NEET UG » NEET 2024 Exam Tips » How to Read NCERT for NEET

How to Read NCERT for NEET

Without NCERT, it is impossible to crack the NEET exam. Here are some tips on How to Read NCERT for NEET 2022?

Now that you’ve decided to sit for India’s most challenging exam, NEET, it is crucial to understand that more than 16 lakhs students are currently preparing to grab a seat in their dream medical college. Being a NEET aspirant, you must have come across that without NCERT, it is impossible to crack the NEET exam. It is true to a larger extent as nearly 95% of questions are asked from it, if not more. If you haven’t touched NCERT till now, this must come like a shocker to you. However, we believe that it’s never too late. 

With the exam being a few weeks away, we jotted down some crucial points about how to read NCERT for NEET. When you prepare for examinations like NEET, there’s a proper sequence that you need to follow; else, the chances are too high that you find yourself lost. These points have been collected over the years by our experts. Moreover, toppers have blindly followed these to read NCERT. 

How to Read NCERT for NEET? 

Let’s give you an example. Imagine I have five students to whom I am providing all ingredients to prepare tea. Do you think the tea will taste the same made by all five? The answer will be no! Everyone has their way of making tea and presenting it. Similarly, every NEET aspirant owns the NCERT book; however, what they learn from it differentiates average scorers and rank holders. 

The first question that pops into every aspirant’s head is, is NCERT sufficient? In simple words, NCERT is almost like tea leaves while making tea. Without tea leaves, it is impossible to make a good team; however, other less essential ingredients also go into it. 

In short, extra books, references, books, and notes are other elements that make you a rank holder, but the importance of NCERT cannot be neglected. Make sure you have an updated NCERT in which there are all new additions. Secondly, let’s divide the students into two categories. 

Category 1 – Students who do self-study or someone who is not studying from teachers who provide notes. 

  • For this category, students should keep a blank copy or a page handy while reading NCERT. Once you’re done with one paragraph, make flow charts or points so that it is easier to understand during revisions. 

Category 2: Students study from teachers who provide good hand-written notes during classes. 

  • For category 2 students, do not directly hop onto NCERT. Start with reading notes that your respective teachers have provided. Once you briefly understand notes, it is easier to understand NCERT. In short, the notes provided by your teachers help in decoding NCERT. 

Important Tips

  • When you read NCERT, do not over highlight the book. 
  • Make sure you’re highlighting only those points that are extremely important, including figures, abbreviations, exceptions, years, etc. 
  • Keep your NCERT clean because you will be going through it many times throughout your NEET journey. 
  • Do I have to read only the text in the NCERT? This is a common misconception most NEET aspirants have. The answer to this is no! 
  • While studying NCERT, you have to be extra attentive from page 1 to the book’s last page. It includes the text, diagrams, tables, content under the table, about the scientists, summary, subjective questions, and so on. 
  • Make sure you’re not leaving even a point when studying NCERT. 
  • Another essential point, when you’re reading NCERT for the second or third time, read it from the examiner’s point of view. 
  • Do not study it to learn; think of yourself as an examiner and make at least 5-10 questions out of every topic. 
  • Make a habit of reading NCERT every day. The more you read, the chances are high that you will learn every point. 
  • Make a ritual of reading at least 4-5 pages of NCERT before bed. 
  • However, this might be a little difficult for category 1 students, so it is suggested to look for teachers who give excellent quality hand-written notes. 
  • While reading NCERT, make sure you follow a revision cycle.


NEET is one of the most anticipated exams for which nearly a whopping 16 lakh students are preparing with utmost dedication and interest. Being a NEET aspirant, you might know that in recent past years, many students have managed to score 360/360 making massive records. It seems like a dream for most; however, many students managed to strike this thrilling score by reading NCERT correctly. 

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