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DPI Full Form

DPI has many full forms and refers to Dots Per Inch which determines the resolution of a picture or image and Digital Payment Index which allows digital transactions of money.

Dots Per Inch is defined as the unit related to resolution of printing, scanning of images, videos or documents. It depends on the dot density and is directly proportional to it i.e. as the dot density increases, resolution also increases. It is the measure of the dot’s number that lies across one inch (2.54 centimetres) of width in a line. It represents the touchscreen display’s sharpness in computers. More the Dots Per Inch, lesser will be the gap between the dots. The closer the dots, the more clear and sharp images it will give.

In September 2021, the Reserve Bank of India announced the Digital Payment Index which is defined as the digital technology of payments that will occur across India. The index value for March 2020 is 207.84 and the digital payment index will be published on the website of RBMI (Reserve Bank of India).

Uses of Dots Per Inch

The uses are as follows:

  • The quality of the digital printing of the picture can be determined by Dots Per Inch
  • The number of colour dots in a 1-inch frame gives information about the resolution of the image
  • The scanner’s or the printer’s resolution can be determined with the help of Dots Per Inch

Dots Per Inch in Printing

It is the resolution of a digital print obtained on a hard copy and is done when the ink spreads over the surface of some media like paper. The higher the dots per inch, the higher will be the clarity of the output image. It can either be black and white or colourful. Its range depends on the printer’s print head technology that it uses for printing. For example; laser printers have 600 to 2400 DPI, inkjet printers have 300 to 720 DPI  while dot matrix printers have 60 to 90 DPI. It has to be higher than that of pixels per inch (PPI).

Dots Per Inch in Mouse

In computer mouse, Dots Per Inch represents the mouse’s sensitivity. The more the Dots Per Inch of the mouse, the faster it will move or work. It represents the hardware’s capability and helps in dealing with screens of higher Resolution.

Parameters of Digital Payment Index

Digital Payment Index have 5 different parameters, and it includes:

  • Payment Performance (45% weight) :- include unique users, cash withdrawals, paper clearing, currency in circulation, digital payments system values and volumes
  • Payment Enablers (25% weight):- include aadhar, internet, mobile, participants, bank accounts and merchants
  • Payment Infrastructure- Supply-side factors (15%):- include ATMs, QR codes, PoS terminals, business correspondents, intermediaries and bank branches
  • Payment Infrastructure- Demand-side Factors (10%):- include FASTAG, credit cards, debit cards, prepaid payment instruments and customers registered mobile and internet banking
  • Consumer Centricity (5%):- include declines, complaints, system downtime, frauds and awareness and education

These are the parameters which play a vital role in calculating the Digital Payment Index across the country.

Recent Initiations of Digital Payment Index

The recent initiations are as follows;

  • The Reserve Bank of India developed PIDF (Payments Infrastructure Development Fund) to promote the merchant bank to open digital and physical PoS (Points of Sale) infrastructure
  • The NPCI (National Payments Corporation of India) has allowed WhatsApp to use UPI for easy payments through WhatsApp
  • The NPCI (National Payments Corporation of India) also granted almost 30% of the transactions should be proceeded through UPI payments


DPI has several full forms i.e. Dots Per Inch, Digital Payment Index, and both of them have different meanings with their importance in their respective fields or sectors. Digital payment index is used in internet banking, credit cards, debit cards, business correspondents, digital payment system volume and many more. Dots per inch explains the resolution of digital images and videos.


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Define Dots Per Inch and Digital Payment Index

Ans : Dots Per Inch is defined as the unit related to resolution of printing, ...Read full

Explain the uses of Dots Per Inch as well as its use in computer mouse.

Ans : The uses of the Dots Per Inch are as follows; ...Read full

Explain the recent initiatives of Digital Payment Index.

 The recent initiatives of Digital Payment Index are as follows; ...Read full

Give the parameters of the Digital Payment Index.

 Digital Payment Index have 5 different parameters and it includes: ...Read full