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MCQs on Ancient History

MCQs on "Ancient History": Find the multiple choice questions on "Ancient History", frequently asked for all competitive examinations.

The summary of events from the period when there were no human activity records and writings to the period when there were human activity records and writings is known as ancient history. This period saw the greatest wars of Bharat Varsha, or India, and some of the most effective human civilisations, such as the Harappan civilisation. People lived during this period, which lasted from 60,000 BC to 650 AD. Ancient history is the aggregate of past events from the beginning of writing and recorded human history and extending as far as late antiquity.

The archaeologists also reveal the ancients’ power conservation and agriculture strategies. They also looked at the tools that the humans utilised, composed of stone, bronze, and iron. Following are some of the events that signalled the end of an ancient period

  • Roman Empire
  • Han Dynasty
  • Gupta Empire
  • Carolingian Revival
  • The Dark Ages


Q1. Which of the accompanying destinations of the Indus Valley Civilization, a dirt model of the furrow, has been found?

    1. Rakhigarhi
    2. Banawali
    3. Kalibangam
    4. Mitahal

Answer: B [Banawali]

Clarification: Banawali is an archaeological site that has a place with the Indus Valley Progress arranged in the Fatehabad area of Haryana, where a dirt model of a furrow has been found.

Q2. Which of the accompanying lords wore the title of “Avanisimha”?

    1. Simhavarman
    2. Simhavishnu
    3. Mahendravarman I
    4. Shiva Skanda Varma

Answer: B [Simhavishnu]

Clarification: Simhavishnu was the replacement of Simhavarman, who governed from 575 A.D to 600 A.D. Simhavishnu likewise wore the title of “Avanisimha.”

Q3. Who composed Rasaratnakara?

    1. Sridhara
    2. Madhavakar
    3. Nagarjuna
    4. Nothing from what was just mentioned

Answer: C [Nagarjuna]

Clarification: In the eighth century A.D, Rasaratnakara was composed by Nagarjuna. He was an Indian metallurgist and chemist. This book portrays the extraction of metals like gold, silver, tin, and copper.

Q4. The Rashtrakutas were involved persistently in the battle against which rulers?

    1. Pallavas of Kanchi
    2. Pandyas of Madurai
    3. Eastern Chalukyas of Vengi
    4. All of the above mentioned

Answer: D [All of the Above]

Clarification: The Rashtrakutas were consistently associated with the battle against the Pallavas, Pamdyas, and Chalukyas. Since the group of the supreme Rashtrakutas guaranteed that they were plunged from the Yadu group of Mahabharata times.

Q5. Who established the Rashtrakutas Realm?

    1. Krishna I
    2. Amoghavarsha I
    3. Dantidurga
    4. Dhruva

Answer: C [Dantidurga]

Clarification: Dantidurga was a Feudatory of Kirtivarman II. He administered from c? 733 to 756 CE. Dantidurga climbed the high position in c. 733 CE when he assumed command over the northern areas of the Chalukyas Realm.

Q6. What is the Decision time of Pulkeshin I?

    1. c. 5175 – 546 CE
    2. c. 5305 – 556 CE
    3. c. 535 – 566 CE
    4. c. 515 – 536 CE

Answer: C [c. 535 – 566 CE]

Clarification: Pulkeshin I administered from c. 535 to 566 CE and established the realm with capital at Vatapi or Badami. He played out a few layers of penances, for example, the Ashwamedha penance.

Q7.  Who caught Madurai and took the title of Madurantakam and Maduraikonda?

    1. Aditya I
    2. Parantaka I
    3. Parantaka II
    4. Vijayalaya

Answer: Parantaka I

Clarification: Parantaka I managed between c. 907 – – 953 CE. He caught Madurai and embraced the titles of Madurantak, which implies the destroyer of Madurai, and Maduraikonda, which infers the captor of Madurai.

Q8. Which is the Neolithic site of North-East India?

    1. Chirand
    2. Senuar
    3. Sarutaru
    4. Taradih

Answer: : C [Sarutaru]

Clarification: Sarutaru is a Neolithic site, which is situated in the Kamrup area of Assam. In the above-given choices Taradih, Chirand, and Senior are ancient destinations situated in Bihar.

Q9. What is the Upveda of the Yajur Veda?

    1. Dhanurveda
    2. Gandharva
    3. Shilpa Veda
    4. Ayurveda

Answer: A [Dhanurveda]

Clarification: The Yajur Veda significantly manages the method for the exhibition of penances. The Upveda of the Yajur Veda is known as the Dhanur Veda. It contains an assortment of short sorcery spells utilized by a particular class of clerics at the hour of penances.

Q10. The expression “Satyamev jayate” is referenced in which of the accompanying Upanishads?

    1. Katho Upanishad
    2. Mandukya Upanishad
    3. Chandogya Upanishad
    4. Nothing from what was just mentioned

Answer: B [Mandukya Upanishad]

Clarification: The Upanishads centre a ton around the way of thinking of life, the universe, self, body, penance, and so on. The Mandukyopanishad, the biggest of all Upanishads, contains the expression “Satyamev jayate.”

Q11. Which of the following was viewed as the Divine force of the Shudras?

