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PPT Full Form

This article will highlight full form of PPT along with its definition and importance.

PPT Full Form

PPT stands for PowerPoint Presentations which are demonstrations of data, methods or a sequence of steps by which something is done. It contains drawings, charts and other images to communicate messages clearly.

PPT can be used as an adjective, adverb or a noun. PPT creation is the process of creating presentation slides with the help of Microsoft PowerPoint software. PPT slide refers to a single slide in a PowerPoint presentation.

PPT file refers to any document containing information in the PowerPoint format (which can also contain information in other formats).

File Extensions of PPT

PPT files have file extensions like .ppt, .pps and .potm which denote its content; these file extensions can be changed from the default one by Microsoft Office when saving PPT files.

What are Powerpoint Presentations?

A PowerPoint presentation is a demonstration of data, methods or a sequence of steps by which something is done, communicated with drawings, charts and other images. It has become integral in business communications, speeches and debates involving any kind of audience that needs information communicated to them in a more visual way than words can offer. It has changed the way information is exchanged all over the world today as people increasingly need graphs, maps and other visuals to understand what they’re reading about or talking about.

Use of Powerpoint Presentations

In today’s business scenario, it is almost impossible to imagine a presentation that doesn’t involve the use of PowerPoint. Nearly every speech and presentation made in any kind of business meeting includes the use of PowerPoint, as well as a significant number that don’t.

PowerPoint Presentations are used in many different fields of communications like politics, employee training, journalism, education and even art.

Developer of PowerPoint

The first PowerPoint was developed by Forethought, which was a company that specialized in software development for the Macintosh user. Microsoft bought the company in 1985 and continued to develop the product further. After several years, Microsoft released version 1.0 of this software which marked an end to its phase of beta testing, and also brought various new features such as animating objects and inserting sound into slides, to name a few.

The name “PowerPoint” is derived from “PowerPoint Presentation”, so called because presentations made with the help of this program are assumed by many people to be very powerful and persuasive.

Features of PowerPoint

PowerPoint makes it easy to create effective presentations in a matter of minutes with just a few clicks. PowerPoint has a variety of features that make things easier for both the presenter and audience. Some of the features are mentioned below:

  • Customizable Templates: Create Presentations using Customizable Templates, available in both Word and PowerPoint formats. These templates can be edited as per requirements.
  • Charts: Insert Charts and Graphs on your slides to make them more lively. You can choose different sizes for your charts, change their color or format them according to your needs.
  • Environments: Create different Presentations by choosing a different look and feel for your slides with the help of different Environments.
  • Animation: Make your presentation more dynamic by adding animation to it. You can also add voice-overs and music to it.
  • Slide Sizes: Design your slides using various sizes, such as small, medium, large or extra-large.
  • Multimedia: Add multimedia to create presentations that make more impact, including images, movie clips and audio files. With all these features, you’re hardly ever left with a chance to use PowerPoint without being able to create something that’s truly powerful and works effectively in the situation you’re in at the moment.

Benefits of PowerPoint

  • Easy to use: Accessible and easy to use, you can use it anywhere and anytime.
  • Compatible with most operating systems: It’s compatible with most operating systems including Windows and Mac.
  • Versatile: PowerPoint lets you work with a variety of files formats like .pdf, .doc, .ppt, .pptx etc., making it highly compatible with the most popular file formats.
  • No learning curve: It is so easy to learn that even a child can grasp its concept easily.

PowerPoint is a very useful tool that almost every professional has a copy of on their computer. It helps you create presentations that are easy to deploy and are highly effective in showcasing your skills as well as presenting your ideas. Besides this, it also helps you design posters and brochures, as well as websites and even manuals for your employees. PowerPoint is one of the best applications for creating presentations with ease and convenience, thanks to the variety of features it offers to its users. It’s very easy to learn and use, yet even experts find it highly useful in their line of work.


Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the CBSC Class 11 Examination Preparation.

Is PowerPoint a standalone program?

Answer: No, PowerPoint is not a standalone program. It is an application whic...Read full

What are the usual file formats used by PowerPoint?

Answer: PowerPoint presentations can be saved in several different file forma...Read full

When was PowerPoint first used?

Answer:  The first use of PowerPoint was in 1984 at a conference held by IBM....Read full

How can PowerPoint be used?

Answer: PowerPoint can be used in several ways, including creating presentations and designing posters. You can also use it to train your employees...Read full

Does PowerPoint offer high quality results?

Answer: Yes, PowerPoint does offer high quality results when you use it for c...Read full