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Tropical and Temperate Regions

This article will highlight the difference between Tropical and Temperate Regions. Tap to learn more.


Tropical and Temperate Regions are grouped in zones because they have different climates. The climate is determined by the amount of precipitation, temperature and seasonality. A region can be defined as a place on Earth’s surface that has a particular set of climatic elements such as temperature, moisture, wind strength and direction of the sun.

What is a Tropical Region?

Tropical regions are also known as “hot” or “humid” because it doesn’t get cold enough for snow to fall there year-round outside in the winter season; it has high temperatures with little seasonal change mostly due to persistent trade winds from the east which can keep temperatures warmer than usual year-round.

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Significance of Tropical Region

The Tropical Regions are the best places for producing crops such as coffee and tea. This is because the plants grow better in warm and humid rather than hot, dry and cold.

The main sources of energy that run factories and produce electricity comes from Tropical Regions. Coal, oil, natural gas are all formed by decaying plant or animal matter which have been buried for millions of years in swamps or peat bogs which are located in the tropics.

Tropical Regions play a vital role in absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2) which is called the “Greenhouse effect” caused by too much CO2 in our atmosphere traps heat which causes global warming.

Benefits of Tropical Region

  1. Tropical Regions are also home to the highest biodiversity. There are a lot of different animals and plants that can be found in tropical regions. The most important characteristic for them is the luxuriant rainforests which also provide a lot of food for humans
  2. These Regions have a lot of land and other resources so they can produce many different crops. This is why it’s considered as one of the most prosperous regions in the world
  3. Tropical Regions are also rich in natural resources such as oil, coal, gas and coal. They also have fertile lands that can produce crops like coffee, tea, citrus fruits, cocoa and biofuels like ethanol from sugar cane

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What is the Temperate Region?

Temperate regions are located between the polar and tropical regions. These regions are found between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn; they experience extreme changes in temperature.

Significance of Temperate Region

Because of the change in climate, animal and plant species have diverse ranges in temperate regions, they live across a wider range of environments than anywhere else on Earth. Temperate Regions are home to different animals such as: Moose, caribou, elk, grouse, deer and wild turkey which is not found anywhere else because this is cold enough to support them.

Temperate Regions are mostly inhabited by humans; it’s also where most domesticated crops were first grown.

Benefits of Temperate Regions:

  1. Temperate Regions are home to a lot of cities and towns, because of this the humans have made them more productive
  2. Warm temperature helps in the growth of crops such as potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, wheat and a variety of fruits
  3. More than half of all agriculture was first developed in Temperate Regions
  4. Many cities including San Francisco, Seattle, Boston and New York along with many factories are located in Temperate Regions
  5. Temperatures may change from day to day due to latitude and longitude which affects precipitation and temperature change from season to season; this is why people live there year-round but most animals move mainly during the summer months when it’s hot outside

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Difference Between Tropical and Temperate Regions

1) Tropical Regions are found around the equator, it’s a region which has warm climate and little seasonal change; due to this reason the region is known as “hot” or “humid”; Tropical Regions have high temperature throughout the year with little seasonal change.

2) Temperate Regions are found between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, they experience extreme changes in temperature with cold winters and warm summers; due to this reason they are known as “mild” or “changing” seasons.

3) Tropical regions are humid all year round, while Temperate Regions experience winter and summer seasons.

4) Tropical regions get more rainfall than Temperate Regions because of its tropical climate and thick vegetation cover.

5) Tropical Regions have tropical forests, whereas Temperate Regions have mostly grasslands and forests.

6) Tropical regions have most of the Earth’s area and resources in them, but Temperate Region has more people because it is the best place for growing crops.

7) Because of its cold winters, Temperate Regions are popular ski areas and resorts.

8) Tropical regions’ climate is warm, the mean annual temperature is around 23c-28c or 73 f-82f.

9) Temperate regions are cold in the winter months from December to February and have cool summers from June to September; temperatures reach as low as -15c or 5f and as high as 20c or 68f.

10) Temperate rain forests don’t exist in Tropical Regions, it’s mostly grasslands and forests there which provide a unique ecosystem.


Tropical Regions are the home of most wildlife and plants, many people like to live there because it is not so cold and they can grow the most amount of crops. Temperate Regions are more populated because they have better resources such as oil, coal, gas and ethanol crops. The animals that live there stay in one place during the summer months when it’s hot outside. The two regions both have their own advantages but some of its advantages are also shared by both.


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