    1. Rudra
    2. Vishnu
    3. Pushan
    4. Indra

Answer: C [Pushan]

Clarification: During the Later Vedic period, the Pushan, who should care for cows, came to be viewed as the Shudras’ God. Different lords of the Later Vedic period included Vishnu (imagined as the preserver and defender of individuals) and Rudra (the Divine force of creatures).

Q12. Who is known as the dad of Indian palaeontology?

    1. Robert Seawell
    2. John Marshal
    3. Colonel Mackenzie
    4. Alexander Cunningham

Answer: D [Alexander Cunningham]

Clarification: Alexander Cunningham is the main Chief General of the Archeological Overview of India (ASI). He is many times called the dad of Indian paleohistory.

Q13. In which of the accompanying spots Ochre Hue Earthenware culture (OCP) is found?

    1. Bihar
    2. Eastern UP
    3. Western UP
    4. Bengal

Answer: C [Western UP]

Clarification: Ochre Hue Earthenware culture (OCP) is the Bronze Age culture of the Indo-Gangetic Plain. This culture is essentially viewed as in Western UP.

Q14.  Which among coming up next would one say one is of the domains of “being” as expressed by Buddhism?

    1. Prani
    2. Preta
    3. Asura
    4. Bodhisattva

Answer: C [Prani]

Clarification: The ten domains of being as expressed in Buddhism are Buddha, Bodhisattva, Pratyeka Buddha, Sravaka, Sublime creatures, People, Asura, Monsters, Preta, and Corrupted men. These ten domains co-happen and that implies that every one area has the excess nine domains comprehensive.

Q15. Who composed the renowned book ‘Brihat Katha’?

    1. Gunadhya
    2. Sarva Varman
    3. Panini
    4. Radhagupt

Answer: A [ Gunadhya ]

Clarification: The popular book ‘Brihat Katha’ was composed by Gunadhya, the extraordinary researcher in Satvahana Ruler Hala’s court.

Q16. Which of the following dynasties did “Mahamaya,” Gautama Buddha’s mother, belong to?

    1. Shakya
    2. Kalyanyan
    3. Lichchavi
    4. Maurya

Answer: B [Koliyan]

Explanation: Gautama Buddha’s mother, ‘Mahamaya,’ was a member of the Kolya tribe who married Suddhodhana, the Sakya clan’s ruler. The Sakya and Koliya governed on opposing sides of the Rohini River in what is now Lumbini’s Rupendehi District. They were both republics.

Q17. Which of the following rulers’ silver coins had portraits and multilingual legends influenced by the Kshatrapa types?

    1. Satavahanas
    2. Kushanas
    3. Guptas
    4. Mauryas

Answer: A Satavahanas

The Satavahana rulers are known for releasing bilingual coins with the Middle Indo-Aryan language on one side and the Tamil language on the other.

Q18. Which of these is Katyotsarga’s posture gesture?

    1. Shiva
    2. Vishnu
    3. Gautam Buddha
    4. Mahavira

Answer: D [Mahavira]

Clarification: Mahavira’s Katyotsarga stance is a Mahavira gesture. It’s a yogic position that’s an important aspect of Jain meditation. It may be done while sitting cross-legged on a lion’s throne in a meditation posture. It’s also known as dhyana mudra.

Q19. The Gandhara school of Art belongs to which dynasty?

    1. Kushanas
    2. Shakas
    3. Greeks
    4. Guptas

Answer: A [ Kushanas ]

Clarification: The Gandhara School of art and the Mathura School of art were created during the reign of Kushana Emperor Kanishka in the first century A.D. and the reign of Kushana emperor Kanishka, respectively. The Gandhara School, which is famed for its early sculptural portrayals of the Buddha in human form, was patronized by both the Shakas and the Kushanas.

Q20. Which one of the following committees in the Mauryan administration looked after foreigners?

    1. Foreigners
    2. Foreign Affairs
    3. Vital Statistics
    4. Home Affairs

Answer: A [Foreigners]

Reasoning: The Mauryan government, as per Strabo and Diodorus, took special care of foreigners. “Foreigners” was the body in charge of looking after the foreigners. This committee’s job was to look after any foreigners who were in need.

Q21. Who is the most prominent proponent of materialist philosophy?

    1. Charvaka
    2. Ajivikas
    3. Jainism
    4. Buddhism

Answer: A [ Charvaka ]

Charvaka was the primary proponent of materialistic philosophy. The Vedas and any ceremonies were scorned by the Charvakas. They didn’t believe in God or any other supernatural force. The majority of its literature is now gone.

Q22. In the sixth century BCE, what did the wealthy peasants name themselves?

    1. Ganapati
    2. Gramabhojaka
    3. Kamikaze
    4. Gramakas

Answer: A [ Gahapati ]

Clarification: The community grounds were split into cultivable plots and assigned to families on a family-by-family basis. The holdings weren’t all the same size. The wealthy peasants were referred to as ‘Gahapati,’ while hired agricultural labourers were referred to as ‘Dasa-Kammakara.’

Q23. Which among the following was the Mauryan currency?

    1. Tola
    2. Dinar
    3. Kakini
    4. Pana

Answer: D

Clarification: Chandragupta Maurya had established a single currency across the country.
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