The preamble of the constitution represents the summarized vision of the objectives and the elements of the Indian constitution that comprises fraternity, democracy, and secularism.

The preamble of the Indian constitution comprises multiple elements that indicate the features of the country. This brief introductory statement is a summarized version of the vision from the constitutional aspects that leads to the purpose, principles, and philosophical areas of the Indian constitution. The summarized presentation of the whole of 117,369 words with 444 articles is a process by which the power of the authority document is presented to portray the involvement of the laws and regulations to guide the people of India.  The ambitious article series indicates the mega establishment of the rules and the preamble leads the aspects to some extent.         

The concept of fraternity in the Indian constitution    

The nature of the Indian constitution indicates both internal and external sovereignty, democracy, liberty, and secularity. The term ‘Fraternity’ is known as the involvement of emotions and the aspects of brotherhood that can intensify the concept of unity and peace. However, this is considered as the missing link and the misunderstood element of the constitutional objectives. Fraternity is all about the establishment of two specific things that is also indicated by the constitution; unity and integrity. However, the political and social scenarios from India do not support the portal of the same picture about the fraternity. As fraternity is considered the prime pillar of India’s constitution, the greater establishment of goodwill like Gandhi and Ambedkar is a continuous process. The divisions of caste, religion has been faded away from the achievements that have grounded the spirit of discrimination. It has initiated unity among diversity which is the pride of the country. The world fraternity that is derived from the French communities has uplifted the greater senses of brotherhood. Except for fraternity, the solitary of society will become just a coat of paint on the wall; which stays in the place but the dull surface remains visible anyway.            

Democracy from the view of the Indian constitution 

The preamble of the Indian constitution provides a hint about the existence of a democratic atmosphere in the country and the constitution provides vague information. The term ‘democracy’ indicates the involvement of the government by using the existence of laws, regulations, policies that help in undertaking both the direct and indirect decisions of people. Not only political democracy but also social and economic democracy is evaluated briefly in the constitution. Moreover, with the concept of a democratic environment, the aspects related to political power are widely engaged. India is considered the largest democracy of the other democracies in the world. Based on the perception drawn from the constitution in India indicates the establishment of a government based on the election rights of people. The democratic aspects of India ensure voting rights entitlement from 18 years old. The source of the peaceful but controversial democratic atmosphere in India is based on parliamentary intervention. The system established by the Indian government to manage the democratic areas initiates the involvement of representativeness that critically enforces the involvement of laws and regulations as the common people focus on choosing political power as their voice.             

Features and the states of secularism in India based on its constitution

The Indian constitution has gone through multiple amendments and the term ‘Secular’ is added to its 42nd amendment. This is also present in the preamble that is considered as the minor presentation of the spirit that the whole constitution comprises. Especially in a multi-religious society, being secular can work as a key component that can establish religious harmony in the country. The aspects related to the preamble about secularism present the vision and the complicated elements of dealing with a country. In addition, protecting the pride, beliefs, values, and property of the worship are the enshrined aspects of secularism in the Indian constitution. The concept of a secular country is incorporated that expresses the embedded philosophy and elasticity in connotation. The establishment of the secular aspects requires enforcement of practice by the engagement of the constitutional schemes. The concept of secularism is related to the Rights of Equality and it is woven as a zari (golden thread) on the fabric of societal peace and quiet that is clearly visible in article 356.              


The preamble works as the mirror of the aspects, rules, regulations, policies present in the constitution to keep intact the dignity and unity in order to promote fraternity as well. The state of presenting the summarizing part of the constitution indicates the involvement of harmony and tolerance for establishing a peaceful country. The preamble of the constitution plays a major role to promote the chosen terms that indicate the glory and pride of India. In addition, the target of presenting India as a successful country is already carved out as regulations and policies in the constitution that are leading the country in a phenomenal way. However, as time has changed, continuous amendments have been required to keep up with the flowing time. Moreover, the target remains the same : presenting India as a united and harmonious country that can meet the terms that are carved in the constitution.


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How many words are utilized to develop the Indian constitution?

Ans: The Indian constitution comprises about 117,369 words to present the idea of unity and diversity establi...Read full

What are the two specific elements of the fraternity?

Ans: The two specific elements are unity and integrity which intensifies the meaning of fraternity. ...Read full

What are the three parts of democracy?

Ans: The concept of democracy comprises a total of three parts: Social, Political, and Economical democracy. ...Read full

What does the term ‘Secular’ mean in the Indian constitution?

Ans: The concept of secularism initiates the involvement of government and the entitlement of religious value...Read full