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Interceptor Missile and its Usefulness

The interceptor missile is a missile that is used as a defensive weapon to counter short-range to intermediate-range ballistic missiles.

The interceptor missile is classified as an anti ballistic missile (ABM) and it is designed to counter other missiles that are ballistic from short and intermediate ranges and also intercontinental ballistic missiles that are launched from a different country. The interceptor missile is capable of delivering chemical, nuclear, biological, or even conventional warheads in a ballistic flight trajectory. 

The interceptor missile is anti ballistic. Thus, it is specially designed to counter the attack of a ballistic missile launched from another country. Missiles such as intermediate-range and intercontinental ballistic missiles can be countered by the ABM in the air. It is a surface-to-air missile. 

The usefulness of an Interceptor Missile 

Although the result of any missile launches or attacks ends up in destruction and casualty, in modern defence of countries, these missiles are considered important just in case there is any form of external attack from any rogue state.

These missiles are used to counter the ballistic missiles and are capable of providing a high-low cover. The missiles are good enough to intercept other missiles at the atmospheric altitudes of 50 kilometres to 80 kilometres. Thus, these missiles are crucial for modern air defense operations. 

Anti Ballistic Missiles

As mentioned earlier, the antiballistic missile is specially designed to directly counter ballistic missiles and hence the name. These missiles have developed a lot since the time of the Cold War. Currently, many countries have access to these missiles and among them, the US and Russia are two of the strongest countries. Both of these nations have access to high-altitude interceptor missiles and their nuclear-armed antiballistic missile system is one of the most lethal and modern ones in the world. Over time, since the Cold War, both nations have withdrawn their approach towards access to these ABMs and destroyed them at one point in time. However, in the future, both again started to invest in their missiles and continued to develop their defence stating that they must be ready for any sort of rogue attacks from any other countries in the future. The US withdrew from the ABM Treaty in the year 2002 to develop the defence. 

Surface-to-Air Missile 

A Surface-to-Air missile (SAM) is also called a Ground-to-Air missile as the missile is launched from the ground surface and shoots into the air to destroy other missiles or aircraft. These weapons were first attempted for development during the second world war. It must be noted that these weapons were neither developed fully then nor they were used. In the 1940s, 1950s, and the early 1960s, the operational systems were introduced properly and this weapon continued to develop in different countries (mostly in the major powerful countries) now, these weapons have even become man-portable. This weapon has enhanced morn weapons and armed forces and has contributed to providing a country with a very strong layered defence. The first operational guided missile of this surface-to-air missile system was known as the Nike Ajax. It was built in America. The Soviet Union also produced its SAM system missile known as the SM-6 Dvina. 


Since the second world war, the development of missiles has reached new heights. At present, when most of the world is living through peaceful co-existence, there are still many threats and tense situations between different countries regarding different issues. It has become necessary, unfortunately, to be prepared for any kind of nuclear attack or missile attack at any point in time, and thus, these modern missiles are important for national security. It is safe to state that the development of these modern weapons will continue.


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