Do’s and Don’ts of Precis writing

Precis writing is a type of summary writing that focuses on the main points of a text. Let us learn the steps to write a perfect precis for your CA Exams.

Precis writing is one of the most important skills that you can learn as a student. It can help you summarize large chunks of information quickly and efficiently, which is essential when you are studying for exams or completing assignments. In this article, we will discuss the dos and don’ts of precis writing. We will also provide some tips on how to write a precise summary.

What Is Precis Writing?

Precis writing is a type of summary writing that focuses on the main points of a text. It is typically used to summarize articles, essays, or other long pieces of writing. Precis writing can be helpful for students who need to learn how to synthesize information, and it can also be useful for professionals who want to quickly get a sense of the main points of a document.

The goal of precis writing is to create a concise and accurate summary of a text. 

Characteristics Of Precis Writing:

Precis writing is all about summarizing a passage or paragraph but in fewer words. It involves the main idea of the passage or paragraph and restrains you from adding your views and opinions on it. Precise writing needs to be short and crisp so that it conveys everything within as few words as possible, unlike a regular summary that is usually longer.

When writing a precis, you should keep the following in mind:

  • Stick to the main points of the passage or paragraph. Do not add any of your views or opinions
  • Keep it short and crisp; conveying everything within as few words as possible
  • Make sure that the precis is an accurate summary of the original text

Some common mistakes while writing a precis:

  • Making the summary longer than the original text. This defeats the purpose of writing a precis
  • Trying to include every little detail in the passage or paragraph. You should only focus on the most important points and leave out the rest

How To Write a Precis

The following are some steps that can help you write a good precis:

  • Read through and understand the passage or paragraph completely before writing down your precis
  • Jot down the main points of the passage or paragraph. This will help you summarize it easily
  • Write a draft of your precis and see if you can make it shorter by excluding some unnecessary details from your summary. However, be careful not to miss out on any important points while doing so!

Do’s and Don’ts of Precis Writing


  • Read the text carefully and identify the main points
  • Focus on the main points of the text and avoid including any irrelevant information
  • Write a concise summary that accurately reflects the main points of the text


  • Include your own opinion or analysis in the summary
  • Re-write or summarize the entire text
  • Include any superfluous details

When writing a precis summary, it is important to read the text carefully and identify its main points. 

The next step is to focus on the main points of the text while avoiding including any irrelevant information. In a precis, you need to write a concise summary that accurately reflects the main points of the text.

Always avoid re-writing or summarizing the entire text, and ensure that you include only necessary details in your precise summary.

Tips For Good English Precis Writing


  • Use your own words as much as possible. Do not simply copy the original text word for word
  • Make sure that your summary is accurate and faithful to the original text
  • Try to capture the main points of the original text, without including any unnecessary details


  • Use a lot of direct quotes from the original text, or copy too many words and phrases directly from the original text without changing them. (This will make it difficult for you to avoid plagiarism)

Tips For Good Hindi Precis Writing


  • Make sure your summary is concise and to the point
  • Restate the main points of the article in your own words
  • Use strong, clear language that is easy to understand


  • Include any irrelevant information or details in your summary
  • Copy any information verbatim from the article
  • Use your summary as a platform to voice your own opinion
  • Conclusion

    The goal of precis writing is to summarize a text in about 100 words. This technique can be used for any type of text, whether it’s an article or book chapter. With the help of this blog post, you should now have all the tools you need to write your excellent pre-cis. We hope that by reading this content and following our tips here, students will become more confident writers who can complete their assignments quickly with less stress!


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What is a precis?

Ans. A precis is a concise, accurate summary of a text. It usually focuses on the most important points and ideas in...Read full

Why do I need to write a precis?

Ans. Precis writing is an essential skill for academic and professional contexts. It enables you to quickly a...Read full

How do I write a precis?

Ans. There are a few key things to remember when writing a precis: ...Read full

What if I don’t understand the text?

Ans. If you can’t understand the text, it will be difficult to write a good precis. Try re-reading it or reading a...Read full