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Talcott Parsons

Get to know about the all-time famous sociologist Talcott Parsons and his contribution to sociology.

One of the greatest sociologists of all time, Talcott Parsons has contributed significantly to the sociological field. His theories and opinions stand out and bring in a rationality touch. Sociology is fundamentally the study of society with the use of logical aptitude. 

Let us know who this prominent figure was. Contributions of Talcott Parsons have laid several theories to understand the goal, system and process involved in sociology.

Who Is Talcott Parsons?

Talcott Parsons was born on 13th December 1902. His teachings influenced the life of many individuals in the 20th century. You should be influenced by his life after going through this article. It will help you to understand his life personally. He was residing in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He founded many social theories, and the most famous one is his theory of the sick role. He made major contributions in the famous ‘The Grand Theory’. This figure, in the sociological field, has immensely transformed and added strings of contribution to it. 

Contributions of Talcott Parsons

Talcott Parsons had laid foundations for several theories and explanations in sociology. All these have today influenced the teachings and interpretations to the next learners. Below are the points that emphasise Talcott’s contribution. 

  • Talcott Parsons is known as the leader of functionalism of sociology
  • The introduction of grand functional theories was made by Talcott Parsons only
  • According to the theory of social action and social system, Talcott Parsons indicated the micro and macro view
  • The integrating factor of any society is the value consensus, as per Talcott Parsons

Talcott Parsons Social Action Theory

One of the prominent theories by this figure is Talcott Parson’s social action theory. In general, the theory believes that every individual’s personality differs from their social background. For instance, an illiterate individual cannot be named as ‘unintelligible’. Let us break down this theory to understand with clarity. 

  • According to Talcott Parsons social action theory, all the observations of people can be incorporated into a universal theoretical framework
  • The popular theory of Voluntaristic Theory of Social Action was coined by Talcott Parsons
  • The main motto of social action theory was to lessen the gaps between positivists and interpretivism by incorporating both the objective and subjective elements

Conditions of Social Action Theory

The social action theory comes with certain conditions as its base. There are a total of four conditions of Talcott Parsons Social Action Theory. These are:

  • The social situation is the main cause of the social action theory
  • When you wish to attain a particular goal, then social action theory is the only way
  • The values are regulated by the social action theory
  • Social action theory involves lots of energy. 

Types of Action

Three types of action are known to be in existence in terms of social action theory. Below is a brief explanation of all the three actions involved in the social action theory. 

  • Instrumental Action: The means and ends of instrumental action are decided according to the evaluative component
  • Expressive Action: The dominant action in this type of action is the appreciative component
  • Moral Action: The values of this type of action are decided by the own motivation of the actor

Structural Functionalism

Another popular theory proposed by Talcott Parsons is the theory of structural functionalism. In accordance with a generic view, this theory emphasises on complex society. The chunks of this complex society work to maintain solidarity and stability. 

Talcott Parsons had proposed four principles that keep the society intact. These can be discussed to grow an insight about the working of a complex society. Below are the four principles as elucidated by Talcott Parsons. 

  • Adaption: This is referred to as the relationship between the system and its surrounding. The needs of the members should be met by providing them with food and shelter
  • Goal attainment: According to him, goal attainment is the most important aspect. As everyone is born on this earth due to a particular purpose. That purpose needs to be met, otherwise your presence would carry no value
  • Integration: Integration is established by the adjustment of different parts of the social system  
  • Pattern Maintenance: When you maintain the values of the society, it comes under the category of pattern maintenance


Talcott Parsons, has contributed to the sociology field immensely. The above information emphasises on his findings that have changed the sociology field. Talcott Parsons theory has revolutionised perspectives in sociology. The information lays the fundamentals on Talcott Parson’s social action theory. It also brings in the contribution of Talcott Parsons.  


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Who was Talcott Parsons?

One of the greatest sociologists of all time, Talcott Parsons, was born...Read full

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The contributions of Talcott Parsons in sociology are. Talcott Parsons is known as the leader of functionalism of sociology. ...Read full

What was the social action theory of Talcott Parsons?

  According to social action theory, all the observations of people can b...Read full

What are the conditions of social action theory?

There were a total of four conditions of Social Action Theory which are.  ...Read full