Parliament is an example of a collective executive body. All the members of an executive body exert equal power and authority giving a collective decision. All are collectively responsible for the decisions they make. The Prime Minister leads a committee of ministers. Political executives are chosen by the people for a set period of time. They make significant decisions. This group includes political leaders. They wield greater authority than the permanent executive. They are more powerful and have more impact on the political establishment .On the other hand, Permanent Executives are assigned to a specific task for a specific amount of time. Civil servants are those who work in the government as permanent executives. This article will highlight the significance of both of them and differences between them.
What is a Political executive?
Political executive is the group that decides policies. They are also known as representatives. They decide on the policies and framework of the state. Political executives make certain decisions in their areas such as finance, education and health. Therefore, they make all major decisions related to politics. They are chosen by the people. Even though they have authority, they do not have power over the permanent executive who is appointed by the President for a fixed period of time.
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Significance of Political executive:
The political executives play a major role in the functioning of the government. They decide the policies and framework of the state. They are responsible for the functioning of the government and its policies. Political executive makes decisions on behalf of the people to implement the policies. Political executive decides on foreign policy and domestic policy. Domestic policy includes changes in tax systems, minimum wage, policies related to business and labor and education. Therefore these are very important decisions which have considerable impact on a nation’s future economy or social development. Political executive is responsible for setting fundamental values of a nation such as liberty, equality and justice. They also decide where to build schools, hospitals or roads.
What is a Permanent executive?
Permanent Executives are civil servants who work in government for a fixed period of time. On every ministry’s website, you will come across a list of full-time civil servants assigned to that particular ministry. These people are the permanent executives. They do not make major decisions in their departments. However, as political executives, they assist the political administrators in making all kinds of decisions. They spend most of their time working for their departments.
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Significance of Permanent executive:
Permanent executive is an important component of the state. They are the most powerful people in a government. They work for the political executive for a fixed period of time and assist in making decisions at the lower level. They help to implement the policies made by the political executives and ensure their effective implementation. They serve as a link between their departments and the political executive so that they may know what is going on in other ministries’ departments. Permanent executives also facilitate good communication between other ministries and their own department so that they may serve as a liaison between them.
What is the difference between Political Executive and Permanent Executive?
1) Political executive decides on the policies and framework of the state. They are also known as representatives. They decide on the policies and framework of the state. Political executives make certain decisions in their areas such as finance, education and health. Therefore, they make all major decisions related to politics. Political executives decide on foreign policy, domestic policy, domestic policy includes changes in tax systems, minimum wage policies related to business and labor and education.
2) They are chosen by the people. Even though they have authority , they do not have power over the permanent executive who is appointed by the President for a fixed period of time .
3) They are responsible for the functioning of the government and its policies. Political executive makes decisions on behalf of the people to implement the policies. Political executives decide on foreign policy, domestic policy, domestic policy includes changes in tax systems, minimum wage policies related to business and labor and education. They are responsible for setting fundamental values of a nation such as liberty, equality and justice. They also decide where to build schools, hospitals or roads.
4) Permanent executive is an important component of the state. They are the most powerful people in a government .They work for the political executive for a fixed period of time and assist in making decisions at the lower level. They help to implement the policies made by the political executives and ensure their effective implementation. They serve as a link between their departments and the political executive so that they may know what is going on in other ministries’ departments. Permanent executives also facilitate good communication between other ministries and their own department so that they may serve as a liaison between them.
Comparing both of them, it can be seen that permanent executives are more powerful than political executives. They are the people who make all the decisions in a country . In fact, these people fill up all different positions from secretaries to ministers and governors, who run departments under them.
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In conclusion, permanent executives are more powerful than political executives. They have more authority and responsibility than political executives. These people are chosen by their political executive, who is elected by the people to work for a fixed period of time. They do not have any power over the political executive, who is elected by the people to serve in the state and get paid by them. Permanent executives assist their political executive in making all kinds of decisions related to politics of a state.