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Sample Mean Formula

Sample mean formula: explore more about sample mean formula with solved examples.

Sample mean formula

The mean of the sample equation is used to determine the average worth of a set of sample data. It is sometimes necessary to compute the mean of the sample terms instead of displaying them in actual terms. The mean formula can be communicated as the sum of terms divided by the number of terms. 

Sample mean shows the measure of the midpoint of  data. Any mean of a population is estimated utilizing the mean of the sample. In several situations and cases, we need to find what the entire population is doing, or what are the aspects going on within  the population, without assessing everyone within the population. Sample means can be used in these cases. A mean value within the sample is known as sample mean. The mean of the sample can be used for calculating variance and hence standard deviation.

The mean of sample formula is written as

Sample Mean = (Sum of the given number of terms) / (the given Number of Terms)


  • ∑xi = sum of terms
  • n = number of terms

Solved examples:

Question 1: The height is given in units which are 112 units, 118 units, 155 units, 115 units, and 120 units respectively. Find the sample mean of height.


For finding the mean of sample 

Adding up the given details 112+118+155+115+120= 820
N = 5
with the use of sample mean formula,
mean = (sum of terms)/(number of terms)
mean =820/5
= 164unit

The mean sample of height is 164 units.

Question 2: There are a total Five students and all of them are having time slots different from each other for completing their given work which are 30 min, 60 min, 35 min, 40 min, and 80 min accordingly. Calculate the time for sample mean.


For finding the mean of sample

Adding up the given details 30+60+35+40+80= 215
N = 5
with the use of formula of sample mean,
mean = (sum of all terms) ÷ (total number of terms)
mean =215/5
= 43 minutes

The mean sample of five students is 43 minutes.

Important formulas:


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the sample mean formula.

How to take the use of Sample Mean formula for the evaluation of same mean?

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How to Use the mean of sample Formula to sum Up the Sample objects

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In the mean of sample Formula, what is represented by n?

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