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NEET Preparation Tips by Toppers

NEET Preparation Tips by Toppers: Gain valuable NEET preparation insights from toppers with these effective tips. Master time management, focus on concept clarity, and practice extensively to excel in the NEET exam.

Every year lakhs of candidates prepare for the NEET exam to take admission into MBBS/BDS courses in medical institutions. And due to the intense level of participation, aspirants leave no stone unturned to prepare for the NEET and advance toward their dreams.  

However, preparing for NEET can be daunting with tough competition, a vast syllabus, and limited time. Aspirants must work hard and smart with proper strategies and attitudes to ace the exam. 

NEET Preparation Tips From Toppers

Here are some tips and tricks by toppers of the NEET exam to prepare and master your preparation thoroughly.

  • Well-Structured Planning 

This is no surprise that well-structured planning goes a long way in preparing for any tasks in life. Proper planning is the most basic yet necessary step to ace the NEET exam. 

Right strategies will help aspirants prepare for both boards and the NEET exam, along with school work and sleep. Therefore, aspirants must set achievable plans and follow them religiously. 

The best way to do it is to prepare a timetable that must include all the points mentioned below:

  • Study during the time you feel most productive 
  • Balance time equally between boards and the NEET exam
  • Give sufficient attention to all four subjects- Physics, Chemistry, Botany, zoology
  • Make sure to set time aside for revision for both exams
  • Set achievable goals. Unattainable goals bring negativity and burden
  • Keep track of the progress
  • Set some time for relaxation and other activities.  

Watch tips from our topper Aniruddh Agarwal

  • Mastering The Syllabus

Mastering the syllabus sounds like the obvious tip. But students often need guidance regarding the syllabus or the books to use while NEET preparation. The best tip is to follow the basics- your 11th and 12th NCERT books. Instead of juggling between different books and sources, it is advised to stick to NCERT & NEET recommended study materials.

Master all the concepts of the NCERT book, and you are good to go. Additionally, students should go through the previous year’s questions and online modules.

  • Practice Well

Practice makes a man perfect. This phrase we have often heard holds for clearing any exam. Practising is important for NEET preparation.

Aspirants must practice 150 new questions daily, give time-constrained mock tests,  understand new concepts, and learn and examine each question to build logistical thinking and understanding.

  • Working Smart

Smart work over hard work becomes essential when you have little time and a lot to prepare. Therefore, aspirants are advised to avoid using multiple sources for preparation. Clear the concepts well and focus on what could be asked.

Go through previous year’s question papers to understand the pattern followed. The knowledge of applying learned concepts well with rigorous practice will help you do good on the paper.

  • Refer to Best Books and Study Materials

As mentioned above, nothing beats NCERT books when preparing for NEET. Multiple study sources can prove to build confusion and burden on candidates. Therefore, try to stick to the 11th and 12th NCERT books and clarify the concept along with the previous year’s question papers.

  • Subject-Wise Time Distribution

Proper time distribution will help you focus on subjects that require more attention and clear the concepts well. Physics requires time, while chemistry is a scoring subject and botany is a vast subject. Hence adequate time must be allotted for each subject as per requirements.

  • Prepare Notes

The best NEET preparation tip from toppers is to prepare their notes while studying. Self-written notes come in very handy during revision. Prepare notes from textbooks using a highlighter, diagrams, flashcards, etc.

Notes should include the following:

  • Short notes
  • Summaries
  • Diagrams
  • Formulas
  • Sums
  • Use Online Assistance

Aspirants can seek online assistance for a better understanding of concepts and revision. It is a more economical and better way to clear your doubts. Online coaching services render all guidance and mock tests and provide tips and tricks beneficial for NEET.

  • Revision

Apart from practice, revision is another necessary part of NEET preparation. Aspirants should work on daily and weekly revisions of all subjects altogether and individually. Mock tests are the best way to test your preparation while sitting in a real-time environment with time constraints. Aspirants can also prepare a different timetable for revisions.

  • Healthy Lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is extremely important while preparing for the NEET exam. Proper nutrition and rest will help relax and calm your body and mind.


Aspirants should always remember that the key to scoring good marks in the NEET exam is to work smartly and correctly. You can surely ace the exam with good planning, strategies, and a positive mindset. Furthermore, living a healthy lifestyle will also help greatly in preparation.

All The Best!

Also Explore:

Is 1 year sufficient for NEET preparation?

The sufficiency of 1 year for NEET preparation depends on your prior knowledge, study habits, and dedication. With effective planning, consistent effort, and focused study, many students have successfully cracked NEET within a year. However, it’s essential to create a comprehensive study schedule, prioritize topics, and solve practice questions regularly to make the most of your preparation time.

Will NEET 2024 be easy?

The difficulty level of NEET 2024 cannot be accurately predicted as it can vary from year to year. The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) is designed to assess the knowledge and skills of candidates aspiring to pursue medical and dental courses. It’s important to prepare thoroughly regardless of perceived difficulty, focusing on understanding concepts, solving practice questions, and staying updated with the syllabus.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Get the most common Frequently Asked Questions on NEET Preparation Tips by Toppers.

Q1. How many hours are required to study in a day?

Answer: NEET aspirants must devote 14-15 hours of the day to prepare for the exam one or two months before NEET. ...Read full

Q2. How to begin preparing for the NEET exam?

Answer: The first step is to understand the syllabus, read the topics, and develop a though understanding of it. Onc...Read full

Q3. What are the maximum marks scored in NEET?

Answer: The NEET exam is conducted for 720 marks and the best mark scored is 720! In NEET 2020, two candidates secur...Read full

Q4. Which study material to use for NEET preparation?

Answer: 11th and 12th NCERT books build the foundation for all your concepts and their understanding. Aspirants can ...Read full

Q5. Are previous year's questions repeated?

Answer: Often time, the previous year’s questions are repeated in the exam. Therefore, aspirants should refer ...Read full

Q6. How can NEET toppers' preparation tips help in achieving success?

Answer: NEET toppers’ preparation tips provide valuable insights into effective study techniques, time management, subject prioritization, an...Read full

Q7. What are some common NEET preparation tips shared by toppers?

Answer: NEET toppers often emphasize the importance of starting early, maintaining a consistent study routine, focusing on NCERT textbooks, practic...Read full