JEE Exam » JEE Notifications » JEE Marking Scheme

JEE Marking Scheme

JEE Main exam is conducted twice a year. It is one of the most competitive exams in India. Read about the latest updates here!

The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) pattern is unique, and it is designed to assess a candidate’s knowledge about the subjects included in the exam. Candidates can check details about the JEE exam pattern, type of questions, and marking scheme given below.

Paper I: B.E./ B.Tech. in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode:

1.Subject-wise distribution of questions, total number of questions, and marks





Section A




Section B 








Total 90300
*Every subject has 2 sections. Section A will have Multiple Choice Questions and Section B will have Numerical Value Questions. Applicants will have to answer 5 out of 10 questions in Section B, and there will be no negative marking.
2.Marking scheme for MCQs

Correct answer or the best answer

Incorrect answer

Unanswered/marked for review

Four marks (+4)

Minus one mark (-1)

No mark (0)

3.Marking scheme for questions for which answer is a numerical value

Correct answer

Incorrect answer

Unanswered/marked for review

Four marks (+4)

No mark (0)

No mark (0)

4.Methods to determine the merit

Converting raw scores in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and total into NTA scores

NTA scores of all shifts of all days will be merged to prepare the overall merit

5.Method to resolve ties

Tie between candidates obtaining equal total NTA scores in Paper 1: B.E./B.Tech will be resolved in the following descending order:

  • NTA scores in Mathematics, followed by
  • NTA score in Physics, followed by
  • NTA score in Chemistry, followed by
  • Candidates having a lesser ratio of negative to positive responses
Candidates appearing in Paper 2A (B.Arch): Mathematics (Part – I) and Aptitude test (Part – II) in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode only. However, they will have to appear for the Drawing Test (Part – III) in pen and paper mode on a drawing sheet of A4 size.
1.Subject wise distribution of questions, total number of questions and marks


Mathematics (Part I)

Aptitude Test (Part II)

Drawing Test (Part III)

No. of questions









  Total82                            400
*Each subject paper will have 20 Multiple Choice Questions. Applicants have to answer 5 out of 10 Numerical Value questions, and there will be no negative marking.
2.(a) Marking scheme for MCQs

Correct answer or the most appropriate answer

Incorrect answer/ multiple answer


Marked for review

Four marks (+4)

Minus one mark (-1)

No mark (0)

 (b) Marking scheme for questions for which answer is a numerical value

Correct answer or the most appropriate answer

Incorrect answer


Marked for review

Four marks (+4)

No mark (0)

No mark (0)

 (c) Marking scheme for Drawing Test (Part III)Two questions to be evaluated out of 100 marks
3.Method to determine merit

Converting the raw score in Aptitude Test, Mathematics, and Drawing Test and total into NTA scores

Overall merit will be prepared by merging NTA scores of all shift days

4.Methods to resolve ties

Tie between candidates obtaining equal total NTA scores in Paper 2A: B. Arch will be resolved in the following manner:

  • NTA score in Mathematics, followed by
  • NTA score in Aptitude Test, followed by
  • NTA scores in Drawing Test, followed by
  • Candidates having a lesser ratio of negative to positive responses

Paper 2B [B Planning] Part I: Mathematics, Part II: Aptitude Test and Part III: Planning based questions in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode only

1.Subject wise distribution of questions, total number of questions and marks


Part I: Mathematics

Part II:

Aptitude test

Part III:

Planning based

Objective type MCQs

No of questions









  Total105                                                   400
 *20 MCQs will be there. 5 out of 10 Numerical Value questions need to be answered. No negative marking. 
2.Marking scheme for MCQs

Correct answer or the most appropriate answer

Incorrect answer/ multiple answer

Unanswered/ marked for review

Four marks (+4)

Minus one mark (-1)

No mark (0)

3.Marking scheme for questions for which answer is numerical value

Correct answer or most appropriate answer

Incorrect answer

Unanswered / marked for review

Four marks (+4)

No mark (0)

No mark (0)

4.Method of determining the merit

Raw scores in Aptitude Test, Mathematics, Planning Based Test and total are converted into NTA scores

NTA scores of all shifts of days will be merged to prepare overall merit

5Method of resolving ties

Tie between candidates obtaining equal total NTA scores in B. Planning will be resolved in the following manner:

  • NTA score in Mathematics, followed by
  • NTA score in Aptitude Test, followed by
  • NTA scores in Planning Based Questions, followed by
  • Candidates having a lesser ratio of negative to positive responses

Important Note for Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Candidates have to choose only one correct answer or the most appropriate answer. However, during the process of challenges of key, a question is found to have more than one correct option, 4 marks will be given for multiple correct options. 1 mark will be deducted for any incorrect option marked, and there will be no marks given for an unanswered question.


Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the JEE Examination Preparation.

What is the Subject-wise distribution of questions in JEE?

Answer: There are three subjects in the paper. These are mathematics, physics and chemistry. Each subject has two se...Read full

How many marks are awarded for a correct answer?

Answer: Each correct answer equals four marks.

Is there any provision for negative marking in JEE?

Answer: Each negative response will give you a negative marking of 1. 

What happens in the case of an unanswered question?

Answer: You will not be awarded any marks for an unanswered question. There is no negative marking for this. ...Read full

How a tie between candidates obtaining equal total NTA scores in Paper 1: B.E./B.Tech is resolved?

Answer: NTA scores in Mathematics, foll...Read full