Analog and Digital

In this article, we will discuss Analog and digital, Analog and digital systems examples, what are Analog filters and more.

Information is sent through analogue and digital signals, which are usually electric signals. Information, like audio or video, is converted into electric impulses in each of these technologies.

Information (such as music or video) is transmitted using analogue and digital signals, which are commonly transmitted by electric signals. In digital technology, information is converted into binary code (either 0 or 1), whereas in analogue technology, information is translated into electric pulses of varied amplitude.


A signal is an electromagnetic or electrical current which transports data from one system or network to the next. A signal is a mathematical function which transmits data about a phenomenon.

Signal refers to any time-varying voltage which is an electromagnetic wave that carries information in electronics and telecommunications. A signal can also be described as a change in quality, like amount, that can be observed. Analog and digital transmissions are the two basic forms of signals.

Analog Signal

Any continuous signal whose time varying feature (variable) is a representation of some other time varying quantity, that is, equivalent to another time varying signal, is an analogue signal.

A time-varying analogue signal is normally constrained to a range but it can take on an infinite number of values. The information in an analogue signal, like electricity travelling over a wire, is conveyed via a specific feature of the medium. The voltage, current, or frequency of an electrical signal can be modified to represent information. Analog signals are often computed in reaction to changes in light, sound, temperature, location, pressure, and other physical events.

Digital Signal

A digital signal is one which is used to represent the data as a series of distinct values at any given time. It can only take one of a limited number of possible values. A real number inside a fixed range of values is represented by this form of signal. 

The data in a digital signal is expressed as a series of discrete values. A digital signal can only take one value from a finite set of possible values at any one time.

Advantages of Analog Signal

  1. Analog signals are easier to understand.
  2. Analogue transmissions are the most suitable for audio and video transmission.
  3. Analog signals have a significantly higher information density and may convey it in a more detailed manner than digital signals.
  4. The bandwidth needed for analogue signals is lower than that of digital signals.
  5. Analogue signals are better at representing changes in physical phenomena like sound, temperature, light, position, or pressure.
  6. In analogue communication systems, electrical tolerance is less sensitive.

Advantages of Digital Signal

  1. Compared to analogue signals, digital signals contain less noise, interference, distortion.
  2. Digital circuits can be easily and cheaply replicated in vast quantities.
  3. Digital signal processing (DSP) is more flexible because DSP operations can be altered utilising digitally programmable systems.
  4. Digital signal processing is more-safe as digital information can be readily encrypted and compressed.
  5. Digital systems are more accurate, and error detection and correction codes can help to lessen the chances of an error.
  6. Digital signals can be transmitted over long distances.

Digital System

A digital system is any device which generates, transmits, processes, or stores digital signals. It can also be a group of devices that are designed to handle physical quantities or information which are expressed in digital form, meaning they can only take discrete values.

Analog System

When the magnitudes of the signal are defined by continuous variables, the system is analogous to the magnitudes which cause the signal to be generated. An analogue system is made up of devices which manipulate physical quantities that are represented in analogue form and that fluctuate across a wide range of values. As a result, an analogue quantity assumes continuous values.

Analog and Digital Systems Examples

Analog System Examples

Traditional systems of audio and video.

Analogic photography is also an example of the Analog system.

Digital Systems Example

Computers, Mobile phones, audio and video recording systems, digital precision instruments are some of the examples of digital systems.


A signal is an electromagnetic or electrical current which transports data from one system or network to the next.

Analog and digital transmissions are the two basic forms of signals.

Any continuous signal whose time varying feature (variable) is a representation of some other time varying quantity, that is, equivalent to another time varying signal, is an analogue signal.

A digital signal is one which is used to represent the data as a series of distinct values at any given time.

A digital system is any device which generates, transmits, processes, or stores digital signals.

When the magnitudes of the signal are defined by continuous variables, the system is analogous to the magnitudes which cause the signal to be generated.


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