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Sociological Theories of Power

The four major sociological theories of power are the class theory of power, elite theory of power, pluralist theory of power, and gender theory of power. Let’s discuss what they entail.

Power is a term derived from the Latin word ‘potere’, and its meaning is ‘to be able’. As per the popular sociologist, Max Weber, power is the ability to create the desired result even when others are against it. There are different sociological theories of power that discuss what that specific power holds. These theories are the class theory of power, elite theory of power, pluralist theory of power, and gender theory of power. Let’s take a look at these sociological theories of power in sociology to understand them better while discussing the importance of power in our daily lives.

Class theory of power

This class theory of power in Sociology is associated with Karl Marx and his Marxism. It states that there are two classes in each society. One is the class of the rich (haves) and the other is the class of the poor (have-nots).The rich class is the dominant class, economically, and owns the means of production. They also possess social, political, and ideological power in society. This power helps them to maintain their dominance. Thus, they’re the ruling class.On the other hand, the poor class is economically weaker and they are exploited socially, politically, and economically. The rich class dominates and suppresses them. The rich class makes use of the state as an instrument to maintain their dominant status.

As per Marxism, the class of the rich have made use of power in society at every stage of social evolution. For instance, in the Slave Stage, masters used it over the slaves. After that, landowners used it over peasants.However, some other Marxist scholars, like Weber, were of the view that the dominant class that possesses the power can be any class, whether they’re from an ideologically dominant class or the bureaucracy.Therefore, Marx said that the economically-rich class possessed power, whereas other scholars were of the view that power is definitely possessed by a class but it can be any class and not just the economically-rich one.

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Elite theory of power

The elite theory of power states that in each society, a small group of persons, i.e. the elite group, holds power. They are responsible for making society’s decisions and rules.Thus, the power is in the hands of the elite which we refer to as the Power Elite. They are the society’s centre of power and use their power over the minorities of the society. Even in a democratic state, the power lies in the hands of the elected elite.The major protagonists of this sociological theory of power are Pareto, O.Y. Gasset, Robert Michels, James Burnham, Mosca, and C. Wright Mills. Each of them was of the view that the power possessed by this small elite group of people is not just because they’re well organised but also because they have some special qualities. It may be knowledge, wealth, social status, ruling ability, or skill.

In simpler terms, as per this theory, power in each society lies in the hands of the elites. They are the minority of people using political power to maintain their dominance. Thus, an elite always dominates each social class or a particular section of society.

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Pluralist theory of power

This is one of those sociological theories of power that reject both the theories of class and elite. It states that neither does one class nor does any elite use power in each society. But, different groups use power.Every society has many groups of people and each of them represents some major interests. All these groups are constantly competing with each other to share the power and influence in society.All these groups are sharing and using their activities to influence and determine society’s and its government’s decisions and policies. Thus, the social groups exercise sovereignty.

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Gender theory of power

This is one of the most important sociological theories of power which states that in all societies, men possess the power and dominate the women of the society. The power lies in the hands of the group of men.Thus, it is about gender domination. Many feminist writers, as well as activists, support this sociological theory of power. It holds that the dominant group in each society is men and the dominated group is women.It advocates for the liberation of women from harmful and undemocratic male dominance. Moreover, it also states that patriarchy must be replaced by efficient social, economic, and political equality for women to be equal partners in the exercise of power.


Power is present in all of us and similarly, we’re surrounded by it at all times. It is present in different forms and we can use it to make an impact, whether positive or negative. When we study society, it is essential to acknowledge the power that particular individuals and organisations hold to shape our social reality. Thus, we see that the major sociological theories of power are the Class, Elite, Pluralist, and Gender theories. Each of these sociological theories of power presents its own view of the way power is distributed and exercised in society.


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