silk or water silk.

11. Spirogyra reproduce sexually by the process of .

    1. fragmentation
    2. conjugation
    3. somatogamy
    4. akinetes formation

The correct option is Answer (B) conjugation in its entirety.

12. The chloroplasts of ______ are distinguished by their ribbon-shaped structure.

    1. Spirogyra
    2. Chlamydomonas
    3. Riccia
    4. Ulothrix

The correct option is answer  (A) Spirogyra

13. In addition to being known as pond silk, which of the following is also known as pond silk?

    1. Ulothrix
    2. Spirogyra
    3. Nostoc 
    4. Anabaena 

The correct option is Answer (B) Spirogyra can be viewed here.

14) Identify the erroneous match in 

    1. Basidiomycetes – puffballs
    2. Spirogyra – motile gametes
    3. Sargassum – Chlorophyll

The correct option is Answer (C) Spirogyra – motile gametes are displayed.

Explaination:- Gametes in Spirogyra are non-motile, and sexual reproduction occurs by conjugation. (Sargassum belongs to the Phaeophyceae algae family.) They are known as “brown algae” because they contain the photosynthetic pigments chlorophyll a and c.

15. Pyrenoids are found in high concentrations in Spirogyra.

    1. the cell wall 
    2. the cytoplasm 
    3. the nucleus
    4. the chloroplasts

The correct option is (D) chloroplast is available to view.

16. Which of the following statements concerning Spirogyra is incorrect?

    1. complexity
    2. heterothallism
    3. the presence of one pyrenoid in each chloroplast
    4. polycentricity of the chromosomes.

The correct option is (C) Each chloroplast includes a single pyrenoid

17. The ______ process is responsible for the formation of the ladder-like structure of Spirogyra.

    1. Asexual reproduction
    2. Direct conjugation
    3. Lateral conjugation 
    4. Scalariform conjugation 

The correct option is (D) Scalariform conjugation can be viewed here.

18. _______ is the sort of sexual reproduction found in Spirogyra, according to Q9.

    1. isogamous
    2. anisogamous
    3. oogamous
    4. cleistogamous

The correct option is (A) isogamous

19. Spirogyra cells contain

    1. One chloroplast and one pyrenoid are present in Spirogyra cells.
    2. One or more chloroplasts, each containing a single pyrenoid
    3. One or more chloroplasts, each with a large number of pyrenoids
    4. None of the aforementioned options

C is the correct answer.

Explanation: Spirogyra cells have one to sixteen ribbon-shaped spirally coiled chloroplasts (wavy edge), each with a row of numerous pyrenoids (e.g., S. sahnii) (seat of synthesis and storage of starch). A short ridge connects the two.

20. Spirogyra filaments are

    1. uniseriate and unbranched.
    2. It’s uniseriate and branched.
    3. Unbranched, multiseriate, and multiseriate
    4. It’s multiseriate and branching.

A is the correct answer.

Explanation:- Green algae are members of the Chlorophyceae family. The body of the plant might be unicellular, colonial, or filamentous.

21. Spirogyra differs from moss protonema in that it has

    1. Pyrenoid
    2. Filament that has become branched
    3. Discoid chloroplast is the third type of chloroplast.
    4. Rhizoidal branches are a type of rhizoid branch.

The correct option is A 

Explanation:- Except for Hornworts, most mosses and liverworts have protonema, which are algae-like filamentous structures that represent the juvenile gametophyte. The haploid phase of the bryophyte life cycle is formed by a thread-like strand of cells. While the Spirogyra filament resembles protonema in appearance, it lacks a cell wall and protoplast. Ribbon-shaped chloroplast with a row of pyrenoids make up the protoplast.