The Governor

It is the Governor who heads the state government and acts as the constitutional head and the agent of the center. Here in this article, you will get to know the details regarding the qualification, power, role, appointment, and tenure of the Governor.

Who Is The Governor? 

In terms of India, a Governor is the executive head of the state and has similar power to those of the President of the country at the Central level. The states have Governors, whereas, the union territories have Lieutenant Governors or Administrators. The governor acts as the nominal executive head of the state and thus, forms a vital part of the state executive. It is the Central government that nominates the governor for each state in the country.

How Is The Governor Appointed In India?

It is the President of India who appoints the Governor for each state of the country by warrant under his hand and seal. The responsibility for appointing a governor for each state lies within the Central Government.

It is to be noted that:

  • No direct or indirect elections are held in the country for appointing the governor.

  • The governor’s office is not a part of the union executive. Rather it is an independent constitutional office. Therefore, the governor neither serves the union government nor is the subordinate to it.

What Are The Qualifications To Become A Governor?

The candidate to become a Governor of the state needs to meet two vital qualifications as mentioned in Article 157 and Article 158 and these are:

  • The candidate must be an Indian citizen and reside in the country.

  • The candidate must attain an age of minimum 35 years.

  • The candidate must not be a member of both houses of the parliament and the house of the state legislature.

  • The candidate must not hold any office for generating profit.

It is to be noted that two conventions are followed by the government of India before nominating a candidate as a governor.

  • The candidate appointed as the governor of the particular state must not have any relations with the same state.

  • The President of the country consults the Chief Minister of the state before appointing the governor.

Both the conventions as mentioned above are not absolute and it is not necessary to follow them.

What Are The Powers And Functions Of An Indian Governor?

The powers and functions of the Indian Governor are divided into four main categories:

Executive Powers Of The Indian Governor: 

  • Every executive action can be taken by the state government only in the name of the governor.

  • The rules for authenticating the executive decision taken by the state government are specified by the governor.

  • It is in his power to make the rules to simplify the business transactions of the state government.

  • It is the governor who appoints the Chief Minister and other ministers of the state.

  • It is the governor who appoints the advocate general of the state and also determines his remuneration.

  • It is the governor who appoints the State Election Commissioner, Chairman and Members of the state Public Service Commission, and Vice-Chancellors of the state’s universities.

Legislative Powers Of The Indian Governor:

  • It is the governor who has the power to prorogue the state legislature and dissolve the legislative assemblies of the state.

  • The state legislature is addressed by the governor at the first session of each year.

  • It is in the governor’s power to or not to send the pending bill to the state legislature.

  • In case both Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the legislative assembly are absent then the governor has the power to appoint a person to preside over the session.

  • The President appoints 12 members in Rajya Sabha and the Governor has the power to appoint 1/6th of the total members of the legislative council from the fields- Science, Literature, art, Social Service, and Cooperative Movement.

  • The President appoints 2 members in the Lok Sabha, and the Governor, from the Anglo-Indian Community, appoints 1 member in the state legislative assembly.

  • The bill introduced in the state legislature can be either passed, withheld, returned, or reserved for the consideration of the President by the Governor.

Financial Powers Of The Indian Governor:

  • The governor has the power to look over the budget of the state laid down in the state legislature.

  • Having the recommendation of the governor is a must for introducing the money bill in the state legislature.

  • It is the governor who recommends the demand for grants which otherwise can’t be given.

  • The Contingency Fund of State is under the governor and he has the right to make advances out of this fund to meet unforeseen expenditure.

  • It is the governor who appoints the State Finance Commission every five years.

Judicial Powers Of The Indian Governor:

  • The pardoning powers that a governor has against the punishment are pardon, reprieve, respite, remit, and commute.

  • It is the Governor with whom the Indian President consults before appointing the judges of the High Court.

  • It is the Governor who by consulting with the State High Court makes appointments, postings, and promotions of the district judges.

It is the Governor who by consulting with the State High Court and State Public service Commission appoints the candidate to the judicial services.


Governor is termed as the constitutional head of the particular state in the country. Aspirants preparing for the NDA exam must follow up with the current affairs including appointment and removal of the Governor of different states. Also, he or she must know all details about the governor’s post. Here this article talks all about the governor’s post including qualification, appointment, powers, functions, and term. 



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What is the tenure for which the Governor holds the office?

Ans : The tenure for which the governor holds his office is usually five years. Now that the ...Read full

What facilities are provided to the Governor?

Ans : In addition to the fixed annual remuneration, the Governor is entitled to multiple facilities...Read full