Formulas » Chemistry Formulas

Chemistry Formulas

Do you face difficulty while studying chemistry? Don’t worry. Read more and check the Chemistry formulas.

It is essential to understand Chemical formulas to understand the different concepts covered in Chemistry. The branch of science that is associated with the properties, composition and structure of elements and compounds is known as Chemistry. A chemical formula displays the symbols of the elements in the compound. It also enables one to know about the ratio of the elements to one another. Different chemical elements and compounds are combined with each other to form a chemical equation. The equation can be of different types so to understand them one should know the concepts of the subject properly.

Chemical formulas can be both easy and complex. But it is essential to know the way to solve the reaction in order to understand the formulas. Students should learn the formulas to score better marks in Chemistry. To make it easy, we at Unacademy have provided a list of chemistry formulas which will help students in learning the names of the elements and the basic rules.

How to write chemical formulas?

To write a chemical formula, it is essential for students to know certain basic rules and names of the elements and compounds. If the student knows the name of the compound, then it will be easy to write the chemical formula.

  • Students should write symbols for all the elements in the compound
  • If the atoms of an element in the formula is more than one then one can write the number of atoms after the symbol for the element

Steps to write chemical reaction

  • Start by searching for the symbol of the cation and anion
  • Now find the charge of each symbol and place it above the symbols in the parenthesis
  • Balance the total negative charge and positive charge on the anion and cation.
  • Determine the number of units of cations and anions. Once it is done they are placed as subscripts right after the symbol

List of important chemical formulas to prepare for the examination.

Molarity formula

Iron oxide formula

Chemical formula

Pyrosulfuric acid formula

Acetone formula

Citric acid formula

Urea formula

Butane formula

Photosynthesis formula

Magnesium oxide formula

Ethanol formula

Bond order formula

Ethane formula

Magnesium chloride formula

Mole fraction formula

Tartaric acid formula

Oxygen formula

Calcium phosphate formula

Bleaching powder formula

Hydrogen gas formula

Borax formula

Acetylene formula

Number of moles formula

Phosphate formula

Molar mass formula

Sodium acetate formula

Aluminium chloride formula

Empirical formula

Sulphuric acid formula

Specific heat capacity formula

Formic acid formula

Oxalic acid formula

Sugar formula

Carbonate ion formula

Radial and angular nodes formula

Solubility formula

Propane formula

Helium gas formula

Amino acid formula

Rust formula

Empirical molecular formula

Carbon monoxide formula

Formaldehyde formula

Ammonium carbonate formula

Sodium nitrate formula

Chloroform formula

Vinegar formula

Glycerol formula

Methane formula

Copper ii nitrate formula

Ammonia formula

Ammonium acetate formula

Atomic mass formula

Acetaldehyde formula

Hydrochloric acid formula

Potassium iodide formula

Mass percent formula

Binding energy formula

Hydrogen sulfate formula

Sodium sulfide formula

Ozone formula

Lead acetate formula

Ethyl acetate formula

Percent by weight formula

Aluminum phosphate formula

Potassium nitrate formula

Chlorine gas formula

Bromine formula

Copper chemical formula

Zinc sulfide formula

Calcium chloride formula

Ammonium chloride formula