
Get detailed knowledge on the class 12th Psychology syllabus. Click now!

Psychology is one of the most popular subjects these days. Students should study it properly to get admissions into their dream institute. The detailed syllabus of the subject is mentioned below. It is as follows:

Unit 1: Variations in the Psychological Attributes 

  • Introduction
  • Individual Differences in Human Functioning
  • Assessment of Psychological Attributes
  • Intelligence 
  • Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Triarchic Theory of Intelligence, Psychometric Theories of Intelligence,  Information Processing Theory: Planning, Attention-arousal and Simultaneous successive Model of Intelligence
  • Individual Differences in Intelligence
  • Culture and Intelligence
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Special Abilities: Aptitude: Nature and Measurement
  • Creativity 

Unit 2: Self and Personality 

  • Introduction 
  • Self and Personality 
  • Concept of Self 
  • Cognitive and Behavioral aspects of Self
  • Culture and Self 
  • Concept of Personality 
  • Major Approaches to the Study of Personality 
    • Humanistic Approach
    • Cultural Approach
    • Behavioral Approach
    • Psychodynamic Approach and Post Freudian Approaches
    • Trait Approaches
    • Type Approaches 

Unit 3: Meeting Life Challenges 

  • Introduction 
  • Nature, Types and Sources of Stress 
  • Effects of Stress on Psychological Functioning and Health:
    • Lifestyle
    • Stress and Immune System 
    • General Adaptation Syndrome
    •  Stress and Health
  • Coping with Stress  
    • Stress Management Techniques
  • Promoting Positive Health and Well-being
    • Positive Health
    • Life Skills

 Unit 4: Psychological Disorders

  • Introduction 
  • Concepts of Abnormality and Psychological Disorders  
    • Historical Background 
  • Classification of Psychological Disorders 
  • Factors Underlying Abnormal Behavior
  • Major Psychological Disorders
    • Substance Related and Addictive Disorders
    • Feeding and Eating Disorders
    •  Disruptive impulse-Control and Conduct Disorders
    • Neurodevelopmental Disorders  
    • Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders 
    •  Bipolar and Related Disorders  
    •  Dissociative Disorders  Depressive Disorder 
    •  Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders
    • Trauma-and Stressor-Related Disorders
    •  Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 
    • Anxiety Disorders  

Unit 5: Therapeutic Approaches 

  • Nature and Process of psychotherapy  
    • Therapeutic relationship 
  • Types of Therapies  
    • Ethics in Psychotherapy
    • Factors contributing to healing in Psychotherapy 
    • Alternative Therapies  
    • Humanistic-Existential Therapy 
    • Cognitive Therapy  
    • Behavior Therapy  
  • Rehabilitation of the Mentally Ill 

Unit 6: Attitude and Social Cognition 

  • Introduction 
  • Explaining Social Behavior 
  • Nature and Components of Attitudes 
  • Attitude Formation and Change  
    •  Attitude-Behavior Relationship
    • Attitude Change
    • Attitude Formation
  • Prejudice and Discrimination 
  • Strategies for Handling Prejudice 

Unit 7: Social Influence and Group Processes 

  • Introduction 
  • Nature and Formation of Groups 
  • Type of Groups 
  • Influence of Group on Individual Behavior  
    • Group polarization
    • Social loafing